
A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

author:Shadow lovers

In the beautiful entertainment industry, it is difficult for stars to become famous, especially for some handsome men and beautiful stars, handsome and beautiful are their capital and their disadvantage.

Once they were infinitely beautiful, they faced the pressure of life, mental torture, emotional abandonment ······, when the last straw in their hands was forced to end, they finally chose to end their lives, seeking relief, which is infinitely embarrassing.

Feng Zhe

In the fifties of the last century, he was a well-known and radiant actor, his temperament was dignified, his acting skills were exquisite, and he was well-known to the audience for his role as the battalion commander in the old movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War".

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

However, Feng Zhe, who is gentle and elegant on the screen, has a bumpy marriage and a frustrated life, and finally fell and withered in the good years, which makes people sigh and sigh.

Feng Zhe's tragic life starts with his marriage.

Feng Zhe's wife is Zhang Guangru, 10 years younger than him, his family is poor, his father is a down-and-out talent, at the age of 9, Zhang Guangru was sent by his mother to learn drama class, at the age of 11 he sang on stage, and at the age of 12 he had become a local Sichuan opera celebrity.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

As she grew older, Zhang Guangru became more and more beautiful, she met a rich boy because of singing, and quickly fell in love under the pursuit of the rich son, and it didn't take long for them to live together, but soon after falling in love, the rich son's nature was exposed, and he quickly abandoned Zhang Guangru after having a new love.

After being abandoned, Zhang Guangru was very sad, and with her strong personality, she ruthlessly cut off the fingers of her left hand to forget about this relationship.

When I met Feng Zhe, Feng Zhe had already become famous, and when she rehearsed the drama "The Flower of Tangtang" on stage, Feng Zhe looked at the audience and fell in love with Zhang Guangru at a glance, so she pursued her crazy, Zhang Guangru, who had been hurt by love, was very disgusted with Feng Zhe's pursuit at first, and in her heart she no longer trusted men's feelings.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching


But Feng Zhe's gentleness and warmth finally moved Zhang Guangru.

In 1949, Feng Zhe married 19-year-old Zhang Guangru at the Six Nations Hotel in Hong Kong.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

The first time after marriage was spent in sweetness, but as Feng Zhe's career got better and better, and the excellent women around him became bigger and bigger, Zhang Guangru, who was already sensitive to feelings, began to become unconfident, suspicious of Feng Zhe, and if there were some scandals, Zhang Guangru would quarrel with Feng Zhe constantly.

It wasn't until Zhang Guangru became pregnant that the relationship between the two eased, but not long after the pregnancy, Zhang Guangru learned that Feng Zhe had met his ex-girlfriend, which touched her sensitive nerves again, and her emotions became extremely sad, plus she did a lot of difficult singing actions despite the danger, resulting in a miscarriage of the child.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After losing the child, the relationship between the two people who were full of contradictions completely went to an irreparable situation, and since then the two have lived a marriage in name only, in 1957, Zhang Guangru was transferred back to Chengdu, and the two were separated from each other and began a long-term separation life.

Since then, Feng Zhe's career has begun to decline, the mess of life and years of mental depression, Feng Zhe has slowly changed from a gentle and elegant excellent man to a drunk man who wanders between large and small restaurants.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Time came to the mid-60s, when the special period in China came, Feng Zhe was beaten as a "special suspect" and "enemy special person" because of his family and identity, he was criticized and censored and tortured, during this period, Feng Zhe had asked Zhang Guangru to reunite for spiritual comfort, but Zhang Guangru rejected him and drew a line with him.

On June 2, 1969, Feng Zhe, who was hopeless in life, left a suicide note: "Heaven does not accept me, people accept me", and hanged himself in the farm he reformed through labor at the age of 49.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After learning the news of Feng Zhe's suicide, Zhang Guangru shed tears of sadness, and many years later she also understood that her husband's heart had never changed, and she had never married for the rest of her life, and she spent her time in self-blame and longing.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

In 1993, Zhang Guangru died, leaving her last words not to be buried with Feng Zhe, and when her family sorted out the relics, they found a collection of poems in memory of her deceased husband Feng Zhe, including a poem "Loyal Soul Companion" wrote:

"I mourn the death of the king for 18 years, this heart lingers, although the king has passed away, I love you, and the dream is bitter and sweet."

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Feng Zhe stills

Shangguan Yunzhu

Before entering the industry, she worked in a photo studio, and because of her work, she often dealt with some stars, which gave her the dream of becoming a star, and at the age of 19, she applied for the acting training class of Xinhua Film Company and began to learn acting.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

In 1940, at the age of 20, she starred in her first movie "Wang Laohu Robbing Relatives" and officially entered the showbiz.

Shangguan Yunzhu goose egg face in the shot, willow eyebrows, cherry mouth, beauty fascinated many audiences, can not be forgotten for a long time, soon after filming, the film continues to be made, in 1949 for the movie "The Crow and the Sparrow" won the first prize for outstanding film issued by the Ministry of Culture.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Many audiences are familiar with her work "South Island Storm", in which she played the heroic revolutionary hero Fu Ruohua, which brought her unimaginable honor and was selected as "New China's Top 22 Movie Stars".

