
What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

author:Xunyang Procuratorate
What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?
What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

Wu Huiqing

Wu Huiqing, procurator of the 10th Procuratorate Department of the Changchun City Procuratorate in Jilin Province, who is about to retire, often recalls the days of receiving visitors and relieving the people's anxieties and worries during the 26 years of his procuratorial career.

In the past 26 years, the office space has been moved from the previously shared communication room to a modern two-story office building; The name of the place has also changed from the letter and visit reception room and the reporting center to the 12309 procuratorial service center; The once energetic young man "Xiao Wu" was also called "Old Wu".

However, the smile on the corner of Wu Huiqing's mouth, which is full of responsibility and wisdom, has never changed, which is the precious spiritual wealth left by Wu Huiqing.

Not long ago, during the investigation of the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate, it was learned that Wu Huiqing was about to retire, and Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, said: "We must continue to inherit and develop the good tradition, good style and good image of the studio, and strive to cultivate more 'Wu Huiqing-style' prosecutors." ”

What kind of experience have you had during your more than 20 years of petition work? How did a prosecutor who deals with ordinary people all day win the crown of "National Model Prosecutor"? How to cultivate "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutors? With these questions, the reporter walked into the "Wu Huiqing Studio" of the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center of the Changchun Municipal Procuratorate.

From "Little Wu" to "Old Wu"

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

On the morning of June 20, Wu Huiqing received a client who had come to submit an application for supervision.

At the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center, the reporter met a party who came to submit an application for supervision.

"I remember you, I came to consult once before, and you brought all the materials, right?" It was Wu Huiqing who received the visitors at the window.

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

On the morning of June 20, Wu Huiqing received the parties who came to submit the application for supervision.

Understand the demands of the parties, verify the materials, and fill in the information...... It only took ten minutes for Wu Huiqing to receive the party. Behind the efficient handling of cases is the accumulation of practice and experience.

In 1996, Wu Huiqing was transferred to the Changchun Municipal Procuratorate to work. Recalling that time, Wu Huiqing said that he was on a business trip to handle cases and was heroic. Relatives and friends all said that being a prosecutor was the right profession.

One day two years later, the leaders of the hospital in charge found Wu Huiqing to talk and wanted to transfer her to the reception room for letters and visits. "You usually treat people well, and you always greet people with a smile. Everyone thinks you're the best fit, try it first, let's take three months. ”

In this way, despite some reluctance, Wu Huiqing moved from the office building to the communication room and began the reception of letters and visits.

"During that time, my father had a great influence on me." Wu Huiqing's father is an old party member, and he reminded his daughter more than once that they all came out of the countryside, and they have to love each line of work, and since they like procuratorial work, they can't pick and choose the fat and the thin.

"The leaders of the hospital have also been encouraging me. At the small meeting of the conference, it was said that looking at Xiao Wu, he can indeed handle good things. ”

In that era, with the deepening of reform, social contradictions and conflicts of interest intensified. Due to the general lack of the concept of petitioning in accordance with the law in society at that time, the work of petitioning was not easy to do. "A lot of people came to make noise, whether it was the responsibility of the procuratorate or not, they came anyway......," Wu recalled.

In that communication room of less than 50 square meters, Wu Huiqing encountered all kinds of "unthinking" - in the face of the emotional visitors, she was sprayed with saliva all over her face; Received a dead rat from a petitioner; There are also people who take small boxes, saying that they are explosives, and if they do not meet their demands, they will die with her......

"Why did you hold on?"

"Nothing special. First of all, you have to let the visitors express their demands happily, and you have to learn to empathize, sincerely solve problems for others, not perfunctory, in today's words, that is, to do 'as I complain'. ”

Wu Huiqing persevered. In those years, when she took the bus, she would always meet some strangers who bought her tickets. When she caught up, she found that they were all people who had been interviewed, and it took a long time to return the ticket money. "We just think you're quite responsible and think about us, so we want to thank you!"

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

On Wu Huiqing's desk is a sign that reads "Party Member Service Star".

With the recognition of Wu Huiqing's work by the masses, "Xiao Wu" gradually liked this work, and thus made some achievements - "National Model Prosecutor", outstanding Communist Party member at the provincial level, outstanding civil servant, advanced worker in letters and visits, ten outstanding women, 38 red flag bearers, and so on.

Behind the "Wu Huiqing" brand

"Why is there such a result?"

"The achievements are inseparable from the Supreme People's Procuratorate's attention to the petition work, the business guidance of the higher-level line departments and the trust of the leaders of the Changchun Municipal People's Court. She said.

"I'm just a wave in the tide of the times." In the face of reporters' inquiries, Wu Huiqing said frankly that personal efforts and perseverance are only a small aspect, and the procuratorial career in the best period of development has made him who he is today.

Wu Huiqing counted the changes over the years - from the Supreme People's Procuratorate Party Group proposed that "the masses have a reply to their letters and visits", to the source management of petition problems, attaching importance to giving full play to the function of reverse examination of accusations and appeals, and striving to build a general pattern of procuratorial organs' petition work; From the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate's proposal to forge an iron army of prosecution and prosecution that "stresses discipline, can endure hardships, is reliable, and can live hard", to comprehensively improve the comprehensive work ability.

From grasping and understanding the requirements of various tasks, Wu Huiqing has continuously improved his ability to work on letters and visits.

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

"Wu Huiqing Studio" in the "12309 Procuratorial Service Center" of the Changchun Municipal Procuratorate.

