
In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

author:Lynn Creek Studios
In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Sentence / Changjing

The little girl, Riley, is a little older, and she's going to high school. At her brain headquarters, there seemed to be not enough members of the Mind Agent Team to serve her, and new members of this team arrived: Jiao Jiao, Mu Mu, Mourning, and Embarrassment......

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

What are the personality traits of the new members? Will they be able to get along with the veterans? Can the two people be compatible and cooperative?

This is the story told in the just-released movie "Mind Agent 2".

The specific plot will not be spoiled first. However, the setting of the movie story is still quite real and interesting, because after all, the characters have to grow up, and Riley's new stage of growth will definitely encounter new problems. Moreover, adolescence is a time of abundance and change.

Those who have watched "Mind Agent Team 1" must know that the members of this mind team are actually a collection and representative of people's emotions. Happiness, fear, anger, disgust, and worry represent the five emotions: happiness, fear, anger, disgust, and sadness. There is no good or bad distinction between the five emotions, they have their own characteristics and roles, if they are self-willed and arrogant, they are likely to cause the collapse and pain of the master, but if they carry out a good division of labor and cooperation, they can make the master smoothly overcome the difficulties and grow.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Adolescence inevitably comes, and new emotions and emotions have emerged, so let's meet these new members of the Mind Squad, not only Riley's, but probably many children will encounter it at this stage.

Jiaojiao: Represents anxiety

Where does adolescent anxiety come from?

It comes from the pressure felt in reality, from the various conflicts in the heart, and from the uncertainty of the future.

In the movie, Riley is about to enter high school, but the two best friends are not in the same school as her, which is the pressure of an unfamiliar environment; She wants to join the Fire Ice hockey team, but she doesn't know if she can be selected at her own level, which is the pressure of selection.

If you want to get close to a high-level senior sister, you have to stay away from your good friends; The teacher's notebook records the teacher's opinion of the student, should he ignore it or take a peek? These conflicts tormented Riley.

Whether he can be recognized by everyone in a highly competitive group, whether he can perform well in the competition and win opportunities, Riley feels uncertain.

All of this filled Riley's anxiety.

In the movie, Jiao Jiao's image is an orange-red fried fur monster. It was eager to become the controller of the Mind Squad, and unceremoniously managed to get all five members out.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

In real life, children who have reached adolescence usually have such a characteristic, that is, their personalities seem to become impatient. They don't listen to their parents and teachers. Either it's impatience or frequent retorts. It is all related to the changes in their environment, their own physiological growth, and their self-understanding.

Awkwardness: Represents embarrassment

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Awkwardness means being in a difficult situation, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and difficult to deal with. It makes people feel embarrassed and at a loss. In the movie, Awkward is the image of a shy pink fat man who wraps himself tightly.

It is precisely when encountering new difficulties and new problems that Riley has anxiety, when the problem is not solved and the anxiety is not alleviated, Riley's small self-esteem can not bear it, so the embarrassment often appears, she will feel ashamed, and even embarrassed. At this time, she is clumsy, but her conscience returns, and she blushes at her impulsiveness and the wrong things she has done.

Usually we say that "the ignorant are fearless". A child knows very little about the world and knows little about human affairs, so they have a lot to fear. As they grow older, adolescents know their own limitations, and at the same time, because of the importance they attach to their image, they become less fearless, they are at a loss, they blush, they are shy and embarrassed.

They have their own inner thoughts, but they don't know how to express them, for fear of being misunderstood, afraid of being blamed. In the movie, he hides in the corner and doesn't speak at every turn, he is not bored or angry, he is observing everything and looking for an opportunity to express himself.

I often encounter such children in the counseling room, and many times their non-speech is mistaken by parents for resistance, rebellion, and non-cooperation. But I know it's not all about it.

At this time, I will advise parents to talk less, and sometimes, with the help of sand tables, paintings, and cards, I will guide them to play together, and slowly eliminate their wariness and shyness. When they have enough security, they will slowly open their hearts.

Mumu: It represents envy and jealousy

People are social animals, and the older they get, the wider the range of interpersonal relationships that a person comes into contact with. Driven by self-esteem, they aspire to earn a place in their peer group and also want to be recognized and appreciated by others.

If they feel that they are incompetent or not good enough in the group, they may develop low self-esteem and be particularly envious of those who are at the best of the group.

