
"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

In the middle of summer, the cloth is full of green. Ma Maire, president of the village women's federation, who had just sent her granddaughter to school, was tidying up her room at home, looking at the rows of honorary certificates on the table and on the wall, her eyes full of joy. She also specially introduced that her youngest son, Ma Haijun, had just taken the college entrance examination and was very hopeful of being admitted to Northwest Normal University.

After cleaning up, Ma Maire took the reporter to the women's Jiamei points supermarket, and took the points record book and some daily necessities to distribute to the women in the village. Walking in the tree-lined alleyway, she introduced the situation at home. The husband and eldest son work in the industrial park of Daban Town, with a salary of more than 8,000 yuan a month, and they are responsible for the work of women in the village and take care of family affairs. When he said this, Ma Maire was always happy and happy.

"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager
"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager

In a small store near the village history museum, the owner Chen Saifeiye is tidying up the shelves, the small shop is clean and tidy, and there are a variety of small goods such as drinks and snacks. Walking into her house, she was greeted by a large number of eye-catching awards on the wall of the upper room, which she said were only a small part. Pointing to the certificate, Chen Saifeiye proudly began to introduce: the eldest Ma Yunyuan is a sophomore at Northwest Normal University, the second Ma Feiyuan is a sophomore in Hezhou Middle School, and the little doll is in primary school in Lanzhou, and the children are studying hard. Because the dolls are all studying, Chen Saifeiye is under pressure, but she is full of confidence: "Now my husband Mahabib runs a rental and takes care of the children to study, the village history museum has arranged a public welfare post for me, and I have also opened a commissary with the help of the village, and the income is still okay." Over the years, with the care and help of the party and the government, our lives have improved step by step, and my husband and I must work together, work hard, increase income, and keep this steady happiness. ”

"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager
"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager

Under the leadership of Zhao Shengqiang, the leader of the village team of Bulengou Village, the reporter visited the Xiangtai Breeding Farmers Professional Cooperative under construction. The afternoon sun is scorching, but the sound of machines on the construction site is rumbling, and several tall and wide standardized enclosures stand in the middle of the mountainside, which is spectacular. According to the person in charge of Ma Jianying, under the guidance and strong support of the county's sheep whole industry chain policy, Xiangtai breeding farmer cooperatives started construction in September last year, and has now built 8 standardized sheep sheds, with a construction area of 4,700 square meters and a total investment of more than 4 million yuan, and the sheep herd is about 6,000 after completion, which is the largest sheep farm around. Not far away, the Bulengou Breeding Farmers' Cooperative has been successfully operating for 9 years, and since 2018, the average annual dividend of 2,000 yuan for each of the 26 villagers has been 2,000 yuan. At the same time, the Sinopec Cadre Training Institute next to the village is in the final stage of construction, which will better display the red tourism image and taste of Bulengou after completion, and effectively promote the sustainable development of Bulengou.

"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager
"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager

In Bulengou Village, the word "stability" that reporters hear the most is "stability", and what they feel the most is also "stability". Over the past 11 years, with the care and care of the party and the government and the support and help of all sectors of society, the cadres and masses of Bulengou have continued to struggle, become self-reliant and self-reliant, and comprehensively solve the "six difficulties" problem, and the appearance of the whole village has undergone profound changes. On the basis of the continuous improvement of infrastructure, the village has actively developed industries to enrich the people, and has carried out various skills training for a total of 275 people, basically covering the labor force of the whole village. Continue to develop and expand the aquaculture industry, and set up 6 breeding cooperatives; Steadily promote the tourism industry, encourage villagers to open 3 farmhouses, this year has received 52,000 tourists. By the end of 2023, the per capita disposable income of Bulengou Village will reach 11,098 yuan, and the life of the masses will become more and more prosperous, and the whole village will be full of vitality.

"This year, all the cadres of Bulengou Village continue to improve their working methods, closely unite and lead the masses to improve their ideological understanding, fully stimulate and mobilize the endogenous motivation of the masses, focus on cultivating and developing labor, planting and breeding and other income-increasing pillar industries, and strive to stabilize the industry, stabilize employment and increase income, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization, so that all villagers can achieve 'stable happiness'." Lu Xiaoyang, the first secretary of Bulengou Village, said.

"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager
"I want steady happiness," said the Bulengou villager

"The happy life of the common people is done by doing", the confidence and strength of pursuing a better new life have taken root in the hearts of the people of Bulengou, and feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party have become the conscious actions of the people in the whole village from the bottom of their hearts. Wang Zhiqiao, director of the Bulengou Village History Museum, told reporters: "In the next step, we will make good use of the important red tourism resources of the Bulengou Party History Learning and Education Base, and continue to tell the touching story of General Secretary Xi Jinping's love for the people in the poor areas of ethnic minorities and the change process of Bulengou from the cliff to the happy village, stimulate the enthusiasm of the cadres and the masses to accept red culture education, and create a strong atmosphere for the whole society to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, roll up their sleeves and work hard."

Reporter: Ma Lijun Ma Zhenghai