
On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

author:Shine an investment perspective

  Focus on the daily blockbuster news of the A-share market! Before reading the text, you must know one thing: there are not a few main funds that will be stupid enough to pull the stock price straight up to the limit as soon as the good news comes out, so please be patient and let the good fly for a while, maybe you will find different investment opportunities!

  【Domestic and foreign financial news/A-share market】

  Surprise 1: The central bank decided to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations!

  Event: In order to maintain the stable operation of the bond market, the PBOC has decided to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations for some primary dealers in the open market in the near future on the basis of prudent observation and assessment of the current market situation.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comments: The news is good for market funds! The central bank's move means that the sale of treasury bonds will be carried out in the open market in the near future, which will affect the supply and demand of the bond market, and then affect the interest rate trend of bonds! After the news came out, Treasury futures took a sharp dive yesterday. Since both the stock market and the bond market belong to the financial investment market, there is a certain seesaw relationship. When the interest rate in the bond market falls, it will also force some funds to switch to the stock market, which is probably one of the main reasons for the expansion of the A-share market yesterday afternoon!

  Fierce material 2: Five departments jointly issued a document to create a new growth point for consumption!

  Event: Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points for Consumption". The "Measures" require that a series of policy measures be formulated to accelerate the upgrading of consumption scenarios and digital empowerment of consumption scenarios, and further cultivate and expand new consumption points of consumption, focusing on traditional consumption and service consumption such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, such as catering, cultural tourism and sports, shopping, bulk commodities, health and elderly care, and community.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comments: The news is good for the macro market of the consumer market. Consumption is one of the troika driving the economy, and the mainland's domestic demand accounts for more than 60% of the total GDP, so stimulating consumption is the most effective means to stabilize the economy. The multi-departmental document to cultivate new growth points of consumption can be regarded as a macro benefit, and the impact on economic fundamentals will gradually appear in the future!

  Market prediction: From a technical point of view, after the market broke through the 10-day line pressure level, it indicates that the unilateral downward channel for more than a month has been broken. Considering that after yesterday's close, the market news is still mainly positive, so the market may continue the rebound trend in the next few trading days and attack the key pressure level of the 20-day line. Due to the short-term upper hedge disk, the rebound market will not be achieved overnight, and most of them will encounter pressure near the 20-day line!

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  【Industry/Sector/Theme Concept Positive Comments】

  Fierce material three: almost full production and full sales! Vitamin D3 has skyrocketed, and dealers are reluctant to sell!

  Event: Following the increase in the price of Chinese herbal medicines, there is also news of price increases in the vitamin market. The latest data shows that on July 1, the average market price of vitamin D3 was 97 yuan/kg, an increase of 14.12% from June 30, and a cumulative increase of 67% in the past month.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comments: The news is good for the vitamin sector! Vitamins, like steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, and coal, are also typical strong cyclical sectors, and the performance of listed companies in the sector is linked to the fluctuating trend of vitamin prices, which in turn affects the stock price performance. Therefore, the accelerated blowout of vitamin prices in the short to medium term will bring a continuous positive boost to the relevant listed companies. However, in the A-share market, there has not been any institutional funds involved in the vitamin sector in the near future, and from the recent quantitative energy form of several stocks with a relatively high degree of correlation, it can only be judged that there are funds lurking, but the nature of funds cannot be determined. Considering that some vitamin companies have reported a significant increase in their performance this year, such as Adisseo, etc., the short- and medium-term performance of the vitamin sector is worth looking forward to in the interim market.

  Hype cycle: midline

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: With the support of the industry's warming prosperity, the short-term elasticity of the vitamin sector is expected to increase, but the main problem is the lack of institutional intervention in the near future, so before the institutional entry signal is found, the entire sector can only consider the light position lurking.

  Related companies: Zhejiang Pharmaceutical (600216), Xinhecheng (002001), Garden Biotechnology (300401), Adisseo (600299), etc.

  Fierce material four: the mainland's first 100 MWh level, the world's largest sodium battery energy storage project put into operation!

