
Changtian News丨Jiangyou Times Commentary: Moving forward sonorously in deep integration

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Changtian News丨Jiangyou Times Commentary: Moving forward sonorously in deep integration

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Changtian News丨Jiangyou Times Commentary: Moving forward sonorously in deep integration

How to promote the in-depth development of media integration? Jiangxi gave its own answer. With the trend of innovation and the changes of the times, on June 30, the launch ceremony of Jiangxi Rongmei Brain Platform and the establishment ceremony of Jiangxi Rongmei Brain Technology Co., Ltd. was held in Nanchang, marking the new start of the flagship of media integration and development in our province and entering a new stage of "breaking the ice and testing the water".

Integrated development focuses on integration and integration. Jiangxi Rong Media Brain Technology Co., Ltd., guided by the Propaganda Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Jiangxi Newspaper Media Group, Jiangxi Radio and Television Media Group, Jiangxi Publishing and Media Group, Jiangxi Culture and Performing Arts Development Group, four provincial cultural groups jointly initiated, and at the same time United Communication Brain Technology Company, is a "state-owned holding + market mechanism" science and technology industry company, mainly engaged in digital communication, digital services, digital intelligence and other businesses, while actively integrating into the national cultural digitalization strategy, exploring more new formats, new products, New scenes. Seeking according to the situation, moving in response to the situation, and taking advantage of the situation, multi-party cohesion, vertical and horizontal linkage, and integration and interoperability have opened a new door to the development of media integration and opened the "accelerated running" mode of media integration in the province.

Changtian News丨Jiangyou Times Commentary: Moving forward sonorously in deep integration

Media convergence is also a self-revolution. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that the construction of an all-media communication system should be strengthened to shape a new pattern of mainstream public opinion. Only by emancipating the mind, observing the general trend, finding gaps, and seizing opportunities, can we fully benchmark the overall requirements of the in-depth integration and development of media and lead the new trend of media integration and development. From the past "Gan Po Yun" and "Gan Yun" each served food to "two clouds" into one, from the "1 + 2 + 11 + 105 + N" financial media linkage command system to the province's "one game of chess" working mechanism of "one cloud, one network, integration...... Guided by digital transformation, integrating financial media positions at all levels, and working the word "integration", this is to lead the change of thinking with the change of thought, to promote the change of development with the change of action, to innovate digital technology, and to shape the new pattern of mainstream public opinion. Through platform reengineering, process optimization, and resource sharing, the effective integration of various media resources and production factors will surely empower news media at all levels in the province, accelerate the formation of an intensive and efficient content production system and communication chain, and help Jiangxi achieve a qualitative leap and high-quality development in the intelligent era, and further tell Jiangxi's story and convey Jiangxi's voice.

Changtian News丨Jiangyou Times Commentary: Moving forward sonorously in deep integration

The pace of transformation is non-stop, and the innovation is not stopped. At present, the development of media integration has entered a new era, in the wave of media integration and development, Jiangxi Province has taken the lead in building a provincial media integration technology platform from a high starting point, and has explored a unique and trend-leading development path in the field of media integration, providing a successful model that can be replicated and promoted for media integration in various places. In the face of new trends, new patterns and new changes in media development, we must also grasp the development positioning, further build a good integration platform, promote integration technology, write integration articles, vigorously promote integration innovation and digital empowerment, and promote Jiangxi Fusion Media Brain to become a unified new intelligent financial media technology platform in the province and the leading in the country, so as to provide strong public opinion support for striving to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangxi. (Changtian News Commentator)

Source: Today's video and Changtian News

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