
If the small hole is not mended, the big hole suffers, and these stinky problems should be corrected

author:Life without regrets 1
If the small hole is not mended, the big hole suffers, and these stinky problems should be corrected

No one is perfect. Each of us has some stinky defects of one kind or another, and if we do not completely get rid of them, it will inevitably have an adverse impact on personal development.

The first stinky problem is whining. When he encounters a setback, he does not find the reason from himself, but complains about the air, others are sorry for him, and he has no mistakes. It is still necessary to remember what the great leader once said: "If you complain too much, you should take a long-term view of the situation."

The second stinky problem is the love of lifting the bar. Some people love to raise the bar when they speak, they have to fight for the ugliness, right and wrong, fight back and forth, carry around, friends are gone, family affection is gone, and the taste of being alone can only be tasted by themselves, don't talk to death.

If the small hole is not mended, the big hole suffers, and these stinky problems should be corrected

The third stinky problem is to die to save face. Especially if his own conditions are not good, but for the sake of a so-called face, he slapped his swollen face and became fat, and he deserved to suffer. Remember: face is not given by others, it is earned by yourself.

The fourth stink is Edher. Some people occasionally make a little achievement, showing off endlessly, and they have to show off everywhere, lest the world don't know that the dog's belly can't hold a few taels of vegetable oil, in fact, this is a performance of no city.

The fifth stinky problem is the love to take advantage of small advantages. As small as taking a green onion from someone today, borrowing a garlic from someone tomorrow but never paying it back, to stealing and playing tricks at work, and letting others do their own work, it is still as the saying goes: "Greedy for small and cheap and suffer big losses".

The sixth stinky problem is temper tantrums. Everyone has a temper, and the key is whether they can self-regulate. The more capable people are, the easier it is to lose their temper, and the people who lose their temper at every turn are a manifestation of lack of self-cultivation, how can they achieve great things?

If the small hole is not mended, the big hole suffers, and these stinky problems should be corrected

The seventh problem is jealousy. When others have achieved results, they are not humbly learning from others, but talking cool things behind their backs and engaging in small actions, which are all jealousy. If the jealousy is too strong, the control is not good, and it is easy to make a bigger mess, and even embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, which should indeed be worthy of the vigilance of each of us.

The eighth stinky problem is to cry poor. As soon as he chatted, he was "the poorest in the world", crying poor and selling miserably. Just ask: If you cry poor, will others help you? Do others sympathize with you? If "crying poverty comes true", it will be too late to regret it.

The ninth stinky problem is that the heart is straightforward and fast-talking. I am straightforward, I say whatever I want, I dig out my heart to everyone, and I also call it "no heart and no lungs, and I am not tired of living". In fact, he forgot that subtlety is also a virtue, as the saying goes: "When you see people, you only say three points, but you can't throw away all your heart", see through it and don't say it, you can still be friends, hiding it, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

The tenth stinky problem is that it is too ambitious. The most prominent manifestation is the old "job-hopping" and changing bosses. I always feel that this job is not suitable for him, and that job is not suitable for him, high or low, the job has been changed several times, and there is always no suitable one, and the result is a chicken feather, and nothing can be achieved.

How many of the above bad problems do you have? If so, the sooner you correct it, the better. Only by getting rid of these bad problems can we succeed in our career and live like a human being.

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If the small hole is not mended, the big hole suffers, and these stinky problems should be corrected