  Event: Recently, the first phase of the Datang Hubei 100 MW/200 MWh sodium-ion new energy storage power station science and technology innovation demonstration project, which was provided by Zhongke Haina, was completed and put into operation, with a production scale of 50 MW/100 MWh. The power station is the first 100 MWh sodium-ion energy storage project in mainland China and the largest sodium-ion battery energy storage project in the world, marking a new stage in the commercial operation of the sodium-ion battery energy storage system.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comments: The news is good for the sodium-ion battery sector. The main problem of sodium electricity is that the energy density is relatively low, but the advantage is also obvious, that is, the cost is also very low, and the safety is high, so sodium ion is a promising technical branch in the energy storage battery. The acceleration of large-scale commercial use of sodium electricity indicates that the entire industry has reached a critical point before the outbreak! However, in the A-share market, no institutional funds have been found to be involved in the sodium electricity sector in the near future. From the perspective of plate trends, the short-term performance of sodium batteries is weaker than the broader market, and it is in a unilateral downward channel in the short term, just standing on the 5-day line to stop falling, but it has not yet broken through the 10-day line to reverse the unilateral downward channel.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Hype cycle: short-term

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: The heavyweight is good to land, but there is no institution lurking in the early stage, at this time, it is necessary to determine that there is an institution to enter the market before following the intervention. Therefore, on the first day of the good landing, you can't rush to chase high, avoid opening high and going low, and wait for the transaction data to come out before making a decision!

  Related companies: Penghui Energy (300438), Xiangtan Dianhua (002125), Huayang Co., Ltd. (600348), Shanghai Xiba (603200), etc.

  Surprise five: With the blessing of the blockbuster property market policy, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen rose sharply in June!

  Event: After the regulator and various localities have introduced a new round of new policies for the property market since May, some market transaction indicators in June have seen positive changes. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen all hit new highs in second-hand housing transactions in June, among them, Beijing hit a new high in the past 15 months, Shanghai hit a new high in 36 months, and Shenzhen hit a new high in 38 months.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comment: The news is good for the real estate sector. The increase in transaction volume in first-tier cities is an important signal for the real estate industry to emerge naturally! Although it is difficult for the entire industry to continue its previous prosperity, as long as the fundamentals of the industry bottom, it will also usher in a round of valuation repair in the A-share market. Judging from the transaction data, from April to May this year, the real estate sector was once increased by institutions, but after mid-May, the intervention of institutions decreased suddenly, and there was a unilateral pullback in the sector. Judging from the trend of the plate, some of the main forces that entered the market in the early stage have been trapped in it. Yesterday, the whole sector appeared in the middle of the yang rebound to lead the two cities, and the trading data once again found traces of institutional bottoming, it seems that the main force will launch a self-rescue pull!

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Hype cycle: short-term

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: The fundamental ceiling of the real estate sector is low, and without the intervention of a large number of institutions, it is not easy to get on the car, and it can only be short-term speculation. Yesterday, the institution returned to the market at a low level, which is a self-help behavior, and the plate will build a bottom pattern in the short term, but it is difficult to reverse the trend.

  Related companies: Vanke A (000002), CCCC Real Estate (000736), Gemdale Group (600383), Zhongtian Service (002188), etc.

  Surprise 6: The draft of the Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Regulations was issued to strengthen the coordinated development of the "vehicle-road-cloud" system!

  Event: Recently, Beijing issued a public consultation on the "Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Regulations". It is proposed to make overall plans for traffic areas and roads, support the regional opening of intelligent roadside infrastructure improvement, coordinate the construction of a unified autonomous vehicle safety monitoring platform and cloud control infrastructure platform in the city, support relevant entities to carry out autonomous driving map application pilots, and give full play to the role of map support.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Comments: The news is good for the unmanned driving and Internet of Vehicles sector. Beijing's regulations for soliciting opinions cover both roadside and vehicle ends, and provide systematic support for the autonomous driving industry. The capital also has a certain demonstration role, and it is expected that the industrial value will increase by more than 700 billion yuan next year. In the A-share market, there is a small amount of institutional funds in the Internet of Vehicles sector recently, according to Jingyang observation statistics, from June 18 to June 25, there are 4 companies in the sector that have been bought by institutions more than 10 million. Although the involvement is not too large, it is also one of the few potential hot spots in the entire market! From the perspective of the plate trend, the plate has been in the box shock channel in the short and medium term, and has not made a direction choice. However, even so, the short-term is still quite resistant, indicating that it is significantly stronger than the broader market.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Hype cycle: short-term

