
Release the power of "mushrooms" to get rich - Tianzhu County Edible Fungi R&D Center Project Experience

author:Wuwei Fusions

Edible mushrooms have the characteristics of low fat, high protein, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals, and are more and more popular among consumers. Nowadays, not only the sales of fresh mushrooms have increased, but also the deep-processed products of edible mushrooms have gradually developed.

In the warehouse of the Tianzhu County Edible Mushroom R&D Center project, the reporter saw that boxes of packaged mushroom sauce and other products were preparing to be sent to all parts of the country.

Release the power of "mushrooms" to get rich - Tianzhu County Edible Fungi R&D Center Project Experience

In the processing workshop, workers come and go on the automated production line, and the smell of the smell wafts along with the sound of the machine running. Looking through the glass to the workshop, the "fully armed" employees operate the machines, washing, dicing, frying, canning...... After each process, the finished mushroom sauce is divided into boxes.

"To sustain the development of the edible fungus industry, we must take the road of intensive processing, which is an effective way to extend the agricultural industry chain and maximize the added value of agricultural products." Xu Gongtang, general manager of Tianzhu County Development Group, said.

Tianzhu County has a cold climate, is one of the few natural bases in the summer edible mushroom cultivation in the country, at present, the county's shiitake mushroom, slippery mushroom, morel, red matsutake mushroom and other planting scale of 90 million bags, but the fungus research and development capacity is insufficient, the industrial chain is short, the added value of the product is low, and the problem of two short ends and two difficult ends is becoming more and more prominent.

Release the power of "mushrooms" to get rich - Tianzhu County Edible Fungi R&D Center Project Experience

Xu Gongtang said: "The construction of the center will provide reliable germplasm resources for the edible fungus industry in the county, fill the gap in the deep processing of edible fungi in our county, continuously extend the industrial chain, and at the same time steadily absorb the employment of local people." The industrial center of Tianzhu County Edible Mushroom R&D Center has an annual output of 960,000 bottles of mushroom sauce, 750,000 cans of canned mushrooms, and 800,000 catties of mushroom drying and freeze-drying. The annual output value is 21 million yuan, and the profit is more than 3 million yuan, which will effectively promote the increase of income of the masses and the efficiency of the industry.

Hao Jinfu, a villager from Daxiu Village, Songshan Town, Tianzhu County, has achieved employment at his doorstep due to the completion of the industrial center of the R&D center, he said: "My family is near here, and it is very good to work here. ”

Release the power of "mushrooms" to get rich - Tianzhu County Edible Fungi R&D Center Project Experience

Prosper an industry and enrich the people. Tianzhu County takes the cultivation of characteristic industries as the starting point, constantly improves and improves the interest connection mechanism, establishes a multi-party cooperation model, and activates the "one pool of spring water" for rural revitalization. At the same time, the company strengthens the mushroom industry with large-scale development, promotes the development of the whole edible mushroom industry chain through measures such as extending the chain and brand building, radiates and drives more people to increase income and get rich at their doorstep, and continues to polish the gold-lettered signboard of "the hometown of edible fungi on the Chinese plateau".

Reporter Li Zhengyang Wei Xiaoying

Source: Wuwei Rong Media Center