
Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

author:New Street School Life Newspaper
Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

You think it's a liar's trick

Still staying

"I'm xxx, transfer to xxx......"?


Now scammers also have a "scam playbook"

They use the network "vest" to play multiple roles

Especially for @business owners and corporate financers

Hurry up and learn about the fraudsters

Thousand-layer routine


The "boss" suddenly pulled the group? Beware of fraud!

Recently, a company in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province financed

Suddenly by their own "boss"

Pull into a so-called "working group".

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

The "boss" and the "boss" are in the group

The two first had a "negotiation"

The "boss" then asks to see the company balance

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

After the financial staff sends the company's financial information

The "boss" asks the finance to make a corporate transfer

At this point, the finance staff feels that something is wrong

Communicate with the boss on the phone in a timely manner

That's when the problem was discovered

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you


"The Boss" and "The Boss"

It's all the "vests" of liars

The crooks talk by making two "vests".

In order to gain the trust of the victim


Buying for firefighters? The drunkard does not mean to drink

Fraudsters are also adept at pretending to be

Various "official figures"

Specializes in deceiving bosses into trust

Mr. Zhang received an order from the "Fire Brigade".

I hope that Mr. Zhang will help purchase a batch of tires

A "supplier" was then recommended

and asked Mr. Zhang to help "advance" the tire payment

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

Actual "Fire Brigade" and "Supplier"

It's all the "vests" of liars

In order to make an "advance payment".

Scam money


A mysterious "acquaintance" call? Beware of being a scammer

Receiving a strange call

The other party can say it accurately

Information about your name, business name, business, etc

Is it a "regular customer"? Not necessarily!

Sound the alarm!

Uncle Zhou is a veteran

One day I received a call from a stranger

The other party affectionately called him "Squad Leader Zhou"

And said after the end of the training of the troops

I'm going to come to Uncle Zhou's restaurant to eat

Hope to order food

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

However, on the morning of the agreed day

The other party calls out of the blue

Ask Uncle Zhou to help purchase a batch of emergency supplies

He also said that the deposit must be paid within the specified time

Fraudsters use "vests" to play multiple roles? Watch out! The whole "work group" is probably a liar except for you

Fortunately, Uncle Zhou was more vigilant

The civilian police were consulted

The scam was successfully identified by the police

Routine analysis

1. Multiple "vests" to deceive trust:

In order to win the trust of the victim, the scammer will often register multiple "vests" and reduce the victim's vigilance through the interaction between the "vests". The frequent change of "vests" by scammers also makes it more difficult for victims to detect anomalies.

2. Replace "transfer" with "advance payment" to reduce victims' defenses:

For enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, scammers often use large orders to "advance payment" as a trick to paralyze victims, and take advantage of the so-called "delivery" time difference to delay the victims to report to the police.

3. Use "information asymmetry" to create a "precision fraud trap":

Scammers often use the victim's personal information collected in advance to create exclusive fraud scripts and carry out precise fraud on the victim.

Steady! Don't be fooled by the tricks of scammers

Source: CCTV news client

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