
Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

author:Read Shi Mingjian

In recent years, the United States has faced domestic and foreign difficulties, and one cannot help but wonder whether it will collapse abruptly like the Soviet Union in the past.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

The opposition between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party

America's internal dilemma

First, the current political division in the United States has reached historic proportions. The opposition between Republicans and Democrats makes the government's decision-making process extremely difficult. Whether it is on immigration policy, tax policy, or social welfare, it is difficult for both sides to agree, resulting in many key issues hanging unanswered.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

Second, the U.S. economy is also in a worrisome state. High levels of debt, inflation, and sluggish economic growth have exacerbated social contradictions. The middle class in the United States is shrinking, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. These economic problems have left many Americans anxious about the future and growing social discontent.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

External pressures and challenges

On the international stage, the United States is also facing unprecedented competitive pressures. China's rapid rise has not only competed with the United States economically, but also constantly challenged the United States in technology and militarily. At the same time, Russia is also constantly exerting geopolitical pressure to form a new round of containment of the United States.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

In addition, America's leadership in global affairs is increasingly being questioned. Trust among allies has declined, and many countries have begun to seek more independent foreign and military policies.

The dollar's position began to decline

In the global financial system, the dollar's position is beginning to show a downward trend. The demand for the dollar is gradually decreasing around the world, especially in the process of de-dollarization attempts by some economies. If the dollar's position continues to decline, the monetary policy that the United States relied on to alleviate economic distress may become ineffective.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

The impact of the dollar's declining status will be far-reaching. The debt crisis may erupt, inflationary pressures will increase, and the trust of the international market in the dollar will decrease, which will further weaken the economic strength of the United States.

Historical Comparison: The United States vs. the Soviet Union

A comparison between the current United States and the pre-collapse Soviet Union reveals some similarities. First, the Soviet Union also faced serious internal political and economic problems before its collapse. Government corruption and incompetence have led to a loss of public confidence in the system, and the economy has gradually collapsed as a result of a long-term planned economic system.

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?

However, there are differences between the two. The collapse of the Soviet Union was largely due to the extreme inefficiency of its planned economic system, while the market economic system of the United States was relatively flexible and able to adjust and recover itself. In addition, the multi-ethnic contradictions in the Soviet Union were extremely acute, while the United States was also facing racial problems, and there was a certain possibility of secession. After all, Texas really wants to hold an independence referendum! #头条首发大赛#

Trapped internally and externally, it collapsed in just a moment! Will the United States suddenly collapse like the USSR?
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