
Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

author:Yan Chixia 123

On July 1st, the son of the African daughter-in-law Raou and Xiao Liu was born, the little guy is really lucky, inherited his father's white skin, big double eyelids, and very cute, which is really a happy thing, and Raou's mother and sister Manji in Africa are also thousands of miles away to visit, the family is reunited, it is so happy.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

Raoul is really lucky, she met a good husband and mother-in-law, who was well taken care of throughout her pregnancy, with all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables, and the child was born chubby, and her mother-in-law was also serving her on the side, enjoying the postpartum treatment that ordinary African women do not have.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

It is really her blessing to be able to marry Raou, this is already a very good life for her, in fact, everyone understands that an older rural youth like Xiao Liu, there is no house in the city before marriage, there is no stable job, and the appearance is not good-looking, it is really not easy to find a local daughter-in-law, although Rau is from Africa, but there is Phyllis as an Internet celebrity sister, Xiao Liu married her and became an Internet celebrity, and now the life of the family can be described as thriving

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

All netizens are very happy to see the child, because the African gene is very strong, basically the child born will be very black, but Xiao Liu's gene is bigger than Raou, the child is very white, and netizens even support the child not to let the child eat the mother's breast milk, so that the child will never turn black, I don't know if there is any basis for such a statement, but the child is always whiter.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

Now Raou's mother is also here, Phyllis has no mother-in-law, only grandfather, so Raou's mother-in-law went to the airport to meet her mother-in-law, and the two hugged each other tightly when they met.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

Raou's mother is really powerful, her two daughters are married, and she has become an Internet celebrity, and her earning power is also high, Phyllis has also repaired the house, the housing conditions have improved, and her mother has a new house to live in as soon as she comes, she is really a filial daughter.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit

Many netizens are wondering, this time my sister Manji also came over, is she also planning to marry here, in fact, my sister already has a stable local boyfriend, and she won't live here, this time I just want to see where my sisters live, visit Raou, who gave birth to a child, and will go back with her mother after a while. The two older sisters are married, and she has to go home to take care of her parents.

Congratulations to Raou for having a boy, his son's skin is "super white" like his father, and his mother and sister also came to visit