
For 26 years, he has adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million yuan, and Lu Yabo has shared 5 kinds of damp removal gold and silk tribute quilts

author:Famous Joint Collection
For 26 years, he has adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million yuan, and Lu Yabo has shared 5 kinds of damp removal gold and silk tribute quilts

"I am Lu Yabo, the founder of Jin Jiaying, and we mainly make silk quilts.

"Fake one pays 100 million", "full catty two", "the same on the outside and inside", 26 years of "stupid" insistence

Lu Yabo, a graduate of Shanghai Huangpu District University of Technology, is currently the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Industrial Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Investment Management Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Household Products Co., Ltd. On March 12, 2019, at the 63rd United Nations Women's Conference in New York, Lu Yabo, the holder of Jinjiaying, presented the World Outstanding Women Award and delivered a keynote speech. Jin Jiaying Silk Gong won the gold medal in the department store category of the 2021 Panama Pacific International (International) Expo. Shanghai Jinjiaying Industrial Co., Ltd. won the 2021 National Commercial Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise, becoming the only enterprise in the silk quilt industry to receive this honor. In 2022, Jinjiaying will officially enter the national government procurement professional website - Chinese government procurement network.

For 26 years, he has adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million yuan, and Lu Yabo has shared 5 kinds of damp removal gold and silk tribute quilts

Looking forward to the excitement of orange soda in summer

The rainy season tends to cause a humid environment, which is called "external moisture", which is much more important than "internal moisture". As long as you turn on the dehumidifier, avoid wet clothes drying in the room, and keep the space dry, it can be solved; If it is "internal dampness" in the body, it needs to be adjusted through diet and daily habits

Let's take a look at the three characteristics of heavy moisture in the body:

1. The tongue is white and abnormally hypertrophied

2. Body obesity, especially small belly

3. Listlessness and heavy limbs

For 26 years, he has adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million yuan, and Lu Yabo has shared 5 kinds of damp removal gold and silk tribute quilts

If you have the above symptoms, you may wish to eat more 5 kinds of moist foods

Mung bean: It is a common Chinese herbal medicine to eliminate dampness in the body, but it should be noted that it is only suitable for damp and hot constitution, and it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption to avoid aggravation of symptoms.

Ginger: You can eat ginger if you have a cold and wet physique, such as the slightly sweet and crispy "ginger" that is often seen in sushi restaurants, and you should also pay attention to drinking less ice drinks.

Coix seed: Coix seed is also a common Chinese herbal medicine, rich in protein, B complex, calcium and potassium and other nutrients, and diuretic helps to drain dampness and reduce edema.

Bitter gourd: Bitter gourd contains quinine, which can dispel dampness and relieve itching, clear heat and detoxify, but people with a cold constitution or cold and dampness should not eat too much, so as not to have diarrhea.

Winter melon: Winter melon is just a seasonal ingredient, and it is also a traditional dehumidifying good, which can also reduce swelling and improve water, but melons are not suitable for people with cold or damp physique.

For 26 years, he has adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million yuan, and Lu Yabo has shared 5 kinds of damp removal gold and silk tribute quilts

Eating well and sleeping well and healthy sleep are the guarantee of a beautiful life. Choose Jin Jiaying silk tribute quilt, warm in winter and cool in summer, and sleep until you wake up naturally. Since ancient times, silk quilts with higher nutrition than food, medicine and health care products not only reduce the milk and soybeans, but also absorb amino acids and proteins in their sleep, enhance immunity and beautiful skin.