
The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

author:Wind forests in the distance

Miss Chang'e, who went to the far side of the moon to collect treasures, has returned.

For a great event that has not been encountered in a century, the family of Dongda members specially sent invitations to share the good news.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

For a time, the Dongjia family was full of people, and the VIPs who received the invitations came one after another.

The East family got the treasure, and the old beauty of the West University in the outer village didn't wait for the invitation, and the anger in his heart immediately came up, and he couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart, so he came to the door directly.

The people of Lao Mei's family didn't get an invitation, and they wanted to break into the door by force, but they were stopped by the people of the East family and were not allowed to enter.

Lao Mei's family was in a hurry, and scolded at the gate, saying why didn't you invite me to participate in the treasure appreciation?

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

When the family of Dongda came out to see the situation, they didn't feel funny when they saw this scene: Xida official, didn't you set the family law back then, and you can't have treasure hunting cooperation with the Dongda family for eternity? Back then, you were known all over the world, known in all directions, and the world knew it, and we were embarrassed to let you break the family law, right?

Of course, as a well-known person in the village, Dongda also respects your family law.

The western official blushed, and pointed to the east: What you promised, what you promised, the treasures you took back to share with the whole village, you big liar, you deceived me of a piece of expectation.

Dongda laughed and left, and continued to appreciate the treasure with all the guests, and the Xida officials tried many times, but they didn't get it, and they left in a huff.


Since Chang'e-5 brought back lunar soil in 2020, Western University has been asking for lunar soil samples.

It has become a routine to urge and ask for a regular reminder.

When the Chang'e-6 project of the Eastern People's Republic of China was implemented, the Western University also began to ask for the treasure behind the moon.

The question is as clear as the answer, but Lao Meijia still asks for lunar soil over and over again through various channels and platforms.

Especially seeing that some younger brothers in Europe are also in the Chang'e-6 cooperation project, and they can still share some lunar soil in the future, which makes Lao Mei, as the boss of the West, feel undignified and undignified.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

Lao Mei means, Western University is insulting people, obviously I have the highest level of scientific research in the world, why don't you give me some points, give them those second- and third-rate countries, what scientific research results can they produce?

Give it to me, give it to me, let's study it together?

Dongda used to be more tactful, and I didn't want to hurt the face of Xida, so now I will go straight to the core point, and you delete the Wolf clause in your family and then talk about cooperation.

Lao Mei actually knows that the problem is here, but they really think there is no problem with this.

In the past, the Western University said, this problem, it's okay, let's open an opening for this bill, and when we need you to cooperate with us, we can exempt it.

Just like the bill they made before to restrict chips and even ban exports to us, don't those big factories often apply for exemptions.

Todai incredulous: Is this okay? Would you like to have a face?

Xida solemnly said: I mean seriously, things, you have to give it to me, this is your responsibility and obligation, I suppress you that is my business, it has nothing to do with you, but it is your business and your responsibility to cooperate with me at a critical time.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

You'll have to take the initiative to invite me to participate in this lunar soil research!

I'm not joking above, that's what politicians like Lao Mei really think.

Lao Mei, the so-called political elite, is simply a child in the primitive tribe who has not yet fully developed.


In April 2011, the Wolf clause of Lao Meijia came into effect.

The purpose of the bill is to put an end to any technical exchanges and research in space between Laos, the United States and East China, and to prohibit all forms of exchanges.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

After the bill was passed, the United States banned Chinese scientists from participating in relevant international academic conferences held in the United States several times, and the British and American scientists refused to attend the conference in protest.

Not to mention the blockade and discriminatory policies of the United States and the West against the University of Tokyo since the 1990s, but we also have to thank them, otherwise how would we have come up with the Beidou system and our own space station.

You're strong, you're rich, you're having good things, and they're naturally licking their faces and going to the door.

In November 2023, NASA sent a letter to Congress, saying that the Chang'e-5 lunar soil of the University of Tokyo is good, in good condition, the location of the collection is different from ours, and it has great research value.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

NASA seems to have forgotten, from the International Space Station to the implementation of the Wolf clause, how did you repeatedly refuse us?

Lao Mei believes that without their technical support, we will never want to build a space station, navigation, or land on the moon in our lives.

So far, the two sides have not carried out any technical exchanges in space for more than 10 years, and it is impossible for China to use US space facilities.

However, they are the same double standard as always, they can reject us, we can't refuse them.

But of course we don't.

So, in April this year, the director of NASA also accused the Chinese side of being too opaque in the space field at a congressional hearing, after all, they have not cooperated for so many years, and they can't figure out how far China's space technology has developed, and they are still a little panicked.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

Of course, he continued to express his desire to obtain Chinese lunar soil.

Even two days ago, NASA spokesmen were complaining that China had not invited them to participate in the lunar mission of Chang'e-6, nor had it invited them to participate in the mission to study lunar soil, and that China was too opaque.

Anyway, what the United States means is that the responsibility lies with China, and China has undermined international scientific research cooperation.

This white lotus is really fun.

The American mind is also very funny.

The so-called Wolf Act was originally intended to lock up China's scientific research progress in the field of space, but as a result, it prompted China to independently build its own international space scientific research system, and researchers from all over the world flocked to it.

In fact, it is now America herself who is internationally isolated.

Their NASA, apart from constantly asking Congress and the White House for a budget, basically can't do practical things.

In recent years, they have been staring dryly, watching China's vigorous development in the space field every day.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

By now, China has in fact surpassed the United States in the space field, and the United States has just woken up from a dream, but it is too late.


Over the years, Lao Mei has often slapped us in the face, which feels very cool.

We have overcome obstacles, accelerated development, and created "surprises" for Lao Mei again and again.

When U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who said that China would never be able to build a fifth-generation aircraft, came to visit China, we "just happened" to officially announce the successful test flight of the J-20.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

At that time, Lao Mei had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, but unfortunately, his F22 production line had been completely shut down, and he could only engage in a castrated version of F35 in the future, and it was still full of problems.

Raimondo, who desperately suppressed Huawei, won the title of "Huawei Mate60" spokesperson on the day of his visit to China, and was praised by the world.

The Chinese-style slap in the face has made the United States lose control of its emotions

In the 1990s, the United States banned China from participating in the International Space Station project, but now that China's space station is developing rapidly and running smoothly, he can't even pick up astronauts.

In the end, we still have to thank Lao Mei for all these years of suppression, without its incentives over the years, how can we get so much progress in science and technology?

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