
Unlock the happiness "password" of the old community - a sketch of grassroots governance led by the party building of Niying Community, Zhongjing Street, Wancheng District

author:Live broadcast Nanyang
Unlock the happiness "password" of the old community - a sketch of grassroots governance led by the party building of Niying Community, Zhongjing Street, Wancheng District

Baduanjin performance (file photo)

In the scorching summer, community residents can watch various forms of theatrical performances with rich content such as chorus, dance, tai chi, and model catwalk at their doorstep; The elderly can participate in electric blowpipe training and performance classes to enrich their later life; In addition, various cultural and artistic programs written, directed and performed by residents are displayed on the community stage...... There was a smile on everyone's face, and the smell of happiness permeated the community.

Niying Community, Zhongjing Street, Wancheng District, a community changed from "village" to "residence", why has it remained livable and beautiful for 19 years? In the eyes of the residents, it is the key for the two community committees to open up the two veins of "appointment and supervision".

"Party building leads, do fine management, and do a good job in the work of the masses; Culture first, improve thinking, and implement services. Wang Xingwu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Niying Community, said that the second vein of "Ren Governor" referred to by residents is actually "party building leading" and "culture first".

The service is fine and warm to the "heart"

Niying Community is located in the east of the city, adjacent to Baihe National Urban Wetland Park in the south, and landscape roads such as Binhe Avenue, Guangwu Avenue and Zhangheng Avenue pass through the community. It covers an area of two square kilometers and has 11 residential groups and 20 residential communities. The total population of the district is more than 15,000 people. The community is lush with greenery, a clean environment, and a smooth road surface, showing exquisite beauty.

Niying community takes party building to lead grassroots governance as the core goal, and all the work of the community faces the residents, and the party members and cadres play an exemplary and leading role to solve the residents' demands and mediate conflicts and disputes; Care for the old and the young, and guard the beauty of "day and night". The community empowers community services with culture, continuously enriches the cultural life of residents, stimulates high-spirited spirits, cultivates a new style of civilization, and promotes the harmonious development of the community.

Free health clinics, free haircuts, lock repairs and key ...... In various communities of Niying Community, such convenient and beneficial services are "blooming everywhere", making the bond between grassroots party organizations and residents tighter and tighter. A large number of distinctive, warm, and popular party and mass service positions make the masses want to come, love to come, and come often.

Niying community actively organizes party members, cadres and volunteers to carry out diversified volunteer service activities according to local conditions, promotes the conscious participation of the majority of residents, forms a two-way service model, and expands the depth and breadth of community governance. We should pay close attention to the elderly, the primary school, the middle school, the youth and the young, create a caring service and volunteer culture, and create a beautiful community with community harmony, harmonious environment, friendly neighborliness, mutual help, respect for the old and love for the young, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of residents.

Gather strength and draw "concentric circles"

There are things that the community talks about; If you have difficulties, find a party member.

Combined with the current situation of party members in the community, Niying community focuses on the key work of party building and carries out a series of red cultural activities to enhance the cohesion of the party organization and the sense of belonging of party members. Under the unified leadership of the community party committee, resources from all parties have gathered and cultivated in the depths to form a "strong magnetic field" for grassroots governance.

While standardizing the construction of the position of the community party and mass service center, the Niying community carries out themed party day activities every month to guide the party members and cadres in the jurisdiction to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline, strengthen discipline construction, temper a strong style, and promote the high-quality development of community work.

Actively build a brand of community integrity culture. Niying Community promotes the construction of a clean and honest culture in the community, and promotes the construction of a clean and honest community through measures such as creating a clean atmosphere, building a strong team of party members, and forming a volunteer service team. In the community party building park, set up integrity slogans, imperceptibly spread the culture of integrity, and unconsciously keep the knowledge of integrity in mind. Build Qingfeng Garden, Qingfeng Lane, Qingfeng Library, and Qingfeng Building, so that righteousness can rise and the breeze blows on the banks of the Baihe River, so as to realize the educational effect of "spring breeze and rain moisturizing things silently" of the culture of clean government. Regularly organize special training on the construction of party style and clean government for community party members and cadres; The community party committee leads everyone to learn, think and advocate integrity; Once a week, we will hold a reading club to read clean books...... Guide residents to build a harmonious, filial piety and honest home. As the first batch of grassroots "clean community" demonstration sites announced in the city, Niying Community adheres to Mr. Zhuge who has been strict with himself and honest all his life, providing an ideological guarantee and strong impetus for the high-quality development of the community.

