
I want to be a good law-abiding citizen

author:Shandong Chishan lawyer

Written by Wang Houlong, a lawyer at Shandong Chishan Law Firm, on July 2, 2024

This morning, I piled up the bricks and tiles that my brother-in-law Qiu took out of the garbage heap on the road to interfere with traffic, so I filled it up on the slope and prepared to repair the road surface from the community to the river. After a while, my brother-in-law came to the small vegetable garden where he was, and I told my brother-in-law, "You are a destroyer of the environment, I am a builder of the environment." You're a big badass! I'm a good person. The brother-in-law laughed when he heard this. Brother-in-law Qiu has always praised me for doing a good job. He said, "If I don't provide you with raw materials, why do you build roads?" You also have half the credit for me. ”。 Yes. My brother-in-law was right. Others say that my brother-in-law and I are two sophomores! All day long I just know how to dig garbage heaps. However, my intention in digging up the garbage heap is to beautify the environment; The brother-in-law's intention to dig up the garbage heap was to grow a small vegetable garden for himself.

I feel to myself: I am a good law-abiding citizen. Because I support the leadership of the Communist Party of China very much, I love the motherland, I have a heart, I love the people, I work diligently and abide by my duties, I will not engage in any political speculation, nor will I carry out any economic speculation, I can live in harmony with people, and I am enthusiastic about public welfare.

Tell me if I'm a good law-abiding citizen?

I want to be a good law-abiding citizen
I want to be a good law-abiding citizen
I want to be a good law-abiding citizen