
The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

author:Wild Girl

The May Day holiday has passed like this, and with the hustle and bustle of the first two days, there is now only a piece of tranquility left. Many netizens said that the economic situation is not good this year, those who go to work can't earn 5,000 yuan, and there is no way to do business. Look at Qingdao Zhanqiao, Hangzhou's West Lake, and Zibo's Eight Bureaus, there are crowds of people everywhere, and even many restaurants can't sit at all. They all say that the economy is not good, is this a white lie? In fact, most people still have money, how can they travel without money? At this time, some netizens said, in fact, I am also a part of the tourists, but I am really a poor tour, I set up a tent by the sea, saving accommodation fees, free high-speed, is to take the children out for a meal, and go to the attractions, there is no ticket, and many people are like me, are poor travelers!

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

Some netizens analyzed that in fact, the people who are really willing to travel and enjoy travel are nothing more than these few people. The first part is the civil servants, who have a stable salary and do not consider the problem of unemployment. So when they go out on a trip, even if it costs money, they won't be anxious. There are also some people who are pensioned old people, they have reached the age, they should pay for everything, and they begin to enjoy their own lives when they are old, and now the elderly can think openly, there is no need to pick and search to treat themselves, go out to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, feel comfortable, and make their old age colorful. There are also some people who are now students, students are still studying, have not really stepped into the society, do not know the hard work of earning money, most of them spend their parents' money to travel, scenic drinks are so expensive, Kaka is to buy, maybe the parents at home are still sticking to their posts, hard to earn money!

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

In fact, the analysis of netizens is very reasonable, in fact, this is the case, the real money may be such a few people, most of them are on the road of poor travel, those who can save money will save expenses, and they can spend less if they can spend less, just to take the children out for a walk. Of course, there are indeed some high-speed rail and plane tickets can not be grabbed, the line is popular, can not grab tickets, many people are not to travel, but to go home to visit relatives, home to see their parents. Some netizens said that I just went home to visit my old mother, and as soon as I stepped into my hometown, I received a text message from the hometown tourism bureau, welcoming you to travel anywhere, which made him a little embarrassed.

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

They all say that the current economic environment is not good, and I don't know whether the current economic environment is good or not, you have to say okay, now even doctors can't pay salaries, you have to say no, really, when it comes to holidays, everywhere is people. The highway is overcrowded, and there are queues in shopping malls and places to eat. There are even netizens who said, in fact, let me tell you, I just lost my job and was in a bad mood, so I wanted to take advantage of the holiday to go out for a walk, which ......

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

If we say that the average salary in all parts of the country is 5,000 now, this number should not be high, it is more real. But how much can you earn 5,000 a month? You also have to ensure that your job is relatively stable and there is no risk of unemployment, so that you can boldly go out to travel. I don't know how your friends spend their holidays? Most of my friends didn't travel, and most of them went back to their hometowns. Many people say, first, there are too many people going out during the holidays, and there is no mood for travel. Second, children can't go away at all if they want to learn. Third, the most important thing is that there is no money, and when I go out, it is like running water, but it is too difficult to make money, I don't know when I have to go to the hospital, I don't have money, and I can't even see a disease. [covers face]

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

But there is a really strange question, although the tourist attractions all over the country are people, but there is no tourism bureau to count the number of consumption, only to say which scenic spot is full, without mentioning the consumption limit, is it really like netizens said, those who travel are poor travelers?

The comments are heart-wrenching! The economy is sluggish, and I can't earn 5,000 yuan a month, and the scenic spot is still crowded!

Friends, how much money do you contribute to the country's GDP during the holidays? #头条创作挑战赛#

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