
Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny

author:Xiaofan said

Teachers are a special group and are responsible for the education of children. Every day, I am preparing for class, changing homework in class, and dealing with administrative work, which is already anxious. really responded to that sentence, the wax torch turned to ashes and tears began to dry, and it was not easy for the people's teachers.

But the people's teachers would never have thought that things that had nothing to do with their own work would also be arranged on their heads, and they would be arranged to hold the spirit.

Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny

On June 29, some media reported that an unbelievable incident occurred in Dejiang County, Guizhou Province. The death of local people and the collective arrangement of wakes for school and health center employees have caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Judging from the photos that flowed out, the local people have made it clear that the wakes are arranged, which day is the Chinese group vigil, which day is the math group, which day is the English group, the writing is clear, and the administration and sound style are also involved.

It seems that all the teachers and staff of Dejiang County No. 1 Middle School will participate in the vigil.

Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny

Who the hell has passed away?

Is there such authority, or is it a local custom? Everyone knows that life and death are two major events in life, especially the death of the deceased, which is even more solemn.

In traditional culture, wakes are seen as a ritual of respect and mourning for the deceased, but in the context of modern civilization, should this custom be unconditionally extended to all professional groups, especially teachers and doctors, who are responsible for education and medical care?

On the surface, the organization of collective wakes by schools and health centers out of concern for the families of the deceased seems to be a manifestation of warmth.

However, a closer look reveals the rigidity of local management mechanisms.

Teachers and doctors are special professions whose main responsibilities are to educate the next generation and protect people's health.

Forcibly arranging wakes for them collectively is not only a waste of resources, but also a blurring of professional identity.

Not only does this practice fail to show due respect for the deceased, but it may harm the interests of many more people due to negligence in work.

In response to this incident, netizens commented, which was really funny and a little heartache.

Netizens said:

Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny
Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny

Yes, netizens' comments on this incident mainly focus on 2 points:

First, who has so much power to dare to force the group of teachers to also go to the vigil?

2. Is there any abuse of power?

After investigation and understanding, I finally found out who the deceased was.

It turned out that the deceased was the father of a teacher at a middle school.

Why does a teacher's father have so much energy, could it be that he was a big official during his lifetime?

At present, the Education Bureau is dealing with this matter, and soon the Propaganda Department of the Dejiang County Party Committee responded: Except for the collective sending of wreaths in the name of the trade union, there is no collective condolence.

Someone died, the teacher was arranged to hold a wake, and the Yushu English group took turns on duty, and netizens commented that it was too funny

In other words, the matter of all the teachers of the middle school going to the wake has stopped, and the official has already notified it, but there is no collective condolence act by sending wreaths.

What do you think about this?