
Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

author:Equestrian Online
Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam
Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam
Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam
Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

"Hello Sanctos" was born 20 kilometers outside Ghent, Belgium. The breeder is Mariette, and her daughter, Lieve Taet, has witnessed him from birth to being traded: "My parents were cattle breeders, and riding and raising horses was just a hobby for them. The dam of 'Sanctos' is 'Nasia van het Gravenhof', and we still have this mare at home. ”

"Hello Sanctos"的父亲是"Quasimodo Van De Molendreef"。 他的父亲和母亲在赛场上几乎没有任何成绩。

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

马莱特的先生威利·泰特骑乘"Hello Sanctos"的母亲"Nasia van het Gravenhof"

"'Sanctos' was sold for a modest price, so it can be said that it was quite cheap. He looked like any other horse, nothing special, and my parents didn't expect much from him. They always sell the stallions and keep the mares to continue breeding. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

Two-and-a-half-year-old "Hello Sanctos" was sold, and his personality was like his mother, who didn't like to be disturbed in the stables and liked to have his own independent space. His mom "Nasia" likes to be alone in the stables, and no horse dares to mess with her on the ranch - quite bossy. Once the saddle is ready, you don't have to worry about putting the baby on her back.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

After the age of two and a half, "Hello Sanctos" began to train as a young horse tune teacher. In the fierce young horse races, there were no outstanding results. BUT AT THIS AGE, HE HAS ALREADY STEPPED UP TO THE 120CM CLASS, WHICH SPEAKS TO HIS POTENTIAL.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

American rider Peter Wilder

When "Hello Sanctos" was 7 years old, American rider Peter Wylde bought him. Peter was the team gold medalist in show jumping at the 2004 Athens Olympics and has solid coaching skills.

From the 120CM class, Peter and "Hello Sanctos" competed in the 2*, 3* and 4* races. In November 2010, they won the CSI 2*145CM Grand Prix in Oldenburg at the age of 8 years and 6 months.


Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

Later, when recalling the incident, Peter's words revealed regret, "We bought 'Hello Sanctos' when he was 7 years old, and I rode him until November of the year he was 8 years old. I know this horse can do anything. When he was 8 years old, I rode him in 5 Grand Prix races and finished in the top five every time. We won our last race in Germany, which was televised in Germany. On the Monday after the race, my phone rang nonstop. People were bidding ridiculously high, and my partner and I were his co-owners and we couldn't refuse those offers."

"I don't know if I made the right choice. I kind of regret now that I can't ride him. He's a great horse. Scott is a fantastic rider and we were lucky that he was selected by Scott in the end. They are a perfect pair. When Scott was ranked No. 1 in the world, it was "Hello Sanctos" who accompanied him.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

Scott Brash and "Hello Sanctos" at the 2015 World Equestrian Festival in Aachen

The highest bidder for "Hello Sanctos" was Ukrainian Alexander Onischenko, who is recruiting for the Ukrainian national team preparing for the London Olympics. German rider Katharina Offel, who has represented Ukraine for most of her career, took the reins of "Hello Sanctos".

Catherina said: "Before me, 'Sanctos' had already had success with Peter Wilder. However, it took a while for 'Sanctos' to get used to the way I rode and we weren't the kind of partner who fell in love at first sight. After a few games, we made the decision to sell him. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

German rider Katherina Oiffer

Catherine uttered the same exclamation as Peter Wilder: "Obviously, this is a great loss. Now, we all know that 'Sanctos' is the best horse to challenge for the medal table at the London Olympics and that the potential is much more than that, but I'm not sure anyone else can match him like Scott. Looking back at the decision, I think it was the best outcome for 'Sanctos' and he should stand with Scott. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

斯科特的新马主哈里斯(Harris)女士和科克汉姆(Kirkham)女士买下"Sanctos"。 将他的名字从"Sanctos van het Gravenhof"(来自格雷文霍夫的"Sanctos")加上了现在熟悉的前缀"Hello"。

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

For Scott, "Sanctos" changed his life. Little did Scott know that he and the horse would become one of the most successful partners in equestrian history.

"The first time I tried to ride him, I wasn't sure if he had the potential to be a champion horse. However, I soon knew that he would be a Grand Prix winner, but it took a little special quality to become a top sport horse, and I wasn't sure he had it at the time. I took him to Palm Beach, which was our first international game. Even though we quickly found each other's ways of working on the field, it wasn't good at first. After Wellington, I gave him a break for a while, but when he started again, he was very consistent. Whether it's training matches or big competitions, he has brought us good results time and time again. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

The Great Britain manager saw the potential of the pair at Wellington, who were called up to the Nations Cup for the first time. That summer, 27-year-old Scott and 10-year-old "Hello Sanctos" won Olympic team gold on home soil.

The following year, Scott became the world No. 1. At the European Championships, they won the team gold medal and the individual bronze medal. At the CSI 5* in Oslo, he won two consecutive nights to win a World Cup and a Grand Prix. That year, they won the annual World Equestrian Championships – and that day was Scott's 28th birthday.

