
The mainstream media came to the campus to collect wind and praised Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School!

author:China Net Women and Children

A few days ago, a delegation composed of CCTV, Tonight News, Tianjin Education News, Jinyun New Media, Hongqiao Rong Media and other media immersed themselves in "checking in" Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School. Through on-the-spot interviews and personal experience, we focused on the construction and development achievements of Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School around the characteristic campus construction and education model, and presented a new starting point, new opportunities and new chapter in the school's construction and development in an all-round way.

The mainstream media came to the campus to collect wind and praised Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School!

During the activity, Principal Liu Xueyu made an overall introduction to the school's education and teaching work in the past year from the aspects of "one" Cheng Yaohua, "double" district support, and "multi" yuan development, namely focusing on cultural inheritance, focusing on resource sharing, focusing on teacher co-construction, focusing on connotation development, focusing on quality improvement, and focusing on brand leadership.

The mainstream media came to the campus to collect wind and praised Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School!

Subsequently, the reporters walked into the playground and classroom to experience the students' learning life up close. They first came to the playground to watch the students' recess sports activities, standard and standardized broadcast exercises, and a variety of activities, and students showed themselves in sports.

The mainstream media came to the campus to collect wind and praised Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School!

Walk into the classroom and take the same lesson with the students. In the happy and smart art class, under the guidance of the teacher, students made crepe paper illustrations with the theme of "embracing Van Gogh"; In the scientific and standardized chemistry experiment class, students are busy carrying out the test content of "configuring the amount and concentration solution of a certain substance", and they are mastering scientific knowledge and improving scientific literacy in hands-on practice; In the energetic physical education class, teachers respect students' individuality and differences in athletic ability, so that students can have an "all-round immersive badminton learning experience", and cultivate students' independent exercise habits and lifelong sports awareness; In the rigorous and abstract mathematics class, the teacher leads the demonstration students to explore logical reasoning and subtly cultivates students' logical thinking ability.

At lunchtime, Wang Xinhua, secretary of the general party branch of the school, and Liu Xueyu, the principal of the school, dined at the same table with the students, asked whether the food was delicious and whether the price was satisfactory, and instructed the students to have a balanced diet, pay attention to nutritional matching, and practice the "disc action".

The mainstream media came to the campus to collect wind and praised Yew Wah Secondary School Hongqiao School!

School media work together to help each other, empower each other, and deepen cooperation together. Through the collective visit of the media delegation, it will promote the exchange and interaction between the school and the media, and help promote the high-quality development of the school! (Wei Jing)