
Summary of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference

author:China Net Women and Children

The 2024 World Smart Industry Expo - The 6th International Smart Sports Conference, hosted by Tianjin Sports Bureau, Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the World Smart Industry Expo, will be held at Hall N23 of the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) from June 21 to 23, 2024. This is the sixth consecutive year that the event has been successfully held since 2019, and it is also the first time that the "International Smart Sports Conference" has entered the main venue since its inception.

1. Implement the spirit and explore the digital intelligence of sports

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the "World Intelligent Industry Expo" and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the development of artificial intelligence, digital economy and other important speeches, and the spirit of the important speeches of Tianjin and Chongqing, this year's International Intelligence Expo takes "Wisdom in the World, Activates the Future" as the theme, adheres to the concept of "high-end, internationalization, specialization, and marketization", adheres to the concept of "high-end, internationalization, specialization, and marketization", adheres to the principle of efficient, thrifty, and green meetings, integrates exhibitions, experiences, and events, and links the resources of Tianjin and Chongqing. Concentrate on creating a high-end event that leads the development trend of intelligent technology.

As a smart sports event successfully held for 5 consecutive years, it will take advantage of the 2024 World Smart Industry Expo to explore, exchange and display the wide application of artificial intelligence products in the field of sports. Innovate to create an upgraded version of the "International Intelligent Sports Conference" event brand.

2. Actively prepare and plan carefully

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership

This year's Smart Sports Conference is an important part of the 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo and entered the main venue for the first time, the Party Group of the Municipal Sports Bureau attaches great importance to it and has set up a leading group for the preparation of the event.

With the strong support of Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the Intelligent Conference and other units, the Tianjin Intelligent Sports Competition Association conscientiously summarized the experience of the first five competitions, and after nearly half a year of hard work, formed the "Sixth International Intelligent Sports Conference" event design plan.

(2) Comprehensively promote the implementation of work

The first is to refine the implementation of the cooperation between the Intelligent Sports Association and Xingyou Technology Co., Ltd. to hold e-sports events for famous schools; Implement drone virtual racing and drone soccer projects, complete technical training and online testing at high speed; Implement the relevant cooperation content of the intelligent cycling competition operation cooperation unit, the cycling platform + software cooperation unit and 15 bicycle enterprises; At the same time, for the experience project "Hadou" and "Whole Population Sports Rehabilitation" science and technology display project, the site occupancy map and a comprehensive operation guarantee plan were designed.

Second, in accordance with the deployment of the Organizing Committee and the Municipal Sports Bureau, the event entered the main venue of the Expo for the first time - Hall N23 of the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin). Due to the serious lack of experience in holding the competition in the Convention and Exhibition Center for the first time, through many surveys and surveys of the exhibition hall, the multi-dimensional overall layout of the competition venue, the point map of the competition, and the division map of the interactive area of the event and display were finally determined. Scientific prediction and reasonable layout to ensure the safety of the competition.

The third is to accelerate the market development process, and implement the sponsorship and use of equipment and related technologies for four smart cycling, e-sports, drone virtual racing and drone football projects. Intelligent cycling, drones, conference water and other related enterprises have provided support for this competition in different forms.

(3) The organizational structure of the conference was determined

The Tianjin Sports Bureau, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the World Intelligent Industry Expo were set up as the organizers of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference, the Tianjin Sports Competition and Social Sports Affairs Center, and the Tianjin Intelligent Sports Competition Association as the organizers, and the relevant departments of the Municipal Sports Bureau, the Municipal Bicycle Fencing Management Center, the Municipal Sports Vocational and Technical College, the Municipal Association of National Defense Science and Technology Industry, and the Municipal Enterprise Talent Innovation Promotion Association and other 13 units as co-organizers.

(4) Improve the event plan and safety plan

In order to ensure the safe and smooth holding of the event, the competition regulations, event work implementation plan, event safety plan and other plans and event insurance will be further improved before the competition.

(5) Convene a press briefing

The 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo - the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference press briefing was held in the Municipal Sports Bureau, and Wu Weifeng, the second-level inspector of the Municipal Sports Bureau, attended and released the overall plan and event plan of the "6th International Intelligent Sports Conference".

(6) Hold a grand opening ceremony

At 10 a.m. on June 21, 2024, the opening ceremony of the "2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo - The 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference" was held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin), with Zhang Ling, Deputy Mayor of Tianjin, Chen Shizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, Xue Hui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Wu Weifeng, second-level inspector of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Li Xuejie, second-level inspector of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Wang Baoquan, head coach of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, and Olympic champions Wei Qiuyue, Tong Wen and Wang Hao attended. Vice Mayor Zhang Ling announced the opening of the 6th International Smart Sports Conference.

