
Belgium sent Buddha to the west, and France advanced with difficulty! Cristiano Ronaldo narrowly escaped sinnerhood, and the door god saved Portugal

author:Mo on the flowers

The 2024 European Championship held in Germany has entered the quarterfinals stage, this match day, the four teams in the death half debut, the world's second and third ranked France team, Belgium staged a strong dialogue, and Portugal faced the dark horse team Slovenia, the first to play in the strong dialogue, France and Belgium could not break the deadlock for a very long time, the excellent play of the goalkeepers of both sides, so that the opponent's attack again and again in vain, until the last moment of the game, Muani, who came on as a substitute for the French team, caused the Belgian veteran Verhengton to win an own goal, helping the Gallic Roosters win 1-0 narrowly, taking the lead in getting a ticket to the quarterfinals, and then debuted Portugal, facing Slovenia whose strength is far inferior to himself, performed very badly, Ronaldo not only missed the kill, but also missed a penalty in extra time, fortunately, the goalkeeper Costa was like a god in the penalty shootout, saved 3 penalties from Slovenia in a row, and helped Portugal 3-0 to the end!

Belgium sent Buddha to the west, and France advanced with difficulty! Cristiano Ronaldo narrowly escaped sinnerhood, and the door god saved Portugal

Belgium sent Buddha to the West, and France advanced to the quarterfinals

A major feature of this European Cup is that many giant teams have performed unsatisfactorily, in addition to the most valuable Three Lions England, the most representative is the French team and Belgium, the Gallic rooster was pressed by Austria in the group stage, and entered the death half zone with the second place in the group, and the valuable offensive combination in the three group games, without a single sports goal, is a big surprise to the fans, fortunately, their opponent Belgium in this game, is also in bad form in the group stage, The top spot in the group was snatched away by the little-known Romania.

After the start of the game, the French team, with a more luxurious lineup, under the leadership of Mbappe, launched a fierce attack on the Belgian goal, but in the case of dominance on the field, the Gallic rooster was unable to break the balance on the field, and Mbappe was also lost in the European Red Devils' targeted defensive system, but in the last moments of the game, Muani, who came on as a substitute, caused an own gift from the Belgian veteran Verhengton, and the French team still did not score in the sports battle. Relying on Belgium's sincerity in sending Buddha to the West, he won 1-0 and advanced to the quarterfinals of the European Cup.

Belgium sent Buddha to the west, and France advanced with difficulty! Cristiano Ronaldo narrowly escaped sinnerhood, and the door god saved Portugal

Cristiano Ronaldo was in danger of becoming a sinner, and the door god protected Portugal to advance

Portugal then debuted, facing Slovenia led by Atletico Madrid goalkeeper Oblak, who was ranked only 57th in the world, lost to England and Denmark in the group stage and missed the top two, but with the best four group thirds, qualified for the knockout round, this campaign against Portugal, which is far superior to itself, Slovenia showed their tenacious defense, successfully kept a clean sheet against Portugal in regular time, so that the victorious Ronaldo offensive end returned again and again, and dragged the game into extra time as he wished.

In the last minute of the first half of extra time, Jota won a penalty for Portugal, allowing the team to grasp the initiative to win, but Ronaldo's penalty shot was bravely saved by Oblak, and the president who was strong in his life also shed heroic tears, and the cruel penalty shootout, Costa saved Ronaldo, he saved three penalties from Slovenia in a row, and Portugal won three in a row, and finally won 3-0 and advanced to the next round.

Belgium sent Buddha to the west, and France advanced with difficulty! Cristiano Ronaldo narrowly escaped sinnerhood, and the door god saved Portugal

With the end of these two games, a group of 1/4 matchups in this European Cup has also been determined, France and Portugal will compete for a place in the semifinals, Mbappe will play directly with his idol Ronaldo, who can have the last laugh, let's wait and see!

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