
Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

author:Abundant spring and autumn

Recommend a good practice for hygiene management in student dormitories

Written by Tan Aiping

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

The author took a group photo with Mr. Zhang (left) after the class lecture

The dormitory is an important place for secondary vocational students to study, live, entertain, rest and communicate, and the quality of dormitory hygiene directly affects the daily life, learning and communication of secondary vocational students, as well as the mental health and personality development of secondary vocational students, and even affects the stability and safety of the school. I have done research and found that many student fights are directly or indirectly caused by dormitory hygiene problems. Of course, it is not easy to do a good job of hygiene in the dormitory, especially for the boys.

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

As an "old class teacher" who has been a class teacher for 22 years and has led more than 10 classes, I have also explored some dormitory hygiene management practices when I was on the job, but the results are not obvious, that is to say, I have not found an effective practice. Therefore, after retirement, I have always paid more attention to the hygiene of the dormitory of the class. For example, I will take a closer look at the health inspection of each class dormitory announced by the Student Section or the Security Department or the monthly civilized and hygienic dormitory awards. Over time, I found that over the years, every class led by Mr. Zhang Guomao has done a good job in dormitory hygiene management. I think the reason why these classes he has led can be rated as advanced classes is inseparable from the good hygiene management of their dormitories. It's hard to imagine that a class with poor dormitory hygiene can be rated as an advanced class. In other words, the dormitory hygiene of the advanced classes is relatively good, at least not bad.

So, over the years, how has Mr. Zhang managed the hygiene of the student dormitory, and what are the good practices? Recently, with this question in mind, I used the spare time before and after he invited me to his class lecture to have a number of conversations with him, and he also introduced to me in detail some of his main practices over the years, and I also talked with a number of student class leaders in their classes to learn more about their specific practices and effects. I think that Mr. Zhang's dormitory hygiene management practice is worth learning and learning from.

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

The author talks to the students in the class

I summarized Mr. Zhang's dormitory hygiene management practice as a "three-step method"

Step 1: Establish rules and regulations. The premise of management is the system. At the beginning of the school, Mr. Zhang led the whole class to participate in the formulation and improvement of the rules and regulations of the dormitory, especially the detailed dormitory sanitation duty schedule and the dormitory sanitation model room, and carried out the dormitory housekeeping in strict accordance with the requirements and standards of military training.

Ensure that all aspects of the dormitory are based on rules and evidence from the beginning. At the same time, use class meetings and spare time to publicize and learn these systems, so that every student understands and consciously abides by the system, and at the same time makes three clear: clearly create a clean and tidy environment, and create a positive dormitory atmosphere is very important for students to learn; It is clear that the dormitory is a place for students to live and rest, and the health condition of the dormitory is directly related to the vital interests of students; It is clear that dormitory sanitation work is an important part of the work of class cadres, and we must conscientiously do a good job.

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

Step 2: Execution and landing. No matter how good the system is, if it is not implemented, it is a dead letter. Mr. Zhang often urges all students to strictly implement the rules and regulations of the dormitory, especially the dormitory sanitation and cleaning regulations, to ensure that the system is implemented. For violations of the system, they will be dealt with in accordance with the school rules, class rules, and house rules, so as to maintain the seriousness and authority of the system. The treatment is generally divided into five stages: (1) ideological work first, (2) ideological work plus appropriate physical exercise, (3) parents join in the work, (4) enable school rules and discipline for final processing, and (5) report to the school for withdrawal or expulsion. The above five stages are suspended at any time depending on the degree of correction of the student.

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

Step 3: Check the feedback. Management is a closed-loop process. Students clean the dormitory 3 times a day (before class, before noon class, before evening class) and take pictures, first by the head of the dormitory after acceptance, and then send to the class teacher for final acceptance, pass the pass to give praise, unqualified timely point out the existence of problems and ask for rectification to qualified. With a focus on timely feedback, students are able to keep abreast of their work performance and existing problems, so that they can continuously improve and improve. In this way, through the students' cleaning and photo acceptance three times a day, the dormitory has achieved the effect of meeting the hygiene standard for one day.

A few days ago, just as I was writing this article at the end of the article, the student section announced the dormitory health awards in April and May this year in the WeChat group of the school's homeroom teacher's work, and I stopped writing and couldn't wait to check it on my mobile phone: there are 6 dormitories for boys and girls in the class, and 5 of them have been rated as civilized and sanitary dormitories. Among them, in April, the 411 dormitory for girls won the second prize, the 508 dormitory for boys won the first prize, the 506 and 507 dormitories won the second prize, and the 408 dormitory won the third prize. May: Female dormitory 514 won the first prize, dormitory 411 won the second prize; Male dormitory 506 won the first prize, and dormitory 507 and 508 won the third prize. Seeing this result, I feel that Mr. Zhang's dormitory hygiene management practice is an effective practice, which is practical, operational, and effective, and has reference and promotion value.

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

Facts have proved that the hygiene of a dormitory is closely related to the attention of the class teacher. The formation of students' good hygiene habits does not happen overnight, and the class teacher needs to pay attention to methods and supervise and guide, so as to promote students to gradually develop good hygiene habits. I hope that the "three-step method" of Mr. Zhang's dormitory hygiene management will help and inspire the majority of homeroom teachers to manage the hygiene of the dormitory of students in the class, which is also the purpose of this article.

(24 June 2024)

Tan Aiping|Recommend a good practice of hygiene management in student dormitories

About author:Tan Aiping, a native of Hainan Agricultural Reclamation, has won more than 10 national and provincial honors, such as National Excellent Teacher, National Famous Teacher of Vocational Education, and National Top Ten Class Teacher. He is currently the director of the Customs Working Committee of Hainan Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Haikou Technical Secondary School and the secretary of the Party branch of retired workers. He served as the director of the Guan Working Committee for 5 years, gave 527 in-depth class volunteer lectures, and donated more than 60,000 yuan. He led the school work committee to create a work brand such as "making theme lectures 'bright' in the class", "making theme education reading activities 'move' in the class", helping the school to "help the poor and helping students", and running "four lecture halls" to help students grow. In 2020, he was rated as a national advanced worker who cares for the next generation; In 2021, he was rated as an advanced worker in the national education system to care for the next generation; In 2022, the School Working Committee was rated as an advanced collective in Hainan Province for caring for the next generation.

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