In the view of Zhang Shiying, a prosecutor in the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center of the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate, Wu Huiqing is a serious person. He told reporters that the concept of "believing in the higher authorities but not believing in the lower levels" is prevalent in petitioning, and some people believe that higher-level units are more effective in resolving contradictions, and as a result, contradictions are always concentrated in higher-level organs, which is not conducive to solving problems.

Over the years, Wu Huiqing has been actively coordinating and resolving petition cases in the jurisdiction. Every time she visits, she strives to resolve the contradictions on the front line and does not easily hand over the problems. Zhang Shiying said.

On weekdays, Wu Huiqing, in addition to receiving visitors and dealing with the work of "letters and visits, network electricity", spends most of his time studying. On Wu Huiqing's desk, there are "Provisions on the Procedures for the Handling of Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs", "Rules of Criminal Procedure of the People's Procuratorate", "Rules of Civil Procedure of the People's Procuratorate", and other regulations.

"Over the years, I have also thought about summarizing Wu Huiqing's work style, and the evaluation given by the big guys is very high, some people say that it is affinity, and some people say that it is inclusive, and there is no unified opinion." Li Jun, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the Changchun City Procuratorate, sometimes wonders what is the reason why she has been working for more than 20 years, from "little Wu" to "old Wu", and has done the work of receiving letters and visits with great success.

"Don't look at the work of the whole court, but he has never been ambiguous in taking the lead in handling petition cases." In a criminal accusation and appeal case, at the request of Li Jun, the Changchun City procuratorate collected evidence three times, comprehensively reviewed the handling of the case, and finally determined that the situation was not true, and made specific arrangements for the next step of explaining the law and reasoning. "Leaders take the lead in handling cases and solving problems, which is the greatest encouragement for us." Wu Huiqing said.

Once, when handling a petition case of a certain court in the territory, the undertaker at first felt that it was unnecessary to organize a public hearing, which made Wu Huiqing anxious. "If the parties are not satisfied with the decision made by the procuratorate, we will definitely carry out an explanation of the law. The masses have opinions, but we avoid them, where is this to do mass work? That time, Wu Huiqing made a face.

In the end, under the impetus of Shi Daqi, the deputy chief procurator of the sub-management and control of the application, the leaders and undertakers of the local procuratorate jointly organized a public hearing to explain the law and reason, and after many efforts, the problem was resolved.

"Actually, it's not that difficult, the key is how to know." Nowadays, it has become the norm for "Wu Huiqing Studio" to jointly receive visits with the backbone of the business department, responding to the demands of the masses and handling petition cases more efficiently and conveniently.

More "Wu Huiqing-style" seedlings

Grow up

"It is necessary to continue to inherit and develop the good tradition, good style and good image of the studio, and strive to cultivate more 'Wu Huiqing-style' prosecutors."

Bearing the entrustment of the chief prosecutor, the party group of the Changchun Municipal Procuratorate began to plan. Li Jun said that although Wu Hui will retire next year, the spiritual power contained in it will be passed on for a long time through the studio and become an inexhaustible motivation for all Changchun prosecutors.

In fact, the inheritance began long ago.

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

Tong Yukun, a demobilized military cadre born in 1985, is Wu Huiqing's most proud "student". Whenever he has time, Tong Yukun will always take the initiative to find the "master" Wu Huiqing to talk about what is in his heart.

"The young man is very upright and enthusiastic, and he is a good seedling for mass work." Tong Yukun, who was born in 1985, is also a demobilized cadre, like Wu Huiqing. Not long after he arrived at the procuratorate, Wu Huiqing paid attention to him.

"I don't quite understand this job, how can the visitors still ask for a new prosecutor to receive them? The rules and regulations are there, and when the talk is finished, what else can we do? How can you be reasonable about a case that has already been handled? "At the beginning of his work at the petition window, Tong Yukun had a lot of incomprehension.

"Just like I was at the beginning." During that time, Wu Huiqing often took Tong Yukun to visit. "When I receive visitors, you are responsible for recording them."

Gradually, Tong Yukun knew where his problems were, "I just didn't put myself in the right position, I didn't think differently as I am suing, to put it bluntly, I don't have a good understanding of the work of the masses, just like the Supreme People's Procuratorate Party Group emphasized 'handling every case with high quality and efficiency', so that the people can feel, feel, and feel fairness and justice, and the procuratorial case handling cannot be limited to a piece of paper." ”

Gradually, Tong Yukun understood more about the masses who were trapped in the predicament of petitioning. "The petitioners have a strong desire to talk, and we have to listen carefully and patiently. Sometimes, as soon as the words are finished, most of the anger is gone. ”

From being helpless before, to now being an expert in petition reception work, after more than 4 years of follow-up study, Tong Yukun has become Wu Huiqing's proud "student".

In fact, this inheritance is not only in Tong Yukun's body. In recent years, the party group of the Changchun City Procuratorate has clearly stipulated that starting from the top leader, the leaders of the procuratorate must take the lead in receiving and presiding over hearings, resolving contradictions, and handling petition cases. For new procurators, the "Wu Huiqing Studio" is the first stop for work, and they will stay for at least two months.

"We will definitely do 'as I sue', and build Wu Huiqing's professionalism, pragmatic style, and feelings for the people into a brand and a position, and carry forward and inherit it well." Li Jun said.

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?

Source: Procuratorate Daily, News Edition

Text reporter: Yu Xiao Chi Jiuyang

Photojournalists: Cheng Ding, Wang Haomiao, Yu He

Editors: Zhang Zixuan, Liu Zhaoying, Wu Pengyao

What is a "Wu Huiqing-style" prosecutor?