
What is the origin of the art of photography?

author:Photography workshop


The origins of the art of photography can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century, and its development is closely related to the progress of science and technology, as well as the integration of art and culture.

1. Discovery of the principle of aperture imaging:

Although not photography per se, the principle of aperture imaging provides a theoretical foundation for photography. The Chinese philosopher Mozi recorded the phenomenon of small aperture imaging around the 4th century BC, which was an early understanding of the principles of optics.

What is the origin of the art of photography?
What is the origin of the art of photography?

2. Exploration of photosensitive materials:

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, scientists and inventors experimented with different chemicals to capture light and form images. Thomas Wedgwood of England was one of the first to experiment with images made of photosensitive materials, and although his images could not be preserved for a long time, they marked an important step towards photography.

What is the origin of the art of photography?
What is the origin of the art of photography?

3. Nieps's contribution:

French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Nièpce is credited with taking the world's first permanent photograph. In 1826 or 1827, he left the world's first photograph entitled "Landscape from the Window" by exposing it to a metal plate coated with bitumen for several hours and then washing the unhardened part with a solvent.

What is the origin of the art of photography?
What is the origin of the art of photography?

4. Daguerre's daguerreotype:

After Nieps's death, the French painter and inventor Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre continued his research, culminating in the invention of Daguerreotype in 1839, a more efficient technique that produced clear, permanent images. The publication of this invention marked the official birth of photography as a practical technique, which quickly spread around the world.

What is the origin of the art of photography?
What is the origin of the art of photography?

Since then, photography has not only been a tool for recording reality, but has also gradually developed into an independent art form, and photographers have begun to explore the aesthetic potential of photography, expressing emotions, concepts and aesthetic pursuits through composition, light and shadow, subject selection and other means, and the art of photography has flourished.

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