
In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

author:More than 30,000 years.

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

In 1992, I graduated from the health school, and with enthusiasm and a vision for the future, I longed to work in the city, get rid of the rural hukou, and become a real city person.

Most of the people in our village have been facing the loess with their backs to the sky all their lives, and it is rare to be able to go to the city to work, and it is a good thing that the ancestral tomb is smoking. My parents are honest farmers with a low level of education, but they have high hopes for me, hoping that I can get out of the countryside and live a good life.

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

After graduating from the health school, the assignment of jobs was put on the agenda. It wasn't like now, when the job market was open and you could find a job on your own. We were all assigned in packages at that time, but where the assignment goes depends a lot on your family's relationship and background.

My parents racked their brains to ask people everywhere for me to work in the city. They pinned their hopes on my second uncle. My second uncle works as a logistics worker in a hospital in the city, although his position is not high, but he has been in the city for some years and knows some contacts.

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

My parents deliberately killed a chicken, carried two bottles of good wine, and took me to visit my second uncle's house. The second uncle and aunt were very enthusiastic about me, and praised me for being sensible and good at studying. After three rounds of drinking, my father finally said the purpose of the trip, and wanted to ask my second uncle to help me see if he could assign me to the hospital in the city.

After hearing this, the second uncle pondered for a moment and said, "It's not easy to do this." Now there is no shortage of people in the city hospital? But there are only so many places, and there are more monks and less porridge! ”

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

When my father heard this, he chuckled in his heart, quickly poured wine for the second uncle, and said with a smiling face: "Second uncle, you know, our family is counting on this child." If you can help, let us do anything! ”

The second uncle took another sip of wine and said slowly: "It's not impossible, I know President Wang of the First People's Hospital in the city, and the relationship is not bad." I'll ask him out for dinner another day to find out. But ......."

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

The second uncle deliberately lengthened his voice, and my parents hurriedly asked, "But what?" ”

"In these days, everything has to be done at a cost. Dean Wang's side, I guess I'll have to pay two thousand yuan anyway. The second uncle stretched out two fingers and gestured in the air.

In 92, I graduated from the health school and wanted to go to the city to work, and my family gave my relatives 2,000 yuan

Two thousand! At that time, it was not a small amount, equivalent to the savings of my parents for several years. My parents looked at each other with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

When I saw this, I felt very uncomfortable, and quickly said, "Mom and Dad, or forget about it." I obey the assignment and go anywhere. ”

My mom glared at me and said, "What stupid thing are you talking about, you kid!" Isn't it just that we work hard for you to study? This money, we will smash the pot and sell iron for you! ”

My dad also nodded and said, "Yes, Fengzi, don't worry about it, just wait for the news." ”

In this way, my parents scraped together and finally borrowed enough money and handed it over to my second uncle. The second uncle patted his chest and promised that this matter was on him, so that I could wait for news at home.

The first wait was more than a month, but there was no movement on the second uncle's side. My parents couldn't sit still at first, so they ran to the second uncle's house every three or five days, but every time the second uncle just said perfunctorily that Dean Wang has been busy lately and hasn't taken care of this matter yet, so let them wait.

I vaguely felt that something was wrong in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it, for fear that my parents would worry. Until one day, I overheard people in the village talking about it, saying that the second uncle had recently owed a lot of debts and was borrowing money everywhere!

I was struck by lightning and my mind went blank. I stumbled home and told my parents what I had heard. After hearing this, my parents immediately sat down on the ground and couldn't speak for a long time.

Their hard-earned money was lost, and my hopes of going to work in the city were completely dashed. My mom couldn't help but cry, and my dad didn't say a word, just silently smoked dry cigarettes, one after the other, and in the smoke, I seemed to see a few new strands of gray hair on his head.

I was filled with self-blame and guilt that I had failed my parents' expectations. I vow that I must work hard to make a good life for my parents and make up for this loss.

Fate seems to have played a joke on me. I was assigned to a remote mountain health center, hundreds of miles away from my home, with inconvenient transportation and difficult conditions.

I was holding the allotment letter, and it felt like I was holding a thousand-pound stone, and I was overwhelmed. I can't imagine how my parents would feel when they saw this notice.

With a heavy heart, I returned home. When I told my parents about the results, they were not as disappointed and sad as I imagined, but accepted the reality calmly.

"Fengzi, don't be discouraged, it's the same everywhere you go, as long as you work hard, there will always be a success." My dad patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"Yes, Fengzi, the matter of your second uncle is that we don't know anyone, and it has nothing to do with you. You just have to remember that we will always have your back, and we have your back wherever you go. My mom comforted me too.

I looked at my parents' old faces and listened to their simple words, and my eyes moistened. I secretly made up my mind that I must work hard in the mountains and live up to my parents' expectations, and even more so my youth.

After coming to the mountain health center, I quickly adapted to life here. Although the conditions were difficult, I found my life here to be worthwhile. I conscientiously studied business knowledge, worked hard to improve the level of medical care, and did my best to serve the people in the mountainous areas.

Because I work conscientiously and responsibly, and treat people warmly and thoughtfully, I quickly won the recognition and praise of the local people. They often bring some souvenirs and thank me for treating them.

One day, an old man brought his granddaughter to the health center to see a doctor. The little girl had acute appendicitis and needed immediate surgery. The conditions in the health center are limited, and there are no conditions for surgery.

I decided to send the little girl to a hospital in the city for treatment. I contacted the county ambulance and personally escorted the little girl to the city. Along the way, I stayed by the little girl's side, telling her stories, comforting her, and encouraging her.

When I arrived at the hospital in the city, I went through various procedures non-stop and contacted the doctor for surgery. It wasn't until the operation was successfully completed and the little girl was out of danger that I was relieved.

The little girl's family was very grateful to me, and they said that if I hadn't rescued me in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. I told them that this was what I was supposed to do.

This incident became a good story in the local area. This is how I got to know the little girl's uncle, Li Qiang, who is the head of a company in the city. Li Qiang admired my medical skills and character very much, and he invited me to work in his company as the head of the company's infirmary.

I politely declined Li Qiang's invitation, and I said, I like my current job, and I like to serve the people in the mountainous areas. After Li Qiang listened to my words, he admired me even more.

Later, Li Qiang often came to visit me in the mountains, and we became good friends who talked about everything. One day, Li Qiang brought a beautiful girl and introduced her to me.

"This is my sister, Li Mei, who is an elementary school teacher." Li Qiang smiled and said, "After she heard about your deeds, she admired you very much, and she insisted that I bring her to meet you." ”

I looked at Li Mei with some embarrassment, and Li Mei also blushed and lowered her head. In this way, under Li Qiang's matchmaking, Li Mei and I began to date.

Li Mei is gentle and kind, empathetic, and we can talk very well. We climb mountains together, look at the stars together, talk about the world together, and look forward to the future together. I found that I had fallen deeply in love with this kind and beautiful girl.

A year later, Li Mei and I got married. The wedding is simple, but full of warmth and sweetness. My parents also came from their hometown to attend our wedding, and they smiled with relief when they saw that I had found my happiness.

After getting married, Li Mei gave up her job in the city for me, came to the mountains, and worked with me in the health center. We support each other, make progress together, and contribute to the medical and health cause in the mountainous areas together.

I finally understood that on the road of life, we may encounter all kinds of setbacks and tribulations, but as long as we do not give up hope and hard work, we will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and reap our own happiness. And I, under the arrangement of fate, finally found my own love and career.

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