
Post training promotes the promotion of business and strengthens the standard of military competition

author:Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Transportation
Post training promotes the promotion of business and strengthens the standard of military competition

In order to continue to consolidate and improve the ability and quality of the law enforcement team, find shortcomings, find gaps, and grasp experience in the competition, recently, the Provincial Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau organized the whole system to carry out the "post training" competition.

Post training promotes the promotion of business and strengthens the standard of military competition

The competition is divided into two projects: law enforcement business knowledge competition and law enforcement case file production competition. The law enforcement business knowledge contest was selected by 11 sub-bureaus and 55 law enforcement officers participated in the closed-book test. The content of the test is closely integrated with daily law enforcement work, covering comprehensive law enforcement business knowledge such as road administration, transportation administration law enforcement and law enforcement procedures, aiming to test the ability of law enforcement officers to understand and apply laws and regulations, as well as the proficiency of law enforcement practical operations. The content of the case file production is based on the brief introduction of the case, some evidence, known relevant information, etc., using the computer to quickly complete the simulated investigation and handling of the case in accordance with the law enforcement procedures, and the whole process of law enforcement such as case investigation and evidence collection, internal review, handling decision, and service notification is recorded and made into a file according to the law enforcement work specifications. In the process of the competition, the participating law enforcement officers were able to strictly follow the rules of the competition, successfully complete it with superb professional skills and good mental outlook, showing a high professional quality and a new image of law enforcement.

Post training promotes the promotion of business and strengthens the standard of military competition

After the end of the competition, the relevant personnel of the business department of the provincial bureau and each sub-bureau will form an evaluation team for the competition to jointly score the test papers and case files, and rank the results of the competition. In this "post training" competition, all sub-bureaus compared business capabilities, learned experience highlights, benchmarked to find gaps, and promoted improvement through competitions, creating a good atmosphere of "catching up with and surpassing learning, striving for excellence", and laying a solid foundation for comprehensively improving the quality and efficiency of transportation administrative law enforcement and further promoting the "post training" activities.

Source: Provincial Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau

Editor: Jiang Bin

Editor in charge: Liu Kai

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