
The top longevity tip: cultivating the mind

author:Soul Library

Mr. Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist, is 103 years old this year, still in good health, quick thinking, clear language, and has the ability to take care of himself.

As early as a few years ago, a reporter interviewed him and asked him the secret of a long and healthy life. Yang Zhenning said that he did not deliberately maintain his health, nor did he like sports very much, but he had the habit of not smoking, not drinking, and often drinking plain water, and most importantly, his mentality was very good.

Look at the longevity of Kako Tanaka, who broke the Guinness record in Japan, on her 100th birthday, she ate desserts, drank milk tea, smoked cigarettes, and jumped with her granddaughters. She has not paid much attention to her lifestyle, even smokes and drinks, and does not exercise much, but she has always been in a very good state of mind. Although she has experienced cancer twice, she has turned the tables with a good attitude.

The famous psychologist Maslow said:

"If the mentality changes, the attitude changes; Attitudes change, habits change;

Habits change, personality changes; When your personality changes, your life changes. ”

People with a good mentality will have a super immune factor in their body, which can resist the invasion of various diseases and have the ability to make themselves happy at any time. No matter what kind of situation such a person is in, no matter what kind of people and things he encounters, he can always have a high quality of life and happiness.

The top longevity tip: cultivating the mind

Su Shi is known as the first genius of the Song Dynasty, and when he reached middle age, he suddenly encountered a major change, a Wutai poetry case, which ruined his future and fell into a trough. But instead of sighing, complaining, and complaining, he accepted everything that happened in his life calmly and lived every day of his life with optimism and open-mindedness.

He said: "Don't listen to the sound of the forest beating the leaves, why not chant and walk slowly, bamboo canes and shoes are lighter than horses." ”

The wind and rain were like a blow, and everyone else fled in a hurry. Su Shi walked calmly in the wind and rain, while chanting leisurely, dancing with his hands, and the boundless wind and rain also became poetic and vivid.

Even at the low point of his life, Su Shi still lives a healthy, happy, and happy life.

We're looking at another person, Nalan Xingde.

The top longevity tip: cultivating the mind

Nalan Xingde is the first genius of the Qing Dynasty, and the son of Prime Minister Mingzhu, he is also a first-class guard favored by Kangxi, talented, illustrious, with a bright future, and his life has been smooth, almost without any ups and downs and twists and turns. Nalan Xingde is always pessimistic and sad, washing his face with tears, claiming that "I am a melancholy guest in the world".

The reason is that he has a glass heart, fragile and sensitive, sad in spring and autumn, often crying when he sees flowers, and sad for the moon. The joys and sorrows that are not related to him also make him worried. The grievances and hatreds in historical literature also made him haunted. In the twilight of spring, a petal of flowers fell, and he lamented the withering of life. In the golden autumn season, the leaves are falling and Xiao Xiao, and he is sad about the twilight of life.

He saw all the flaws and regrets of the world, and turned a blind eye to the infinite beauty he had, and finally died of depression at a young age.

It can be seen that what really determines a person's situation and lifespan is the mentality.

The top longevity tip: cultivating the mind

There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing through the truth of life, you still love life.

The world belongs to you and to me, but in the final analysis, it belongs to those who are healthy and live a long life. Maintaining an optimistic attitude, not being afraid of wind and rain, and smiling proudly is a person's top health preservation, and it is also the core know-how of health and longevity.