
21 good daily habits to make you eat deliciously

author:Wen Yuexin


When you get older, you will find that it is a blessing to be able to eat.

Eating fragrant is the well-being of life, and happy people eat fragrant.

Unfortunate people don't feel good about what they eat, and they can't even eat if they want to, it's too bitter.

In order to be able to eat everything fragrant when you are old, you must develop good habits, so that you can eat for the rest of your life, and you love to eat deliciously.


Good teeth, good food.

Teeth are really too important, if you don't protect them, you won't have teeth in the future, you won't be able to eat anything you want, you can only eat liquids.

Brush your teeth well, don't bite hard things with your teeth, don't leave your teeth with cavities, clean your teeth regularly, and check your dental health.

Don't mess with tooth extractions!!


Good stomach.

For many people, most of the problems are gastrointestinal.

If you eat too poorly, you can easily develop gastrointestinal diseases.

Such as polyps, flatulence, stomach problems, gastritis, etc.

Once the stomach is not good, I dare not eat, and I feel that it is not delicious.

21 good daily habits to make you eat deliciously


If you don't get fat, you don't need to lose weight, you can eat with confidence.

If you are a standard weight, a standard body type, you don't need to lose weight, the standard is healthy.

It shows that your eating habits are very healthy, and you can eat boldly with confidence.


There is nothing sick and there is no need to avoid some food.

Don't skip some foods, so that the nutrition is not balanced.


Don't be a picky eater.

You can't just eat your favorite food, you have to dabble in it.


Knows how to cook and cooks deliciously.

The cooking skills are good, everything cooked is delicious, and the food is very fragrant.


Go to the vegetable market and buy groceries by yourself.

You can buy fresh and delicious ingredients for a little less.


Take the time to learn the art of cooking.

It doesn't matter if you're not good at cooking, you can cook well with practice.

21 good daily habits to make you eat deliciously


Don't eat takeout, don't eat snacks, those will make you very heavy.

Whatever food is so light that I feel that my mouth is light.

I can't taste delicious.


Inspirational to eat all over Chinese food.

There are really too many Chinese delicacies, how can you live up to it, you have to taste it well.


Every meal has one or two dishes that you like.

Pair it with your favorite dish and eat it happier and happier.


Stay happy.

When you are happy, you can eat.

Sad, angry, and eating nothing tastes good.


Don't talk about homework and study during meals.

It is very low-headed, and it affects the mood of eating.

Eating while stressful is bound to cause indigestion.


Don't blame someone before or during a meal.

Contradictions, don't be before meals, you can't eat well.

21 good daily habits to make you eat deliciously


Don't quarrel.

A quarrel can only be broken up, and it is impossible to eat together and eat happily.


Don't ask uncomfortable topics during meals.

If you don't open any pot and mention which pot, it won't be fragrant when you eat.


Don't go on a diet to lose weight.

We want to lose weight healthily, dieting will make you yellow and thin, and it will not look good.

It's good to have a good figure and be ruddy.


Drink less milk tea and eat desserts.

A lot of foods that will make you addicted are junk food.

Eating less is good for your body, and it can also reduce your appetite, and everything you eat is delicious.


Recipes should be highly compatible, not too monolithic, and not too hearty.

21 good daily habits to make you eat deliciously


Only by chewing and swallowing slowly can you taste the fragrance and feel whether it is delicious or not.

And gobbling up is not delicious, and it hurts the stomach.


Eat seriously.

Don't look at your phone or watch TV while eating.

Savor the delicious food.

If you don't eat seriously, you will eat too much unconsciously and your stomach will be upset.