
Sports kill you quickly, and activity is the way to prolong life

author:Soul Library

Professor Zeng Shiqiang once said: "Chinese ancestors never thought that sports could make people healthy, which professional athlete have you ever seen who lived a long and healthy life?" Some old ladies in the village, who had never known about sports all their lives, lived unharmed until they were more than 100 years old. It can be seen that there is no inevitable connection between exercise and health and longevity. ”

On the Internet and on various materials, we can often see statements in support of sports to strengthen the body. It is undeniable that exercise can indeed improve a person's immune system, allow us to better resist the invasion of various diseases, and face life in a better state, which is intuitively felt by every athlete. However, good health does not mean that you can live a long life. Exercise can indeed keep us healthy for a certain period of time, but as the body weakens and ages, the disadvantages of exercise become increasingly prominent, which may lead to a variety of diseases and problems.

The essence of exercise is an external stimulus, through a large number of physical exercises, activate the body's cells and energy, so that life can reach a state of excitement and satisfaction. It's not a nourishment for energy, it's just an activation, or stimulus. Just imagine, if our body is stimulated by the outside world for a long time, it will inevitably break its internal balance system. The human ecosystem is destroyed, and of course it cannot be healthy for a long time.

China's ancestors did not advocate sports, only activities. For example, Baduan Jin, Wufowl Opera, Tai Chi, the movements are soothing, slow and calm, giving people a sense of relaxation, which not only allows the body to achieve a relaxed state, but also keeps the heart calm, so as to achieve the harmony of body and mind, and achieve the effect of prolonging life.

Sports kill you quickly, and activity is the way to prolong life

In life, there are many examples of people who love sports and die early.

A colleague of mine goes running, playing ball, climbing, lifting irons, and rides a bicycle even when he commutes to and from work. In the annual physical examination, all his indicators are normal, and he is the healthiest person in the unit, and there is no one. Exercise makes him energetic and energetic every day, walking with a vigorous gait, full of energy when he speaks, and tireless in his work. For him, sports is not only a way of life, but also a kind of happiness. He loves the thrill of exercise and revels in the thrill.

Once he went out camping with a few friends, and while he was talking and laughing, he suddenly fell to the ground and died suddenly on the spot. The forensic examination showed that it was a sudden heart attack, and he never found any cardiovascular disease in every physical examination.

There are many such examples around me, who exercise regularly, and people who are physically fit and healthy, at a young age, suddenly collapse, making people sigh and sigh about the impermanence of life and death.

Sports kill you quickly, and activity is the way to prolong life

Some old ladies in the village are sick every now and then, all kinds of major and minor illnesses, giving people the impression that they have been coughing and coughing. Everyone always thinks that these old ladies won't last long, and they have been tossing until they are more than 100 years old before they die.

And many people in life usually don't exercise much, and occasionally have some minor illnesses, but they live a long life.

Ni Haixia, a famous Chinese medicine scholar, said: Fitness hurts the body, and exercise hurts the kidneys.

The Yellow Emperor's internal scripture says: Don't work in vain, the form is with the gods.

Don't let the body be in a state of exertion, appropriate activities, so that the body and mind can maintain a harmonious and beautiful state, so as to prolong life.

Don't bury your head in exercise, let alone excessive and ultra-high-intensity exercise, adhere to appropriate activities, and maintain a happy and calm heart, which is the most correct health care for a person.

Sports kill you quickly, and activity is the way to prolong life

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