Riley is on the Flame hockey team and admires her senior sister Cortana. In order to get closer to Cortana, she does not hesitate to stay away from her former best friends. She likes Cortana's looks, demeanor, and ball skills. Riley wants to complete the transformation of self-growth by imitating her and gaining her approval.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Mu Mu's image is a little girl with longing eyes and big eyes, and she has a flattering expression towards the idol she worships. In order to integrate into the new collective, she suppressed herself, often said things against her will, and in order to make herself appear gregarious, she would eat even the cookies she didn't like.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Before the final match, Riley also highlighted the same hair color as his senior sister. We can say that this act of envy is naïve and even a little blind, but in fact, her motivation comes from comparison, from the yearning and pursuit of excellence and beauty.

In real life, many teenagers have their own idols, and some have star-chasing behaviors. They look up to their idols and imitate their dress. Or always compare with your classmates and friends, and there will be mutual imitation of what you wear and play.

This kind of behavior of teenagers is often frowned upon by parents, and the blurt out is "Why don't you compare your academic performance with good students?" ”。 It's okay not to say this, but when you say it, children hate their parents even more.

What I want to advise parents is that there is only one first place, and the studies are already too rolly. Adolescent children always want to not fall behind in the group, so what to do, they look for other ways to compare and show their existence.

Although blind comparison is not advocated, the child will not be convinced if he blames him without understanding the child's motivation, and understanding + guidance is the right way to communicate with the child.

Bereavement: Depression and burnout

The thin purple mourning is too vivid, its long flowing sea covering its forehead always looks cold and unrelievable, and it is not interested in anything but its mobile phone.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

As long as it appears, it is lying on the sofa and playing with its mobile phone, and it is not positive about all serious things, especially like the way teenagers lie flat at home in life.

We are all too familiar with this state, many adolescent children's emotions often switch between the two poles, either excited and anxious, or very listless, even if the parents have some suggestions for playing projects, they will say "boring" and "boring", so that parents feel particularly disappointed.

Is this sentiment only negative? Definitely not. How to understand this frustration and burnout?

In adolescence, the world presents a more colorful side to teenagers, and in the face of this dazzling and even a little bizarre world, should they plunge into it or observe it a little more?

I believe that many people will choose the latter.

Adults have seen the real rich world, and of course they know what to choose and what to do, but teenagers, unlike them, do not know much about and experience this unknown world. For something, they may be immediately attracted to it, and they will try it right away. After a while, they felt a little tired and suspicious, so they wanted to stop, identify and think about it, and then decide what I wanted next.

This state of dwelling is called "mourning" in our opinion. In the case of teenagers, it is actually a rhythm for them to cope with the complex world by themselves, and they need to have such a space for themselves to slowly adapt and understand, and they also need to have such a period of time to slowly digest and choose.

Mourning is not laziness and inaction. Parents do not need to worry and be overly anxious, if this kind of mourning is allowed and accepted, the child can find what he wants in this space and rhythm, and prepare for the next choice.

If parents are in a hurry and urge too often, it will trigger the child's confrontation and rebellion, and the effect will be counterproductive.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

After the arrival of the new members of the Mind Task Force, they were in a hurry to work, and under the leadership of Jiao Jiao, they squeezed out the old team members led by Lele. As a result, everything went haywire. And the joy, sorrow, anger, fear, and disgust, not afraid of difficulties, through the expansion of the belief tree, found themselves, and returned to the console of the brain headquarters.

After some hard work, the new and old team members cooperated with each other, so that the messy memory, consciousness, etc. were restored to order and integrated. Riley's anxiety is no longer so out of control, and all emotions play their due role, allowing Riley to grow in the experience of laughter with tears, bitterness and happiness.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

Adolescence is an important and special period when children gradually become more self-conscious from being cared for everywhere. In the process of integrating into the collective and society, they begin to examine themselves to see if they fit into the society.

They keep asking themselves, "Am I gregarious enough?" "He began to compare himself to others and became more sensitive to himself. In various inner conflicts, he becomes unable to accept his original self calmly.

"Mind Squad 2" continues the theme of the first part, which is emotion and growth. The appearance of the new characters Jiaojiao, embarrassment, admiration, and mourning, as well as the coexistence with the original emotions, enriches and constructs the "self" of the owner.

In adolescence, you encounter anxiety, admiration, embarrassment, bereavement, ......

This is an interesting cartoon for all ages, and it is also a psychological science film. It can be seen that the creative team understands psychology very well, and they visualize and personify the theories and concepts of psychology. In the second part, "Belief Tree", "Nostalgic Grandma" and "Dark Side" appeared, which surprised us psychologists very much.

Once again, I recommend teenagers and parents of teenagers to watch this movie in the theater, it will bring you a different experience and harvest!