  Explosive strength: ★★★★

  Trading strategy: the Internet of vehicles is still flexible in the short term, but because the amount of institutional intervention is not too large, only the activity of the front row stocks in the sector will be relatively high, and it is difficult for the middle and rear stocks to keep up, unless the later institutional funds still insist on continuing to increase their positions!

  Related companies: Gosuncn (300098), Huaming Intelligent (300462), Xiongdi Technology (300546), Genvict Technology (002869), etc.

  【Northbound Funds/Tourist Capital Trends/Institutional Seats】

  Northbound Fund Movement: None.

  The key sniper of the tour capital boss: Ningbo Sangtian Road, net purchase of star power of 33.7535 million.

  Institutional funds bought in a single day (10 million +): Jinlang Technology 300763, photovoltaic, 3 institutions bought and 1 institution sold, and institutions bought 48.35 million, which was the largest net purchase of individual stocks by institutions on the previous trading day. I love my home 000560, real estate, 2 institutions bought 40.03 million, accounting for 7.89%, which was the largest proportion of institutional net buying stocks in the previous trading day.

  Institutional funds continued to buy within 10 days (10 million +): Jinkaiwang Technology 301182, copper high-speed link + consumer electronics, June 24-July 1, institutional funds 4 net purchases, July 1 net purchases of 10.72 million, institutional purchases decreased significantly compared with before.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Overall position adjustment of institutional funds: On July 1, institutions bought 7 stocks with a net purchase of more than 10 million yuan and sold 4 stocks with a net sale of more than 10 million yuan. On Monday, the broader market rebounded and broke through the key 10-day line pressure level. When the market rose, both institutional buying and selling contracts shrank, but it is rare that institutional buying did not shrink much, but selling orders decreased significantly. This shows that after the market makes a direction choice, the main force is still reluctant to sell, which is a good thing!

  Institutional capital sector repositioning: From the perspective of sector capital flow, in terms of the main line of hot spots (the main direction of recent institutions), only the PCB in semiconductors has been reduced by the main force in a small amount, and the Internet of Vehicles has been reduced in a small amount. Other semiconductor branches, institutional participation is not high. At the same time, the main force did not have a concentrated direction to increase positions on Monday.

On July 2, A-share fierce news: five departments jointly issued a document! The positive sector is full of production and sales (list)!

  Non-main line hot spot (a small number of institutions recently participate in the direction), Monday's top performance of real estate, by the main force in the middle of the position, this plate in mid-May, the main institutions had a short period of speculation, after the plate straight down during the period without any rebound, yesterday the institutions backflow, mostly to save themselves! In addition, photovoltaics, chemicals, Huawei Ascend, copper high-speed links, consumer electronics, and phosphorus chemicals, which moved in the afternoon, were mainly increased in small amounts. The interim report and the AI large model were reduced by the main force in small amounts.

  Overall, although when the market rose on Monday, the main funds rarely continued to have a net inflow, but from the perspective of the flow of funds in the sector, the main force did not concentrate on increasing positions. First, semiconductors who participated after mid-June began to slow down their involvement last week; Second, after semiconductors, the main force has not invested heavily in any sector, resulting in no new main line in the market. Monday's trading data also suggests that the entire market is likely to see an electric fan market next.

  This article is from Jingyang's financial self-media matrix, released before 6 o'clock in the morning every trading day, I hope you can keep abreast of the latest news of the A-share market industry, sectors and listed companies through this article, as well as the latest position adjustment trends of various main funds. In the choice of direction, try to achieve the resonance of news and funds, so as to greatly improve the winning rate!

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