
More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

author:Chasing dramas sentence by sentence

Halfway through 2024, we have ushered in the students' favorite summer. This summer vacation movies don't stop, and more than 80 films are coming. There are all kinds of movies with various themes, and they are so lively.

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

88 new films have been scheduled for the summer vacation of 2024, including 29 main genre dramas, 9 animations and comedies, and 4 romance, action and youth films.

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

Highlights that have been scheduled or released:

"There's a Commissary by the Clouds"

"Retrograde Life"

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

Wild Child

Customs Front

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?


"Welcome to Me"

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

"Under the Inhuman"

White Snake: Floating Life

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

Despicable Me 4

"Silent Killing"

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

A Quiet Place: Invasion Day



More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

In addition, there are some key films that have been confirmed to be released but have not yet been finalized, such as "Decryption", "Rebirth", "Reverse Scale", etc.

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?

Although the number of summer vacation stalls has won, I don't know what the quality is, and many of them have never even heard of it. In general, there are not many things you want to see, and many of them will be cannon fodder. So which film are you looking forward to?

More than 80 films are scheduled for the summer of 2024, which one do you want to watch the most?