
Will fuel vehicles be phased out? There may be three major situations in the future, and holders need to be vigilant

author:Ant shrimp kan

To be prepared for the general trend has gone, those who hold oil trucks may face 3 situations in the future! The most feared place for many fuel vehicle owners is that oil prices begin to grow frequently, and many people even because of this, they dare not drive to and from work, and it is just in this process that new energy vehicles begin to be stronger, which leads to the development of fuel vehicles becoming more passive, and the country is now giving a lot of relevant preferential policies to the hands of new energy vehicle owners, which leads to fuel vehicles, and now the challenges are very huge. For now, however, they still dominate the market.

But only those who know the industry know that they have already gone to the general trend, and for traditional cars, what three situations will they face? First of all, the first nature has a lot to do with new energy vehicles, and now in fact, the country attaches more importance to the development of new energy vehicles than the development of traditional fuel vehicles, so what is the reason for such a situation? Then it has to be mentioned that the development speed of new energy is very fast, and now there are experts in related fields to understand all aspects of data for such a phenomenon, and after understanding, they found that in 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles in mainland China will exceed 7 million. This also means that they directly occupy 1/2 of the entire automobile market by themselves.

Will fuel vehicles be phased out? There may be three major situations in the future, and holders need to be vigilant

Such a phenomenon, in fact, in real life is also very obvious, now many people in the car when buying, almost all of them are buying new energy vehicles, from this can also be seen the position of traditional cars, it is likely that it will not take long, will be replaced by new energy vehicles, in response to this phenomenon, major manufacturers they also put the goal in the field of new energy vehicles, such as BYD, before this, BYD is studying fuel vehicles, but later saw the electric vehicle market, After being more popular, the target has been put on the electric vehicle market, and now the price of the electric car manufactured by BYD is relatively cheaper, it is precisely because the competitiveness of electric vehicles in the market is very strong, so now consumers, their choice space will be relatively larger, in order to be able to drive the development of new energy vehicles, in fact, there are now many countries that have implemented certain preferential policies, including the mainland, the mainland is now many regions have achieved measures such as unlimited traffic, and the purchase of pure electric vehicles, You can also enjoy a state subsidy.

In this case, more and more people are reluctant to buy traditional trams, and there is another benefit, that is, these electric vehicles, in fact, their batteries and electronic control systems are relatively simple, so why the country is now crazy to promote the development of electric vehicles, which has to mention the strict emission standards issued by various governments, and now in many places, their climate change and environmental pollution are very serious, the country in order to improve these two phenomena, so it has carried out a new emission standard, Higher requirements for the exhaust of many fuel vehicles, if the exhaust emissions can not meet the standard, it also means that the fuel vehicle is not on the road, in this case, many old models, they are facing a very tense situation, in this case, many car owners in order to avoid their own purchase of fuel vehicles, also encountered such a situation, so they bought the tram, and there is also a reason, that is, the current oil price and maintenance costs are too high.

Will fuel vehicles be phased out? There may be three major situations in the future, and holders need to be vigilant

Oil prices have not fallen since 2020, for many fuel car owners, want to fill up a tank of oil, that is really a huge expenditure, after all, now the social economy is not particularly optimistic, this also means that if you want to fill up a tank of oil, at least have to spend a few hundred yuan, in this case, many people are afraid to run to refuel, and fuel costs to compare, the daily maintenance costs may be more expensive, because now most of the maintenance plants, All of them are targeting the field of new energy vehicles, which leads to very few people entering the traditional auto repair shop.

This is also very bad news for traditional fuel vehicles, because the fewer the number of car repair shops, it also means that the higher the price they drive, if the traditional fuel car owners do not agree at this time, then they can only watch their own cars scrapped, but if they agree, this is a huge expenditure, so many people would rather buy electric vehicles, than buy traditional fuel vehicles, especially after the appearance of electric vehicles manufactured by Xiaomi, More and more people are beginning to pay attention to the development of electric vehicles, do you think electric cars are better, or are they fragrant?

Will fuel vehicles be phased out? There may be three major situations in the future, and holders need to be vigilant