
Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University: The "little prince" of Belarus is low-key and studious, and he is an honor student

author:Ward observes

Source of the article: Russian-speaking World

Author: Liu Renzhi

Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University: The "little prince" of Belarus is low-key and studious, and he is an honor student

According to a report by Belarusian Channel One TV on June 30, Heping, secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University, said in a recent interview with the station's reporter that Nikolai, the youngest son of Belarusian President Lukashenko, who studied at Peking University through an exchange program, performed well and was one of the best college students in his class.

"I've been following him. He did a good job and was the top student in his class. A young man who is good at thinking. ”

Hao Ping also said that Nikolai kept a low profile at school and did not tell anyone that he was the son of the president.

Inter-university cooperation between Belarusian State University and Peking University is part of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation project in the field of education. Hao Ping revealed that in addition to the student exchange program, the two sides plan to discuss the possibility of establishing a joint biotechnology research center.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University: The "little prince" of Belarus is low-key and studious, and he is an honor student

According to The Paper, on June 25-26, Peking University and Belarusian State University jointly held the "China-Belarus High-level University Presidents Forum" in Minsk. On June 25, Lukashenko met with Hao Ping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University, and a delegation of Chinese universities at the Presidential Palace. During the visit, Lukashenko thanked Peking University for its strong support for the joint undergraduate training program in biotechnology, praised the program as a model for higher education exchanges between the two countries, and looked forward to more joint training programs launched by Belarusian-Chinese universities in the future.

"The Little Prince" Nikolai was born in 2004, but the first time it became known to the world was in 2007. At that time, Lukashenko took a young boy to participate in Saturday volunteer labor in the spring. No one knew who the 3-year-old boy was, and while everyone was speculating, Lukashenko himself uncovered the mystery: Kolya (Nikolai's nickname) is my son.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University: The "little prince" of Belarus is low-key and studious, and he is an honor student

After that, Lukashenko began to take Nikolai to various social occasions. The father and son inspected the troops together, went to church worship together, and visited abroad together, which can be described as inseparable. Nikolai is a treasure that Lukashenko holds in the palm of his hand. In 2011, Nikolai enrolled at the Ostroshtsko-Gorodok Secondary School, not far from the presidential residence. The teachers praised him for his diligence and intelligence. In addition to general studies, Nicola Jr. also studied several foreign languages (English, Spanish, and Chinese) and showed great talent in music: he played the piano well.

The first time the "little prince" came to China was in 2015 when he accompanied his father to attend the 70th anniversary of the anti-fascist victory parade, when he was only 11 years old. Later, in 2017 and 2018, the "little prince" visited China with his father, and participated in the "Belt and Road" summit in Beijing and the SCO Heads of State Council in Qingdao. At that time, the "little prince" had already become a tall and handsome "handsome guy".

Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University: The "little prince" of Belarus is low-key and studious, and he is an honor student

In February 2023, before his visit to China, Lukashenko was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency and revealed that his youngest son Nikolai was also studying biotechnology in a joint training program between Chinese and Belarusian universities. Lukashenko did not disclose the specific name of the university at that time, but the author consulted the relevant information at the time and concluded that Nikolai should be studying in the "biology" pilot project jointly carried out by Peking University and Belarusian State University.

According to Belarusian media, in 2022, the "Little Prince" entered the Faculty of Biology of Belarusian State University. During the Soviet era, Belarusian State University, along with Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, and Kyiv National University, was known as the four major national universities of the Soviet Union, and now it is also one of the top universities in the CIS countries, and the biology major of the university is one of the ace majors. The "Little Prince" studied at the best university in Belarus and chose the best major. It is said that before the new student with special status entered the school, the department was renovated and equipped with additional security forces.

In 2021, there were media reports that Lukashenko was going to send Nikolai to Moscow University to study. But in the end, he chose to enroll his son in a joint training program with Peking University, which shows that, to some extent, Lukashenko is more optimistic about China's university education and the development prospects of China's biotechnology.

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