
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

author:Wine industry dynamics
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

July 1st Party Day


Inheriting the red gene and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit is Liu Lingzui's mission and responsibility to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary culture in the new era. From June 28th to 30th, under the guidance of red culture, Liu Lingzui carried out a red co-construction activity of manufacturers with the theme of "Manufacturers' Heart to the Party, Millennium Spectrum". Dealers in Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Cangzhou, Tangshan and other places joined hands with the company to organize party members to return to the factory and carry out a red cultural tour.

Review the oath of joining the party and recall the original intention of joining the party

The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

Review the oath of joining the party and recall the original intention of joining the party. During the return to the factory, all party members from different regions solemnly swore in the party building exhibition hall of the group. The oath, sonorous and powerful, echoed in the hall, fully demonstrating the infinite loyalty of all party members to the party and the determination to make unremitting efforts for the great cause of the party.

Party building leads, party building is strong, and the enterprise is strong

The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

Listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party. Juli Group has always adhered to the leadership of party building, built a high-quality party building brand of private enterprises, and built a first-class enterprise with strong party building and strong enterprise. This is also an important guarantee for Liu Lingzui to achieve high-quality development. In the cultural center of the group, the visiting group learned about the glorious development history of Juli Group in the past 40 years, the thousand-year-old wine rhyme of Liu Ling and the great craftsman spirit of Juli rigging.

Stick to the original intention and continue the ingenuity

The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

In Liu Lingzui National 4A Scenic Spot, the visiting group deeply felt the ingenuity of Liu Lingzui under the guidance of red culture. Liu Lingzui inherits history, but does not forget the original intention. Sticking to the original intention and continuing to develop is the historical mission given to Liu Lingdrunk in the new era.

Red co-construction to open a better future

The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand
The heart of the manufacturer is to the party, and the millennium spectrum is full of chapters, and Liu Ling's drunken manufacturers are red to build together to promote the revival and development of the brand

During the red factory tour, Liu Lingdrunk manufacturers together organized everyone to visit the Ranzhuang tunnel war, Baiyangdian, and Zhili Governor's Office, so that everyone could feel the beauty of the motherland's mountains and rivers and the prosperity of culture while remembering the martyrs and accepting the baptism of the revolutionary spirit!

Inherit the red gene and never forget the eventful years. Under the unified leadership of the Party Committee of the Group, Liu Ling Drunken Liquor Industry has always taken the red patriotic feelings and self-confident national spirit as a high banner to inspire a new generation of Liu Ling to forge ahead, and manufacturers will work together to uphold the feelings of the family and the country, promote the development of the enterprise, and realize the revival of the brand.