
"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

author:Abundant spring and autumn

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching

Eighty-eight years old

——Reading Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book "The Voice of the Elderly".

Author: Yang Junliang

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

A hardcover book, heavy, held in my hand, checked, it weighed three catties, smelled it, and exuded a faint fragrance of ink.

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

This is my old comrade-in-arms, but Mr. Zhu Bingchu, who is 18 years older than me and is now 88 years old, has just published his fifth book, "The Voice of the Elderly." The book has 648 pages, 241 articles, and a total of 730,000 words.

All the articles in this book were completed by Mr. Zhu in two years. I did the math, 730,000 words divided by 730 days in two years, an average of 1,000 words per day! 730,000 words, before publication, you have to go through four proofreadings, one word at a time, how much time does it take? Think about it, what a lot of work! How could it have been done without great enthusiasm and extraordinary perseverance!?

It costs a lot of money to publish a book at his own expense, and every time Mr. Zhu has to buy back hundreds of copies, paste a mailing slip one by one, and send it to his comrades-in-arms, friends, literary friends, relatives and friends through the post office, how much does it cost? The thought of this brings tears to my eyes. Amiable, lovely and respectable Brother Zhu, how many people can do your infatuation, love, affection, and affection? !

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

I was fortunate to be a friend of Mr. Zhu. It was the early 90s of the last century, when I was working in the Organization Department of the Beijing Military Region, and Mr. Zhu was an associate researcher in the Organization Department who was responsible for compiling the "Encyclopedia of China." Because I like to write and draw, and occasionally publish some small articles in newspapers and magazines, I have similar interests to Mr. Zhu, so I quickly got acquainted with Mr. Zhu. At that time, he had just finished a book to be published, and I had the courage to design the front and back covers for him, and I also made the end of the article. It seems crudely and clumsy now, but Mr. Zhu is very happy, and this book became the beginning of my friendship with him. After that, I often went to him for advice, and he always took the trouble to teach me writing skills, which benefited me a lot, and I greatly admired this good teacher and brother who was gentle and full of experience.

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

I moved to another location in 1996 and lost contact with Mr. Zhu. One day before the epidemic, I unexpectedly received a call from Mr. Zhu, who somehow found my contact method, and we talked on the phone for a long time, and we were very excited for each other. After that, Mr. Zhu sent me three of his books one after another, "Writing at Sunset", "Review and Reflection", and "Sunset Picking Zero". I visited his house twice and gave him a painting of "Old and Strong", but I didn't expect him to frame it on the wall and hang it in a very eye-catching place within a few days, which moved me so much.

Since then, we have not been in touch, and now we are active together on the platform of "Fengrong Spring and Autumn". Zhu Lao's blowout articles appeared at two ends in three days, prose, poetry, and novels, all of which were written and refined, all of which were convincing.

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

"Voices of the Elderly" is divided into 10 parts:

Reflections of the Times: 31 articles. or poems or essays, they praise the party, the motherland, the people, the army, the heroes, the great era, and all the good things, fully demonstrating the author's beautiful heart.

Perception of life: 39 articles, each of which is an insight into life. Zhu Lao believes that life is a book, life is a road, life is a river, life is a mountain, we must face life, laugh at life, enrich life, create life, and live a valuable and meaningful life.

Life Touches: 23 articles. Life is rich and colorful, and the joy of life is endless. Pursue a life of pleasure and elegance and avoid unproductive disputes. We must love life, cultivate ourselves, and be a happy immortal.

Testimonials: 11 articles. Mourning the great man, mourning the chief, mourning the comrades-in-arms, mourning the beloved wife, the articles that hit the heart, the words and sentences make people feel sad and tearful, and break the liver and intestines, showing the true feelings and great love of Zhu Lao!

Philosophical Inspiration: 42 Essays. It is a substantial revision and enrichment of Zhu Lao's first collection of essays and essays published 26 years ago, "Messages from Youth". It is an in-depth philosophical reflection on 42 aspects of life cultivation and dealing with the world.

Psychological induction: 6 short novels, 2 reviews, showing that small things are not small and the truth is deep, and the interesting stories are heartfelt, which makes people meditate in a smile and understand the rules and guidelines of being a person and doing things.

First feeling: The platform launched the "first time in my life" writing call, and Brother Zhu responded positively, and wrote 23 "firsts" in a short period of time, from teenagers to old age, the content involves all aspects. Many firsts in his life have made Mr. Zhu mature step by step, step by step to a new level in life, grow into an excellent soldier, and grow into a literary master.

Testimonials: 30 articles. All of them are Mr. Zhu's thoughts on other people's articles and anthologies. There were praises and responses after reading my 4 poems, which moved me very much. Mr. Zhu attaches great importance to the works of others, and writes review articles about those who can move him with emotion. This spirit of being open-minded and eager to learn and being good at communicating with other authors should all be well studied.

Wenyou sighed: A total of 31 Wenyou's evaluation of Mr. Zhu and his collection of essays. Literary friends called him "Immortal Song" and "Cattle Man", and called his life "poetic life" and "brilliant life". Everyone regards Mr. Zhu as a "mentor and helpful friend", saying that they want to learn from Mr. Zhu, cultural pension, old age, life, pen and work, always maintain positive energy, and fully reflect the value of life!

