
22 good habits to make you less sick

author:Wen Yuexin


Nothing is as good as the body! Money can't buy a healthy body.

The six gods have a master, sit and lie peacefully, and live a healthy and healthy life; The food is sweet, the dream is like a fairy, and the disease is far away from us; Wash your hands frequently, take more precautions, drink more water, eat vegetables, and it is very important to form habits, stay away from serious illnesses, and live a good life!

Love cleanliness, love sports, eat and sleep well, be in good health, and be in good spirits.

Staying away from illness is indispensable to one's own efforts.


Watch less colored videos, books, and don't indulge.

Don't overindulge, yellow can erode your spirit, reason, lust, health.

Don't think it doesn't matter, the consequences are unimaginable.


Eat less big fish and meat, and eat more green vegetables and tofu.

Intake of high-protein foods, easy obesity, gout, kidney damage.

Eat more vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins.

22 good habits to make you less sick


Say no to popsicles, drink cold, and drink only warm water.

Eating too much cold food can make the body cold and weak, and even heavy dampness, hurting the spleen and stomach.

Drinking warm water can increase the warmth of the body and strengthen the metabolism.


Eat less sweets.

Excessive intake of sweets and too much sugar can easily lead to obesity and diabetes.


Control your weight without obesity.

Obesity can lead to a lot of sub-health and get sick.

Self-discipline to control weight, not obese, healthier.


If the symptoms do not heal for a long time, go for a check-up or have a regular check-up.

Such as coughs, mouth sores, acne, rashes, spots, etc.

Pay more attention to your body and observe your complexion and complexion.


Move more, don't sit for hours at a time, or most of the day.

If you don't move, your body will become sluggish, your blood circulation will be poor, your metabolism will slow down, and garbage will accumulate in your buttocks, abdomen, and thighs.

22 good habits to make you less sick


Don't worry about the other half too much.

As long as it's not a matter of principle, don't worry too much.

Everyone has their own hobbies, habits, don't force others to change.


Eat less barbecue.

Barbecue is easy to catch fire, and there are carcinogens, and the meat may not be fully cooked, and it is easy to have parasites.

Don't put your health at risk for the sake of taste.


Don't overdraw yourself.

Work is not something that can be done in a day or two, it requires a combination of work and rest.

If you work a lot, increase the time appropriately, don't consume your body, stay up all day long, and you will be cured of the disease in the future.


Don't play mahjong, play chess in moderation.

Playing mahjong will be addictive, gambling addiction harms oneself, endangers the family, plus sitting is a whole day, there is no point.

It's the same with chess, don't sit for half a day or a whole day.

Take one or two dishes a day, and don't sit for long periods of time.


Have a good confinement.

Confinement is a good time for the body to recover, and if you don't recover well, your body will leave the root of the disease in the future.

22 good habits to make you less sick


Women don't eat cold food on those days of the month and pay attention to keeping warm.


Be self-loving and don't have multiple miscarriages.

Miscarriage is very harmful to your body and carries the risk of infertility.


Avoid going out in the middle of the day to get out in the sun.

Pay attention to sun protection when there is sun, wear a hat and bring an umbrella.

Avoid going out in the sun at noon, it is easy to faint from heat stroke.


Protect our lungs.

Don't stay in a dusty environment and cook to get away the fumes.


Clothing for diligence.

In the hot summer, I have to take a shower and change my clothes every day.

If you don't like to be clean, it's easy to get inflammation.


Don't take a shower immediately after exercising.

Prone to colds.



Think too much and your mood will be low.

22 good habits to make you less sick


Don't overthink it.

There are a lot of little things, how can you take care of them.


Exercise correctly.

Like that kind of hanging neck, it is very unhealthy, not only does it not play a role in fitness, but also damages the cervical spine.


Don't quarrel.

Whether it's with family or with strangers.

If you have something to say, if you can't say it well, you can ask a third party to intervene.