
Can a man fall in love with two women at the same time? Tell you 4 cruel truths

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

Most of us are a bit of a cleanliness when it comes to relationships. What we pursue is a lifetime and a couple.

If there are two people in a person's heart, it will be regarded as a betrayal.

But in reality, human nature is complex. Even if some people are good husbands and wives on the surface, in fact, in their hearts, they are not necessarily like this.

From a woman's point of view, it is actually possible for a man to fall in love with two women at the same time. Don't believe it.

The reason behind it is not because this woman is not good enough, but because of these 3 points.

Can a man fall in love with two women at the same time? Tell you 4 cruel truths

01 There are few people and they are extremely self-disciplined

In fact, in reality, most people are not so self-disciplined people. Self-restraint is not strong.

If you don't believe it, you can take a look: how many people are fat and overweight? Do you have all kinds of bad habits?

In fact, there are not many people who really have strong binding force on themselves.

Even so, there is no need to expect everyone to be completely loyal and self-disciplined in love.

It's not that easy.

For example, a person likes to eat fragrant food and drink spicy food on weekdays. And then never exercise.

I like to play with my mobile phone, spend money indiscriminately, and there are many problems.

With such a personality trait, you expect him to be very restrained in love, and it is very difficult.

That's what people are. May ask others to do this and that. But for yourself, it's a double standard.

Probably loose.

Can a man fall in love with two women at the same time? Tell you 4 cruel truths

02 Different women have different advantages

The reality is that different women have different advantages.

Some women are elegant and intellectual, and some women are suitable for life. And some women, sexy and beautiful.

Therefore, men sometimes pursue different satisfactions in different women.

This is also the reason why they are in love with two women at the same time, or even multiple women.

For example, some men like a certain woman's wealth and status.

But he will also like some women, obedient and gentle. I like women who have beautiful appearances.

It's a completely different trait.

Our liking for the opposite sex, sometimes, is like collecting some kind of object.

Each piece has its own advantages.

That's the mentality.

Can a man fall in love with two women at the same time? Tell you 4 cruel truths

03 Kill boredom and loneliness

Some men, who have wives and children, will still fall in love with other women.

The reason is that he finds married life boring and boring.

Want to find someone else and pass the time.

For example, some men feel that their wives and family life are too boring.

I will be eager to talk to my female colleagues and my female neighbors. even talk to my wife's best friend.

Essentially, it's because of loneliness and boredom.

Frankly speaking, people will often feel bored in their lives.

Because once we get acquainted with work and lifestyle, we will find it boring.

It's also a human nature.

Can a man fall in love with two women at the same time? Tell you 4 cruel truths

04 Seek novelty

In many cases, the motivation for people to live lies in the sense of freshness.

With freshness, there is excitement and can grab people's attention. I think the days are interesting.

So for men, sometimes, the search for a new opposite sex is in search of novelty.

For example, dating different types of women, good or bad, is at least fresh.

I don't feel repetitive about my own lifestyle.

This is the essence.

For women, if they want a stable and loyal relationship, they must carefully identify whether a man has this kind of double-hearted trait.

Otherwise, your own efforts may be in vain.