
Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

author:Nostalgia for natural ecology

There is no standard answer to happiness, there is more than one path to happiness, the day you like is the best day, the way you like to live is the best way to live, don't ignore the cherishing of the present, take the most solid step now, the front will be the sea and the sky, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

The original meaning of life is to think, break through those self-setting and stubbornness, we often say that the state of mind determines fate, a broad way of thinking, can also make the troubles disappear, but also to life to express a kind attitude, but also a kind of life of sobriety and modesty.

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

Life is your own, every day of your life, every happiness, you have to rely on yourself to feel, to capture, to change others is half the effort, to change yourself is to get twice the result with half the effort, believe in yourself, a better life starts from changing yourself! Good morning, July!

Life is short for decades, year after year; The road I have traveled knows that there are short and long; After what happened, I knew that there were joys and sorrows; After tasting the taste, I know that there is astringency and coldness, everything can be abandoned, but not happiness; You can lose anything, but you can't lose a smile; You can do nothing, but you can't manage your money.

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

There is no perfection in life, flowers bloom, the maturity of life, is the improvement of consciousness, there are many uneven things in the world, the key is that we have a plain, calm, calm heart, light and far-reaching, quiet to self-cultivation, will be able to resist floating, once is a wisp of smoke, ethereal is not our life, only cherish is the true meaning of life, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

Life is bumpy, stumbling is inevitable, let go of the past, in order to move forward, simple life is a happy life, people should be content and happy, but not to maintain the status quo, but also to create, to develop, nothing can be thought of too complicated, that will be mediocre people disturb themselves, the load of the soul is heavy, will complain about the sky, good morning!

Going with the flow is a kind of freedom of the soul; Life is like a road, and we are people walking on the road, when we set foot on this road, each step of the foothold will have a different experience, scattered footprints, bit by bit experience, converge into life.

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

At first, we pretended to understand with confusion, and later, we pretended to be confused, not because we were willing to live unclear, but because we tried a lot of things, we would debunk them, and when we debunked them, we would lose them, and the adult world was always so fragile.

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

In everyone's eyes, there is a face, sometimes clear, sometimes in a trance; In everyone's years, there are always some fragments that will never be forgotten, will not disappear forever on the quiet riverbank, rushing, in fact, in order not to run again; Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Pain, in fact, is to stop suffering, good morning!

People's character is shaped by the environment in which they grew up, and after many years, no matter how many years you realize that your character is perfect or flawed, it cannot be changed, just like a person's moral purity, whether there is or is not, defines whether your whole life is noble or despicable. More wonderful emotions, philosophical, and beautiful essays; Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Heart into a piece