
Lonely Battle Maze: Everyone was deceived by Li Shaotang, and he was the culprit who betrayed the intelligence officers

author:Ye Xiaoxian chases dramas
I admit that your willpower is much stronger than most people, so I have to keep increasing the dose, and I have also replaced many other psychotropic drugs, such as scopolamine, ayahuasca, etc., but the side effect is that your memory will deteriorate more and more. I had to resort to something else. Other medications are used to relieve symptoms. I've always been looking for a balance between the two.

It turned out that this was the truth of Ou Xiao'an's amnesia, and Qin Moqing's stick was just the last straw that crushed the camel. Ou Xiaoan was subjected to inhuman abuse and perverted medical experiments in Prison 830.

But even so, Ou Xiaoan has never forgotten that he is Chinese. Even if he forgot his mission, he did not forget that it was impossible for him to defect to the Japanese. And always remembered that Li Shaotang was a Japanese spy and a traitor.

Lonely Battle Maze: Everyone was deceived by Li Shaotang, and he was the culprit who betrayed the intelligence officers

Multi-faceted spy Li Shaotang

Even though Ou Xiaoan lost his memory for four years, he still instinctively remembered in his mind that Li Shaotang was a Japanese spy and a traitor.

Back then, Ou Xiaoan handed over the Japanese cherry blossom falling plan to Li Shaotang and told him that he must bring things to Wenyishan at Chongqing Station. And tell him that there are military commanders in the car and will protect his safety.

Originally, the Japanese soldiers who searched did not suspect Li Shaotang. It was Li Shaotang who deliberately made a move, and the military intelligence officers sacrificed in order to protect Li Shaotang and the cherry blossom falling plan in his hands. And Li Shaotang was also caught up by the Japanese army.

Li Shaotang was originally a biochemical technician by Kazuya Ohashi in Japan, he was trained in Japan since he was a child, and he received rigorous training, and was later rebelled by Lou Mingyuan and implemented the Sundial Project.

How could a person like him be frightened by an ordinary Japanese soldier, the truth was deliberately exposed by him.

Lonely Battle Maze: Everyone was deceived by Li Shaotang, and he was the culprit who betrayed the intelligence officers

Li Shaotang burned the laboratory of the Falling Sakura Project and the materials of the Falling Sakura Project, but Ohashi Kazuya took people to Myanmar to directly reincarnate the Falling Sakura Project.

The burning of the laboratory of the Luo Ying Project is just an illusion, and the real purpose is to help Li Shaotang infiltrate the military system.

And Li Shaotang not only lurked inside the military command, but also gained the trust of the Communist Party.

Ou Xiaoan saw the joint code in the newspaper, but Li Shaotang found Huo Daming first and matched the code.

After connecting the head, Huo Daming handed the new codebook to Ou Xiao'an, and gave him a new code name called Huang Li.

However, Wang Qiushui did not directly believe Li Shaotang. Instead, he reminded Huo Daming to be cautious and not to meet with Li Shaotang frequently. It is necessary to wait for the organization to verify its identity before acting.

Lonely Battle Maze: Everyone was deceived by Li Shaotang, and he was the culprit who betrayed the intelligence officers

However, because the Japanese army was attacked in Burma, the Japanese army's poison gas bombs had great power, and Li Shaotang was a biochemical talent, so Huo Daming was in a hurry to activate Li Shaotang.

In fact, Lou Mingyuan did not want to develop Li Shaotang as a Communist Party, he wanted to develop Ou Xiaoan, and told his superior Ye Xuanmin about it.

However, Lou Mingyuan has not given Ou Xiaoan an an identity, and Lou Mingyuan and Ye Xuanmin have accidents.

Li Shaotang's flaws

Back then, Li Shaotang returned to the military command with the manuscript of the Falling Sakura Plan and was directly reused. Feng Yunian, the military command station, directly introduced Li Shaotang to his daughter Feng Jingxian.

Feng Jingxian and Ou Xiaoan almost got married, but because of Ou Xiaoan's undercover mission, the marriage was delayed. Later, Feng Jingxian knew that Ou Xiaoan had taken refuge with the Japanese, and even committed suicide once. Later, Ou Xiaoan came back, and Feng Jingxian also directly gave Ou Xiaoan a palm.

Because Feng Jingxian's mother died in the Japanese bombing, Feng Jingxian hated the Japanese very much.

Lonely Battle Maze: Everyone was deceived by Li Shaotang, and he was the culprit who betrayed the intelligence officers

In Li Shaotang's file, his parents also died in the bombing of the Japanese army.

However, when Feng Jingxian talked to him about his mother, Li Shaotang seemed to have nothing to do with himself, and he did not have the anger of his parents at the death of the Japanese.

And in Li Shaotang's file in the military command, there is also exactly one page missing. Probably the missing page can explain Li Shaotang's true identity.

Write at the end

Because of the drug trials of the Japanese, Ou Xiaoan lost his memory for four years. So much so that he clearly knew that Li Shaotang was an undercover agent and a spy, but there was no evidence to prove it.

And Li Shaotang relied on the cherry blossom plan, which was reused in the military command, and also became Feng Yunian's fast son-in-law and married Ou Xiaoan's fiancée.