Postscript: Mr. Zhu wrote an essay at the end of the book, "Hurry up and live, keep plowing", calling on people to "life is short, life is limited, we must cherish it very much, don't waste time", "If you don't hurry up and live, you will be ashamed of your life!" ”

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

Mr. Zhu's above "Ten Senses" chapter, each sense has a reason to inscribe, "Sense" contains affection, affection, reason, affection, sentiment, sentiment, taste, complex, situation, love with the situation, deep feelings. In particular, the final "Postscript Feelings" expresses the central theme of the book: "The afterword recounts the heartfelt feelings, and the feelings drip into the heart; live up to the great new era, express your heart and feelings; Looking back on the journey, the journey is full of style, and the steps along the way are sonorous; The energy of the article is passed on to Kun, and the wisdom of poetry and books is inherited. ”

After receiving the book, I immediately contacted Mr. Zhu and said that I wanted to write something. Zhu Lao said, "Don't worry about it, you have already overrated me!" The most important thing is to learn from each other, and it is better to use less or no beautiful words! I replied to him, "My beautiful words are to inspire peers or juniors", and told him that there was a young man who was very moved by your deeds, and said that he would take you as an example, get rid of twilight, work hard, strive for excellence, and be a useful person to society.

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

To be honest, there are many articles evaluating Mr. Zhu's personality and works, and many friends are telling the truth, and there are no boasting and praise. I have also praised him as a man of political determination, a man of hard work, a man of great seriousness, a man of extraordinary perseverance, a man of great love, a man of integrity and selflessness, and a man of great love of life. Comrade Li Jingfu, our common comrade-in-arms, wrote an essay entitled "Advocating Great Love, Loving Deep Feelings," praising him for his "love for the country, the party, the army, the people, relatives, friends, talents, literature, study, and family." He made specific annotations on these 10 aspects, and wrote a poem of praise for each aspect.

The day before yesterday, after receiving the book "Voices of the Elderly," General Ma Yuwei, former deputy director of the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region, sincerely sighed: "Around us, how many people who are not yet old enough have no freshness in life; How many people in the prime of their youth let a lot of time slip through their fingers tapping on the keyboard of an online game; How many people who have had such and such specialties are no longer willing to stick to their hobbies in their twilight years; How many older people no longer care about many things with the worldly mentality of seeing through the red dust...... And the 88-year-old Mr. Zhu Bingchu next to me is still like a private who has just entered the barracks, maintaining a high-spirited and upward mental state, his eyes are shining with expectations and enthusiasm for life, holding a gun in one hand and a pen in the other, thinking about sending a little heat, adding a point of color, and adding a point of light to human society. He is really an 'immortal pine'! ”

I deeply agree with General Ma Yuwei. Yu Qiuyu, a literary giant, pointed out in the book "Cultural Journey": After retirement, the fastest way to get a person to abolish is not to smoke and drink, but two things, one is to lose enterprising, and the other is to continue to be depressed.

Many people are full of fighting spirit when they are young, but gradually lose interest and direction in life after retirement. They no longer pursue new knowledge, no longer set new goals, and gradually become satisfied with the status quo and lose the vitality of life. As people get older, some people may become more and more pessimistic, lose confidence in the future, and wait for death.

Mr. Zhu is not like this. He and Yu Qiuyu have the same understanding, that is, no matter how young they are, they must continue to learn and explore the true meaning of life, which is not only the task of young people, but also the elderly. The true value of life is not how much you have, but how much you give to the world.

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

A person's life is limited, but Mr. Zhu has stretched this lifeline with his efforts. I don't remember who said it, life is not only about length, but also about width and thickness, which is fully reflected in Mr. Zhu. When we study Zhu Bingchu, we don't want to study how to write articles, but the most important thing is to learn this: Lao Ji is a long way, he is determined to be thousands of miles, he is old, and the older he gets, the more he works!

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and it leaves traces at the age of eighty-eight. Cultural pension is endless fun, turtle age crane longevity forever youth!

(June 24, 2024 in Chaoyang, JD)

"The Voice of the Elderly" is touching, and the age of 88 leaves traces - I have a feeling when I read Mr. Zhu Bingchu's new book

About author:Yang Junliang is a retired military officer and retired cadre of Beijing Municipal Government. Since childhood, he has been fond of literature and art, and has published thousands of literary, calligraphy and photographic works in various media, and published more than 10 political commentaries, poems and photography works independently or in cooperation with others. He is currently a member of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, a consultant of the China Maoti Calligraphers Association, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of China Education Television's "Ink and Wash Danqing", a contracted artist of the "Ink and Wash Danqing" and "Famous Lectures" columns of China Education Television, a member of the Bangshu Art Research Association of the China Culture and Art Development Promotion Association, a certified artist of the National Artist Publicity System, and the chief art consultant of the China Collection-level Artist Network. He is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association and a member of the Council of the Chinese Musicians Club. The compilation of military textbooks has been awarded the first prize of the army's scientific and technological achievements, and his musical works (lyrics creation) have won the first prize of the army, a national silver medal, and three national gold medals, and he has been awarded the title of "China's outstanding music (lyrics) instructor". He has been awarded the honorary titles of "2021 Outstanding Contributor to the Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Industry", "Outstanding People's Artist", "Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy", "Art Ambassador for Hong Kong's Return to China", "Artist with the Most Collectible Works", and "Focus on the Two Sessions, Famous Calligraphers and Painters of Virtue and Art" in 2023. He is the author of the photography books "The Voice of the Book Shadow", "Beauty in the Heart", and "Smart Moment".