
There are 3 settings that WeChat must turn off, otherwise others may see your privacy

author:Xiaoyu talks about technology

In this era of rapid development of digital technology, WeChat, as an indispensable application software in our daily life, carries countless people's social, work and even emotional communication. However, with the increasing complexity of the network environment, the security of personal information has become increasingly prominent. If we are not careful, our WeChat may become a "transparent body" to be spied on, especially WeChat contains a lot of privacy content for each of us. In order to effectively protect your privacy and avoid being monitored by others at will, the following 3 WeChat settings must be turned off or adjusted in time, otherwise others may see your private information.

There are 3 settings that WeChat must turn off, otherwise others may see your privacy

So, what are the 3 settings? Next, Xiaoyu will give you a detailed introduction.

1. Allow strangers to view ten moments

WeChat Moments is a platform for us to share our lives and record beautiful moments, and many people have the habit of taking selfies, showing babies, and posting bits and pieces of their lives on this platform, but this can also become a window to leak personal privacy. By default, WeChat allows strangers to view your last ten Moments content, which undoubtedly increases the risk of strangers getting their personal information for those who like to share details of their personal lives. Therefore, it is important to turn this setting off.

There are 3 settings that WeChat must turn off, otherwise others may see your privacy

Open WeChat, enter [Me-Settings-Friend Permissions-Moments] in turn, you can see the settings with the WeChat Moments book on this page, find the option of "Allow strangers to view ten Moments", and turn it off. In this way, only your WeChat friends can see the content of your Moments, which greatly enhances privacy protection.

2. Be cautious about setting up "people nearby"

WeChat's "People Nearby" feature provides users with a location-based social experience, which is a stranger-based way to socialize, which may bring some novelty, but it may also expose your location information to criminals. With this feature, strangers can easily get your approximate location and proceed to deeper tracking or harassment.

Therefore, for users who do not use these features frequently, it is recommended to turn them off directly.

Open WeChat, enter [Me - Settings - General - Discovery Page Management] in turn, find "Nearby" in this page, and then turn off this function.

There are 3 settings that WeChat must turn off, otherwise others may see your privacy

If you need to use these features once in a while, remember to clear your location after using them and be vigilant to check if strangers have added you as a friend through these features.

3. Add my way

WeChat provides a variety of ways to add friends, such as mobile phone number, WeChat ID, QQ number, group chat, QR code, etc. While these methods facilitate the connection between users, they also provide opportunities for bad actors. They may have obtained your personal information through illegal means and then impersonate you or your friends to commit fraud. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off some unnecessary ways to add friends.

Open WeChat, enter [Me - Settings - Friend Permissions - Add Me Method] in turn, here you can see 6 ways to add WeChat friends, carefully review each of the ways to add, and close or keep it according to your actual situation. For example, if you don't want strangers to find you by your phone number or QQ number, you can turn off these options. At the same time, it is recommended to use the method of adding friends through group chat only in a trusted environment, and regularly check your friends list to delete those friends from unknown sources.

There are 3 settings that WeChat must turn off, otherwise others may see your privacy

In general, in this era of information explosion, it is particularly important to protect personal privacy. As a communication tool frequently used in our daily life, WeChat's privacy settings are directly related to the security of our personal information. By adjusting the above three key settings, we can effectively reduce the risk of being monitored by others and create a more secure and private online environment for ourselves. At the same time, it also reminds everyone to be vigilant at all times when enjoying the convenience brought by WeChat, do not disclose personal information at will, and jointly maintain a healthy and safe network ecology.