In 2014, after several five-star Grand Prix victories, they won the Rolex Grand Prix at the Geneva International Equestrian Festival at the end of the year, kicking off the epic Rolex Show Jumping Grand Slam. In Geneva, they also won the Rolex IJRC Top 10 Final.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

In 2019, "Hello Sanctos" retired at the Geneva International Equestrian Festival, where his Grand Slam journey began

In 2015, they won the Rolex Grand Prix at the World Equestrian Festival in Aachen, completing back-to-back victories.

Before the CSIO Spruce Meadow Masters Rolex Presents CP International Grand Prix, Equestrian magazine reporters also arrived early. There weren't many people in the venue, only the venue team was busy setting the course, and we suddenly noticed Scott. His eyes swept the arena like an eagle standing high above the forest, his eyes blazing and his concentration focused.

Everyone knows that he and "Hello Sanctos" made history by winning the Grand Slam of Rolex Show Jumping – winning three Rolex Grand Prix titles in four consecutive Grand Slams. In 2015, the Dutch Masters had not yet joined the Grand Slam sequence, with only three Grand Slam events.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

斯科特·布拉什搭档“Hello Sanctos”赢得了劳力士场地障碍赛大满贯这一终极挑战

Scott, who won the Grand Slam, said in an interview: "I'm lucky to be working with a horse like 'Sanctos' and I feel like he's going to have no problem playing another round today. Riding three different horses in Geneva, Aachen and Calgary is a great achievement in itself, but it's incredible to do it on the same horse. ”

"There's this chemistry between us: on the ring, I feel like he knows what I'm thinking, I know what he's going to do next."

World Equestrian Festival Aachen 2024

Rolex Grand Prix Live Stream Preview:

Supported by:

Beijing Equestrian Sports Association, Shenzhen Equestrian Association

Organizer & Copyright Introduction:

Equestrian Magazine, Equestrian Online

Broadcast time:

Live broadcast from 18:30 - 23:30 p.m. on July 7, 2024

Live Streaming Platform:

Video account @equestrian online, Douyin @equestrian online, Bilibili APP, Migu video, Sina Weibo @equestrian magazine and @equestrian online

Commentary lineup:

Liu Tongyan, former captain of the Chinese equestrian team and triple champion of the National Games

Famous musician and national equestrian champion Luan Shu

Hangzhou Asian Games English broadcast Pang Bo

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

It wasn't until she saw "Hello Sanctos" shine at the London 2012 Olympics that Ms. Marlett, one of the "Hello Sanctos" breeders, was on the sickbed. "Hello Sanctos" won the Olympic gold medal with his rider that summer, and they finished fifth individually; In the winter of that year, Ms. Mallette left this world on a snowy day as if she had no regrets.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

"Hello Sanctos" made a splash at the London 2012 Olympic Games

For this cattle family, "Hello Sanctos" brings immense strength.

"'Sanctos' is very important to my family – not because of the money or because of what he has achieved, but because he has helped us through a difficult time. ”

At the end of 2012, Ms. Marlett, one of the breeders of "Hello Sanctos", passed away from cancer. At the end of her life, she saw her own horse in front of the whole world, which made her immensely proud. She took breeding and horseback riding as hobbies, but she didn't expect to be unintentionally planted in the willows.

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

Ivy Lee (centre), her father Willie Tate (right) and her son Joachim (left)

"After my mother died, my family was immersed in grief. Other breeders encourage us to pay attention to the dynamics of 'Sanctos'. His and Scott's success has given us hope and helped us through the painful time of losing a loved one. We started raising more horses, and the business brought us out of the shadows and rejuvenated. ”

In 2014 and 2015, Willy Taet, Lee's father, was invited twice to watch the Geneva International Equestrian Festival, "This was the first time my dad had traveled far by plane. In Geneva, 'Sanctos' topped the rankings for two seasons in a row, for which my dad won the WBFSH Show Jumping Breeder of the Year award. We are fortunate to have 'Sanctos' and he inspires us to devote ourselves to breeding with passion. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

Willy Tate and his daughter Ivy Lee won the 2015 WBFSH Showcasing Breeder of the Year Award, with the prize being a Rolex watch

On 14 December 2019, "Hello Sanctos" retired at the Geneva International Equestrian Festival, the starting point of their Rolex Show Jumping Grand Slam.

Willy, Lee's father, said: "On the day 'Sanctos' retired, my son was working with Sanctos' sister on tuning, and that was her first time ridden by a rider. We keep the family tradition alive. 'Sanctos' gives a good meaning to our breeding business, which is related to feelings, not money. ”

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

斯科特、威利·泰特和"Hello Sanctos"的母亲"Nasia van het Gravenhof"

2019年,斯科特从英国来到比利时乡下,来看望"Hello Sanctos"的母亲"Nasia van het Gravenhof"。 22岁的"Nasia"健康状况依旧不错。

Unfavourable and changing hands frequently, the horse eventually amazed the world on the road to a Grand Slam

The 2024 World Equestrian Festival Aachen Rolex Grand Prix will be broadcast live on the evening of July 7 on all Equestrian Online platforms.

Editor/Wan Fulin

图/劳力士、 Scott Brash

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