
What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

author:Different perspectives

Many veteran drivers who play photography know that although filters are cheap and don't cost much, they often bring some unexpected effects to taking photos and videos, so some experts who have been playing photography for many years will have some different filters.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

There are also some friends who are very envious when they see the photos taken by others, but look at the camera models and lenses used by others, they are exactly the same as their own, but no matter how they adjust the camera parameters, and no matter how they make post-adjustment and processing, they can't get the texture and color expression of others, which is also because others use some filters.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

Many of the effects of filters on photos and videos cannot be achieved by adjusting the camera parameters, which is why many veteran drivers and veteran experts often have some different filters on hand.

The main function of the filter is to better protect the lens on the one hand, reduce dust and fingerprints on the lens lens, etc., and on the other hand, it can be used to filter natural light to obtain a variety of special shooting effects.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

Depending on the application, filters are mainly divided into UV lenses, polarizers, PL lenses, color filters, and so on.

UV lenses, also known as UV filters, contain lead in the lenses that filter out UV rays. On the one hand, UV lenses can protect the delicate lens coating, and on the other hand, they can be used to absorb ultraviolet rays, eliminate ultraviolet interference on the sensor, and help improve clarity and color reproduction.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

Among them, the better one is the Naisi filter, which has a multi-layer coating and higher light transmittance, which is far better than the ordinary UV lens and obtains better image quality.

The Naisi filter uses a multi-layer coating process, which can filter out more glare, reflected light and scattered light to obtain clearer image quality, and the Naisi filter uses AGC optical glass with better light transmission and aluminum frame.

Different camera lenses, Nesi UV filters have different diameter sizes to choose from. Among them, the Naisi 67mm UV filter is only 95 yuan.

Of course, different lenses correspond to filters of different caliber sizes, and this friend must pay attention to it. When choosing, be sure to look at the size of your lens and choose a filter that matches the diameter of the lens.


Of course, you can also choose other sizes of UV filters, which can be selected on the product page above. It doesn't matter what brand of camera and lens you have, as long as you choose one that matches the diameter size, you can use it.

In addition to UV filters, CPL polarizers are also often used as a filter that can significantly improve image quality, especially when taking landscape photos, we see a lot of landscape photos with very amazing color and clarity, which are shot with CPL polarizers, especially some photos with blue sky and white clouds, mountains and lakes, the polarizer effect is especially obvious.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?
What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

What I recommend here is the Nesi True Color CPL Polarizer, which is a high-quality polarizer used by many landscape photographers, which can make the picture purer and make the colors more vivid.

Nesi True Color CPL polarizers can improve saturation, suppress reflected light, make the blue sky bluer, white clouds whiter, the picture purer and more saturated. Because this filter filters out some of the emitted and scattered light, it makes the picture clearer, more transparent, and the colors more vivid.

In terms of price, the price of Naisi true color CPL polarizer is only about 330 yuan, but it can significantly improve the image quality, if you buy a new lens and want to get such an image quality improvement, it may cost thousands of yuan.

You can choose the corresponding caliber size from above according to the caliber size of your lens.

In addition to polarizers, filters are also often used in daily shooting, and filters are also called grayscale lenses and ND lenses. The main purpose of the filter is to reduce the amount of light entering the camera.

The main purpose of the filter is to shoot in a strong light environment, shoot flowing water like silk, shoot night scenes of the city and shoot on rainy days, etc., the first two many people can understand, but the back two many friends are a little puzzled: the light is dark at night or on a rainy day, how to use a filter mirror?

In fact, at night or on a rainy day, the use of a filter can make the picture more saturated, because in addition to reducing the amount of light entering, the filter can also resist a large amount of scattered light. If you use a filter, you can make the photo clearer and more saturated, similar to the effect of a polarizer, but the filter will make the light less, so when you shoot in a dark environment, you should reduce the shutter speed, and moderately increase the ISO or increase the aperture.

At present, the best selling factor is the Nexus adjustable ND filter 1-5 stop variable ND filter.

What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?
What are the main functions of the various types of filters in shooting? How to choose different filters?

The biggest advantage of this Nexus variable ND filter is that this adjustable ND filter has 1-5 stepless dimming stops, which can be adjusted to different gears according to different scenes, light brightness and shooting needs.

In other words, this variable ND filter, if calculated according to half of each gear, one is equivalent to 10 different gear filters. And it's infinitely shiftable, so it actually has more and finer adjustment ranges.

What are the benefits of this? That is, this one can be used with more than a dozen filters with different gray levels, and there is no need to change lenses frequently.

Nisi adjustable ND filter 1-5 stops variable ND filter, the price is only 778 yuan.

Of course, you should choose the corresponding specifications of the filter according to the aperture size of your lens.

Because of time constraints, let's go here today, if you want to know more about the auxiliary accessories for shooting, you can take a look at my previous articles.

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