
One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

author:Liaoning traffic police

A seat belt is a life belt


Why are seat belts so important?

Why are seat belts called life belts?

Here's a case study

Drivers and passengers are wearing seat belts

How important

One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

Positive case

At 16:20 on May 22, Fushun, Liaoning. Chu drove a small ordinary passenger car to Mahe Village, Fushun County, Fubing Town, due to improper operation, collided with a small ordinary passenger car parked on the side of the road, due to the accident, the driver Chu wore a seat belt according to the regulations, and was not injured.

One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

Negative case

At about 10:20 on June 15, Panjin, Liaoning. Yang drove a small passenger car, along the South Street of Huancheng in Xinglongtai District from north to south to the intersection with Taishan Road when he turned right, and collided with a heavy-duty semi-trailer tractor driven by Li who was going straight from east to west, and then collided with the sidewalk signal light pole, the accident caused different degrees of damage to the two vehicles, the pedestrian crossing signal light pole was damaged, and the driver of the minibus Yang was injured under the impact of the vehicle because he did not fasten his seat belt according to the regulations.

One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!
One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

Traffic police tips

In the event of a traffic accident, seat belts can protect drivers and passengers from secondary collisions or being thrown out of the car when the vehicle collides violently or rolls over and other emergencies, so please fasten your seat belts throughout the process

One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

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One helmet and one belt | Seat belts, "remember" more than "fasten"!

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