
The top regimen: no exercise, no lust

author:Soul Library

The year before last, there was one of the most ironic news, a well-known health expert, who died suddenly in his early 50s, has been teaching others how to prolong life, but he can't do it himself.

In fact, the top health care is to maintain the balance of the living ecosystem. Nature has an ecosystem, and as long as humans don't destroy it, it can self-regulate and remain in a state of balance and stability. The human body is also an ecosystem, as long as it does not actively destroy it and remains in a state of balance and stability, it can be healthy and long-lasting, and it will end its life.

To maintain this balance, we must do two things well: not exercising, and not being lustful.

The top regimen: no exercise, no lust

Not exercising

The Yellow Emperor asked his teacher Qi Bo that people in ancient times, until they were more than 100 years old, were still strong and healthy, flexible limbs, and clear thinking, and they died calmly in the year of the Mandate of Heaven, while today's people are less than 50 years old, and there are all kinds of health crises, and the final life expectancy is not long, why is this?

Qi Bo replied: In ancient times, people attached great importance to health preservation, and they "ate modestly, lived regularly, did not work in vain, and were in the same shape as gods." "And today's people are the opposite, and that's why they have this result.

Eating modestly means eating in moderation, not eating and drinking. Having a regular routine means regular work and rest and adequate sleep. Don't work in vain, that is, don't let your body work and keep yourself relaxed. The form and spirit are to maintain inner happiness and harmony between body and mind.

One of the most important is not to work in vain. Exercise is an important way to tire the body, which may be beneficial to health to a certain extent, but in the long run, it is destructive to the body.

Exercise mainly stimulates cells, activates the immune system of the whole body, and accelerates the flow of blood, which can indeed make our qi and blood flow smoothly and our immunity can be significantly improved. However, the stimulation of long-term external forces will inevitably destroy the balance system inherent in life and produce a series of unexpected problems.

The Chinese ancestors never advocated that they advocated activities, such as Baduanjin, Tai Chi, Wufowl Opera, etc., which were soothing and unhurried, one piece and one relaxation, yin and yang together, and easy to play, which could achieve the harmony of body and mind, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

Do not exercise, let alone a lot or high-intensity exercise, and appropriate activities every day, such as walking, jogging, ultra-jogging, playing table tennis, and doing housework, do not form a strong and lasting stimulus to the body.

The top regimen: no exercise, no lust

Not lustful

Excessive exercise will disrupt the magnetic field of life and destroy the ecological balance of the human body. And lust will overdraw the energy of life, so that a person's vitality will be exhausted, the oil will run out, and the lamp will be destroyed.

There is a cautionary poem at the beginning of "Golden Vase Plum":

The twenty-eight best people are like crisps, and the sword at the waist slashes ordinary people. Although I don't see anyone's head falling, I secretly teach the monarch to have dry bone marrow.

A sixteen-year-old girl, light and feminine as water, wears an invisible sword at her waist to cut off the lustful people of the world. Although I didn't see the scene of the head falling to the ground, her beauty and charm have been deeply imprinted in people's hearts, making people want to stop and can't give up. That kind of obsession and indulgence with carnal desires can hollow out your body, deprive you of your spirit, overdraw your energy, and wreak havoc on your physical and mental health.

Lust is the greatest consumption of life energy, and if it is not controlled, it will inevitably kill itself.

The wisest way for a person to maintain health is not to exercise, be active, not lustful, be modest, and maintain the stability and harmony of the self-ecosystem.

The top regimen: no exercise, no lust

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