
When people are over fifty, put away the excessive "generosity" towards their children, so as to avoid their bleak evening

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

When their children grow up and become a family, it costs a lot of money, which is the consensus of many parents.

Therefore, many parents will be willing to empty their savings to meet these needs.

I have also met many parents who, in order to make their children's lives better and save face, sell their houses and live in a small house, or rent a garage.

This painstaking effort to tell the truth is really remarkable. But will it be rewarded?

Some parents try their best to be good to their children, but they can't get a little filial piety from their children. It's really pitiful to be treated like a white-eyed wolf by his children.

As a result, the second half of his parents' lives were spent in grievances, chewing on their pain. Do you say it's uncomfortable?

Love your children, there's nothing wrong with that. But it's just as important to love yourself.

Don't overly deprive yourself of resources for survival. That's not worth it.

When people are over fifty, put away the excessive "generosity" towards their children, so as to avoid their bleak evening

01 Don't do bad things with good intentions

One thing, actually, is funny: when our children are young, we all know to control their spending.

When our children are to buy a lot of toys when they are messing around with us, we all know that we can't get used to them. Be sure to refuse.

But when we grow up, we sometimes lose this sobriety.

When dealing with adult children, if we blindly reduce our own expenses and only save money for them to spend, it is easy to raise material children. Very bad.

Such children have nothing to do with filial piety.

For example, some parents are responsive to their children's needs. Even if the children are adults, they should earn their own money to pay the bills.

His parents still paid for him and paid a lot of unreasonable expenses.

Then the children naturally have to inch in.

In the end, there is only money in his eyes, no parents and filial piety.

A healthy parent-child relationship is not just about money, it's about money.

If parents in a family only use money to nurture relationships, it is easy to go wrong.

And when the children are adults, they should be responsible for their own expenses, right? Why should parents help them bear the burden?

When people are over fifty, put away the excessive "generosity" towards their children, so as to avoid their bleak evening

02 As a parent, you need to take control of your cash flow

When their children become adults, or even after they get married, parents should keep in mind that they are in charge of their own cash flow, that is, their salary cards, and all kinds of income.

The reason is very simple: as an adult, if your ears are so soft, you can't even keep the money you earn.

Then in the future, your own real estate and your own life will not be controlled.

For example, the parents' salary card, of course, should be kept by themselves. Unless the body is not good, the mind is not clear, and it is impossible to take control.

Once a child, in the healthy state of his parents, proposes to take over the salary card of his parents, it can be said that their abacus has been hit by the salary.

If parents do not understand that if they draw a dividing line between their own interests and the lives of their children, the consequences will be quite disastrous.

Your own salary income is your own safekeeping. This is a matter of course.

If there is a request for the child to take over, then the parents should understand in their hearts that the child has a wrong thought.

Pension is not reliable for them. Prepare yourself.

When people are over fifty, put away the excessive "generosity" towards their children, so as to avoid their bleak evening

03 Be prepared for your own medical expenses and care

When a person reaches fifty, basically, he has worked hard for half his life. All kinds of problems have begun to climb up.

At this time, you should pay attention to one point: if you are sick and need someone to take care of you, how much money will you need.

You can't put everything on your children, what if your children are not filial? Isn't that going to be in trouble?

For example, how much does a typical surgery cost? How much does the care cost?

This money basically has to be kept. It's even more generous.

In this way, at least when you are sick, you don't have to live so badly.

One can live for one's children, but not too selflessly.

Otherwise, you will find that the filial piety of your imaginary children did not come, and you let yourself give everything in vain.

The unwillingness of your heart alone will make you extremely miserable.

So don't let yourself live to that point. Do you agree?