Liang Hailei, the "most beautiful volunteer" in the country, the moral model of Henan Province and the head of the people's propaganda group, walked into the Niying community to carry out the red propaganda activity of family style and family motto, interpreting the original intention and mission of party members through real people and real stories, and conveying the party's voice to the hearts of party members and residents in the jurisdiction for the first time, so that the red spirit can penetrate into the hearts of every party member; With the embroidery needle of "party building + red property", we will actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, better mobilize the masses, realize joint consultation, joint construction, joint management and sharing, embroider the "concentric circles" of grassroots governance, and realize a new model of pluralistic co-governance service governance.

Upward and benevolent, cooking a good "cultural meal"

Residents order, literature and art lovers perform, or invite residents to perform together, which is truly self-written, self-directed, self-performed, and self-appreciated. Based on the cultural resources of the community, the Niying community excavates the cultural heritage of the community, and regularly carries out a variety of literary and artistic activities, and residents participate in the common interpretation.

Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, the electric blowpipe training and performance public welfare classes have built a communication and interaction platform for the retired elderly in the jurisdiction, cultivating everyone's interests and hobbies, and adding fun to life. At the same time, it also creates a positive community culture and art atmosphere. Relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Station and Neighborhood Center, various forms and rich content of theatrical performances have been held one after another, including model catwalks, choruses, solo singing, dances, recitations, and ...... It conforms to the residents' expectations for a better life. Everyone praised this kind of performance for being warm and down-to-earth, which is the real people's big stage. Let the literary and artistic culture go to the residents, and implement the culture to benefit the people and serve the people.

Civilized spirit, strong physique. In order to further enrich the cultural and sports life of residents and promote the excellent traditional Chinese health culture, Niying Community has carried out long-term public welfare training activities of Baduanjin course to teach the essence and skills of Taijiquan to residents in the district, attracting residents to participate enthusiastically. Niying community also holds community fun games from time to time, from the elderly in their 70s to children in their teens compete to sign up for the competition, football, basketball, chess, badminton, tug-of-war, table tennis and other fierce competitions, there is unity, friendship, and competition...... It has created a strong atmosphere of national fitness, effectively improved the health awareness and quality of life of community residents, and laid a solid foundation for creating a better life that is livable, suitable for maintenance and enjoyable.

A person's identity is the human heart; A group of people agrees with the people.

Party members and cadres learn together, work together, and enjoy together, and the artistic cultivation, aesthetic taste, civilization level, and community consciousness of community residents continue to improve, and the sense of belonging, identity, gain, happiness, and security continues to increase, which further activates the "source of living water" of community governance, and jointly builds the community into a beautiful spiritual home for the masses. Niying Community has successively won the titles of "National Demonstration Age-Friendly Community", "Excellent New Era Civilization Practice Station", "Integrity Culture Demonstration Site", "Henan Provincial Civilized Unit", "2023 Henan Provincial Advanced Health Unit" and 2023 "Five-Star" Branch. Wang Xingwu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Niying Community, was awarded the "2022 Advanced Individual of Safe Village and Community Creation Activities in the Province".

Looking back on the past, we are confident and looking forward to the future.

Niying Community will continue to be guided by the leadership of party building and the purpose of culture first, and contribute to the construction of multicultural culture in the form of a hundred flowers, so that more residents can participate in it, so that the cultural life of the jurisdiction will be warmed up, the spirit of residents will be enriched, and the wind of civilization will be lively, so as to create a happy and livable community in the new era that everyone builds and shares together.

Correspondent: Wang Lingyun

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