
How long lovers can go depends on these 3 conditions, which is very accurate

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

In reality, how far can we go between us and our lovers? This is a classic topic.

When love is strong, we will be filled with all kinds of fantasies. I want to continue this beautiful relationship as much as possible until the earth lasts forever.

Those words "the sea is dry and the stones are rotten, this love is unswerving", "holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son", will often echo in our heads, which is our most sincere desire.

In fact, how far lovers can go depends not only on the quality of the relationship. It depends on whether some key events have happened.

If you encounter these 3 things, it can often determine the direction of the relationship between the two. Very accurate.

How long lovers can go depends on these 3 conditions, which is very accurate

01 Did anyone cheat?

Between lovers, how far can they go. In fact, the first decisive factor is whether there is cheating?

Once someone, start cheating. Then this relationship may turn cold overnight.

Even in the middle of the process, there may be something to forgive. But the knot still won't be untied.

In the end, it may be a breakup.

It's as simple as that.

Let's say that the relationship between two people is particularly good. The man gave the woman all kinds of romantic and luxurious treatment, and gave a lot of gifts.

The woman's conditions are also quite good, and the relationship between the two is very sweet.

But suddenly, the man cheats, then the woman's heart will suddenly cool down. And then struggle.

In the end, it is mostly the end of the relationship. Because of what? Because trust is gone.

If this kind of thing happens between lovers, then the breakup is probably on the way.

Maybe halfway through, you will go through the process of breaking up and getting back together. But in the end, most of them broke up.

You can't go wrong.

How long lovers can go depends on these 3 conditions, which is very accurate

02 Can I get married?

Can lovers agree to get married?

This is a test criterion for whether the relationship between the two is long-lasting.

In other words, if you can get married, it will last a long time.

If it comes to marriage, there is always something wrong with one party, then this relationship may also be in jeopardy.

Eighty percent is a breakup.

Let's say that lovers have a good relationship with each other and have been together for a long time. So the two of them will naturally consider whether to get married and have children?

After all, it's not bad to get along for a long time, but I will consider these things.

And there is age pressure in it, so it is natural to think about children's affairs.

At this time, if one of the two is very uncomfortable with marriage and cannot reach an agreement. Or, the conditions cannot be negotiated.

Then this relationship is basically broken.

Whether or not you can get married, basically, is the litmus test of a lover's relationship.

Because most people, after getting along for a long time, will think about this matter.

Of course, there are no absolutes. There are also people who have been living together for a long time and have a good relationship. This is also there.

How long lovers can go depends on these 3 conditions, which is very accurate

03 The collision between self-esteem and love

Whether the lover relationship between the two can be maintained depends on the duel process of self-esteem and love.

Because after getting along for a long time, self-esteem will jump out. There are many things that I will not be willing to endure.

At this time, it depends on the two of them, whether they choose self-esteem or love? Will it give in for love.

This determined the outcome of the two.

Let's say two people live together. As a result, the man is always busy with socializing, socializing, and working.

Often let the woman, alone in the empty room.

At this time, women will think, why should they endure this kind of life for the sake of men?

Her self-esteem may make her give up on this relationship, maybe it's okay.

Between lovers, it may be very sweet when you love. But when you break up, it can also be painful. This is normal.

Feelings are like this, there are gains and losses. You're right?!