
Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Great Long March! Yunyan District organized party members and cadres to visit the "red ribbon"

author:Shuangshuang Guiyang Wenchang Yunyan

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Founding Day, in order to continue the red blood, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the great founding of the Party, the spirit of the Long March and the spirit of the Zunyi Conference, and take the Long March Road in the new era, the Party Working Committee of Qianling East Road Street in Yunyan District and the Party Branch of Shuidong Road Street organized Party members, cadres and workers to go to the "Red Ribbon" of Guizhou Long March Digital Science and Technology Art Museum to carry out theme activities.

Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Great Long March! Yunyan District organized party members and cadres to visit the "red ribbon"

Review the oath of joining the party

During the activity, the students followed the guidance and visited the two parts of the global immersion digital performance "Red Ribbon - The Great Journey" and the flight performance "Red Ribbon - Colorful Flying". Through the experience of global immersion digital performance, they jointly learned major revolutionary historical events such as the "Zunyi Conference", "Four Crossings of Chishui" and "Skillful Crossing of the Jinsha River", reviewed the revolutionary feats of the Red Army's Long March in Guizhou, and revisited the great epic of the victory of the Long March. The digital panoramic reproduction allows everyone to feel the enthusiasm and selflessness of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs to save the country, and leads everyone to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Red Army's Long March.

Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Great Long March! Yunyan District organized party members and cadres to visit the "red ribbon"

Party Branch of Shuidong Road Street Organ

In the 5D colorful flying hall, the experience of hanging riding equipment combined with LED dome system makes everyone feel like they are swimming in mid-air, immersing themselves in 19 famous classic scenic spots in Guizhou in the thrilling excitement, climbing over the towering Fanjing Mountain, skimming the terraced fields of Guizhou, feeling the surging Huangguoshu Waterfall, looking at the steaming Chishui Danxia, and reveling in the fragrant Baili Rhododendron...... The students enjoyed an all-round, full-perspective and panoramic view of Guizhou's magnificent mountains and rivers and green ecology, and felt the new journey and majestic vitality of Guizhou's development.

Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Great Long March! Yunyan District organized party members and cadres to visit the "red ribbon"

Qianling East Road street

After the visit, all the members of the Communist Party of China faced the bright red party flag, raised their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and expressed their solemn commitment to the revolutionary martyrs with the Zheng Zheng oath.

On the way back, the students were still unsatisfied and were deeply shocked by the marching and immersive viewing experience. Everyone said, "A better life is not easy to come by, don't forget yesterday, work hard today, and forge ahead tomorrow, we should take this event as an opportunity to remember the great history of the Long March, carry forward the spirit of the Great Long March, inherit the red gene, gather the strength to forge ahead, and write a wonderful chapter of high-quality development in forging ahead!" ”

Correspondent: Jiang Chunjie Lei Qin

All-media reporter: Tian Ye Zhao Hao

Editor: Li Yazhu

Editor: Liu Zhuhan

Review: Wan Yu