
The right mindset: don't care, be fearless

author:Soul Library

Master Hongyi: "Don't think about the people on the shore when you get on the boat, don't mention what happened on the boat when you get off the boat, the old people don't need to know the current situation, and the new people don't need to ask about the past." If you owe each other in your previous life, you will only meet in this life, and when you meet, you will meet because you have a debt to repay, and if you leave, you will pay off your debt. The origin and extinction of the fate are free, the affection is not by people, everyone in the world has their own ferry, each has their own return boat, the mountains and rivers are a journey, and people have their own lives. ”

Life is always full of incompleteness and regrets, and if we always stare at these regrets, every day will be miserable. Life is not as expected, accept all the difficulties and be unwilling, allow everything to happen, and believe that everything is the best arrangement.

The right mindset: don't care, be fearless

Life is an experience, a dream, a game, nothing has to be taken seriously, as long as you don't care, no one or anything can hurt you, you will be indomitable, invincible, like a bamboo.

Don't think about the people on the shore when you get on the boat, don't mention what happened on the boat when you get off the boat, let the past drift away with the wind, don't become a burden to yourself, and don't feel anxious about the future. If you don't like it, you will invite him out of your life, and if you don't like it, you will take the initiative to block it, and the most important thing is to maintain a good mood, be carefree, and be proud of your smile.

Don't care about anyone's attitude towards you, don't let worldly norms frame your life, see the people you want to meet, do what you like, see the scenery you like, and try to do well what you can grasp. For those who can't grasp it, just go with the flow and accept the results of all fate.

If someone else wants to leave you, let him go. Fate wants to make things difficult for you, and it doesn't care. Whether it's the storm of fate, or the cold words of others, don't take it seriously, they don't care, they don't do anything.

The right mindset: don't care, be fearless

Tang Bohu was dismissed from the examination for life because he was suspected of fraud in the imperial examination and was never hired. He returned to his hometown of Suzhou City in despair, and his life was poor, others treated him coldly, and even people often belittled him, teased him, and ridiculed him.

He didn't care at all, outside Suzhou, a place called Taohuawu, built a simple house, named Taohua'an, which is a ten-mile peach blossom place, boundless fresh pink, colorful flowers. Tang Bohu lives here and enjoys the romance of being alone.

He wrote a famous peach blossom poem, the last four sentences, which have been passed down through the ages:

Others laugh at me for being crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through it. I don't see the tomb of Wuling heroes, and there are no flowers and no wine hoeing fields.

People laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at people who don't understand. I can't see the graves of those heroes in the Wuling Tombs in the past, there are no flowers and no wine, but they have all been reclaimed into farmland by hoes.

Everyone's end is death, and death means the end of everything, everything we have, everything we care about, everything we care about, and in the end, none of them exist. In that case, why don't you experience life the way you like, feel it, and enjoy it.

The right mindset: don't care, be fearless

Wang Xiaobo: "I didn't come to this world to reproduce. It's about how the flowers bloom and how the water flows. How the sun rises and when the sun sets.

I live in the world just to understand some truths and encounter some interesting things. Life is an accident in which I look for cause and effect. ”

The most correct attitude in life is to have an attitude of indifference, face all the wind and rain and malice in the world, and live the life you like with a fearless spirit.