
Red Story Painting - Strong Army and Great Cause Topic|Today's recommended comic book "Heroes Who Have Been Missing for Thirty-two Years"

author:Beijing Municipal Center of Culture

Red story painted

New China's 75 years of strong military greatness

Red Story Painting - Strong Army and Great Cause Topic|Today's recommended comic book "Heroes Who Have Been Missing for Thirty-two Years"

Chai Yunzhen (1926-2018) was born in Yuechi, Sichuan. In October 1950, he went to the front line of Korea with the Volunteer Army. In May 1951, Chai Yunzhen was wounded in the Korean battlefield Park Dafeng Resistance Battle and transferred to the Baotou City Military Hospital. After recovering from his injuries, he returned to his hometown, where he went incognito and lost contact with the army. After more than 30 years of searching, Chai Yunzhen was found in Yuechi County, under the jurisdiction of Deng Xiaoping's hometown of Guang'an City, in 1984, and the following year he was invited to visit North Korea to participate in commemorative activities and was awarded the "Order of Freedom and Independence of the First Class". On June 29, 2021, he was awarded the "July 1st Medal".

The comic book "Missing Heroes for 32 Years" tells the glorious deeds of Chai Yunzhen who bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea, as well as his mental journey of 32 years of incognito.


Red Story Painting - Strong Army and Great Cause Topic|Today's recommended comic book "Heroes Who Have Been Missing for Thirty-two Years"
Red Story Painting - Strong Army and Great Cause Topic|Today's recommended comic book "Heroes Who Have Been Missing for Thirty-two Years"

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