Summary of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference

3. Innovate the competition and improve the quality

The design concept of the 6th International Smart Sports Conference is based on the successful five competitions, innovating the content of the event and improving the quality of the event. The effectiveness of various events has been improved to varying degrees.

  1. Upgrading the scale and quality of the "Smart Bicycle Race" has attracted nearly 15 bicycle-related enterprises across the country to participate in the cooperative competition, and the introduction of Maijin Technology as a co-organizer is of great significance, the competition has a college student group, with a total of nearly 350 players from 4 universities signing up for the competition; The entrepreneur group was signed up by 53 representatives of the Municipal Enterprise Innovation Talent Promotion Association and Binhai Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park; In the international category, 38 cyclists who worked and studied in Tianjin signed up for the competition; More than 1,000 people participated in the interactive experience.
Summary of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference
  1. The "Glory of Kings Famous School Competition" boutique competition was held on June 22 (Saturday), and 42 players from six famous domestic universities, including Peking University, Beijing Sport University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nankai University, Tianjin University and Hebei University of Technology, came to Tianjin to participate in the competition. On June 21, the opening ceremony of the "International Intelligent Sports Conference", players from Tianjin Sports Vocational College of E-sports conducted an exhibition match.
Summary of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference
  1. The innovative "UAV Virtual Race" open competition was held from June 21 to 23, and for the first time, Black Sheep software was used to manually implant competition obstacles in the virtual arena scene, and the competition set up elite group and amateur group, with a total of 73 players signing up for the competition. Nearly 100 people participated in the interactive experience of the project. The project has officially entered the mass competition of the 15th National Games in 2025.
  2. More than 30 youth drone teams made an appointment to experience the event a week before the conference, and a total of about 600 people participated in the interactive experience of the project during the entire exhibition. The project has officially entered the mass competition of the 15th National Games in 2025.
Summary of the 6th International Intelligent Sports Conference
  1. During the competition, the "Shangti Health Home" sports rehabilitation intelligent sports application product display and experience activity for the whole population was introduced at the same time, and from June 21st to 23rd, there was an endless stream of people from the sports departments of the relevant districts, enterprises and citizens, and preliminary statistics showed that about 3,000 people came to the booth to experience.
  2. "Hadou Competition" is a kind of science and technology, the application of AR equipment to complete the game competition project, the project in China belongs to the promotion stage is also the first landing in Tianjin, as soon as it debuted by the majority of young friends, more than 1,000 people participated in the promotion of experience activities for three consecutive days.

Fourth, comprehensively stimulate the new momentum of sports.

Nearly 1,800 people participated in the competitions and interactive experiences of various groups in the three events of smart cycling, e-sports and drone virtual racing at this year's Smart Sports Conference. As part of the exhibition of this conference, about 600 people participated in the experience match of drone football, more than 1,000 people participated in the exhibition match and interactive experience of Hadou Athletic, and the reception capacity of the sports fitness rehabilitation system experience hall for the whole population in 3 days was not less than 3,000 people.

The "International Intelligent Sports Conference" has been successfully held for six consecutive years, with a total of e-sports games, VR drone racing, virtual projects, online chess and cards, online walking, drone football and AR competition, a total of 7 categories of intelligent sports competitions, players from all provinces and cities across the country and more than 30 countries and regions on five continents, more than 100 million people participated in online and offline events. The brand effect of the "International Intelligent Sports Conference" continues to improve and its influence continues to grow.

Fifth, the publicity and promotion efforts are the highest in the past

From the release of the news to the opening ceremony and the grand occasion of the event, the International Intelligent Sports Conference has been released by major media across the country, and a total of China News Network, China Industry Network, Tianshi News Channel, Tianshi Sports Channel and other media have carried out video reports. CCTV News conducted a 20-minute live TV broadcast of the game.

The official website of the Organizing Committee of the World Intelligence Congress, the official website of the General Administration of Sports of China, the official website of the Chinese Olympic Committee, the official website of the Tianjin Sports Bureau and many other media simultaneously carried out online and print media publicity and reporting.

Smart Tianjin tide rises in Bohai Bay, and digital China sets sail for a new era. At a time when Tianjin is deeply implementing the important requirements of "four good deeds and good success" and actively cultivating new quality productivity, the Municipal Sports Bureau is making every effort to implement the "Ten Actions" deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, accelerate the construction of a "sports capital", and empower sports development with science and technology. Sports events have become an important driving engine, not only allowing the people to feel the charm of intelligent sports, but also to be nourished by traditional culture and advanced culture, not only to feel the prosperity of the city, but also to enhance the vitality and attractiveness of urban tourism, and to make Tianjin more beautiful.

Let us gather innovation momentum through events, boost development confidence through exchanges, seek a digital and intelligent future of sports, and empower the high-quality development of sports. (Sun Hailong, Hou Huixian)

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