However, the more beautiful the woman, the more bad her fate, she has been adrift in the wind and rain all her life, has had 5 relationships, divorced three times, unmarried and pregnant, has been banned, and has been criticized, censored, and beaten in special years.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

On November 22, 1968, after a day of torture, Shangguan Yunzhu returned to the apartment, she did not eat or drink, and suffered a serious mental blow, on the evening of the 23rd, she put on her favorite clothes, dressed beautifully, wrapped in a white silk scarf, jumped from the fourth floor and ended her life, and died at the age of 48.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Deng Nan

The actors often seen in old movies developed in the Hong Kong entertainment industry before the 50s, returned to the mainland after 1953, and worked in Shanghai Film Studio, starring in many film and television works, mostly supporting roles.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Lu Han in "Railway Guerrilla", Huang Yunlong in "No. 51 Military Station", Gu Axin in "Stage Sisters", President Zhao in "Can't Go That Way", Japanese Lieutenant in "South Island Fengyun", Jiang Wang in "Sea Soul", Guan Tianpei in "Lin Zexu", and so on.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Most of the villains are played.

However, in the special era in China, the identity of Luhan's landlord family made him suffer criticism and torture, which made him mentally collapse.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching


On December 24, 1968, Deng Nan chose to jump into the river to end his life at the age of 52, only one month after Shangguan Yunzhu's death.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Shen Hao

Born as a drama actor, she has served as a drama actor in the China Travel Drama Society, Shanghai Drama Art Society, and Shanglian Theater Troupe, she has a bold personality and profound knowledge, and became famous in the 40s, and was one of the eight top names in the Shanghai drama industry at that time, and began filming after 1944.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Representative works include "Dream of Red Mansions", "Good Husband and Wife", "The Minister", "The Patriot" and other film and television works, but because of his straightforward personality in life and offending people by speaking, he was beaten as a rightist in 1957 and became a problem actor.

Later, with the efforts of Shen Hao's husband Ye Ming, Shen Hao received the role of Shen Jiamu's mother in the movie "Stage Sisters", and was well-known to the audience because of this role.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

However, soon after the filming of the movie, the domestic literary and artistic rectification began, and the film was criticized as a big "poisonous weed" before it could be released, and in 1966, during the special period in China, most of the people involved in the filming of the film were criticized, including Shangguan Yunzhu, Deng Nan and Shen Hao.

The ending of the three is the same, in 1966, Shen Hao committed suicide by throwing himself into the river at the age of 50, and two years later Shangguan Yunzhu and Deng Nan committed suicide one after another.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Chen Tianguo

A movie star who became famous in the thirties and forties of the last century, with a handsome appearance, a loud voice, a wide range of personalities, likes to drink, and gets drunk every time, which buried a tragedy for his later life.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Chen Tianguo joined the China Film Studio in Chongqing, and met the actress Qin Yi in the film when filming the movie "Good Husband" in 1939.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Qin Yi

"If you don't accept me, I'll jump from here".

Chen Tianguo, who was unwilling, asked Qin Yi to visit Nanshan in Chongqing, and stood on the edge of the cliff and said such a sentence, seeing Chen Tianguo's determination, Qin Yi agreed to his pursuit.

In the autumn of 1939, Chen Tianguo married Qin Yi, and the witness of the two was Guo Moruo.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After that, Chen Tianguo quarreled with Qin Yi many times because of alcoholism, and he even did it when he was drunk, and after marriage, there was no cold and warmth before marriage, Qin Yi felt desperate, and half a year after marriage, Qin Yi began to separate from Chen Tianguo.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Chen Tianguo stills

After seeing Qin Yi's disappointment, Chen Tianguo restrained himself for a while, he begged Qin Yi's forgiveness, and the two got back together.

But Chen Tianguo has never been able to change the habit of alcoholism, when he is sober, he knows right and wrong, and forgets the pain when he picks up the wine glass, the two still quarrel constantly, in 1944, Qin Yi gave birth to her daughter Jin Feihui, and the relationship between the two has not been eased.

In October of the same year, the two went through divorce procedures.

A year after the divorce, Qin Yi remarried and married actor Jin Yan, and the witness was Guo Moruo.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Qin Yi Jin Yan

Chen Tianguo had a relationship with actress Yi Xueyan during the filming of the movie "Intelligence Officer No. 5", and later broke up because of Chen Tianguo's alcoholism.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

In the early 50s, Chen Tianguo remarried, and his wife Zhang Guohong was an outsider and had a son after marriage.

In 1966, during the special period in China, Chen Tianguo complained about his dissatisfaction with the leader's practices, and was criticized during the special era, forcing him to write an inspection and confess his crimes, and was assigned to the boiler room, where he was often sent out to march.

In December 1967, Chen Tianguo hanged himself from a tree outside the gate of Lingyin Temple in Shanghai at the age of 55.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching


Ai Xia

The actress who became famous during the Republic of China, because of her opposition to arranged marriages, joined the repertory troupe when she fled to Shanghai to start her acting career, and began filming in 1931, with works such as "Harvest Year", "Spring Silkworm", "Fat Powder Market", "Good Year", etc., which are very popular with the audience.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Not only that, Ai Xia's articles are also very well written, among which "A Pair of Big Black Eyes" and "Good Years" have been praised by many literati and scholars: "The writing is concise and bright, bold and charming".

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

However, the more beautiful a woman is, the more easily she is hurt by feelings, after becoming famous, Ai Xia fell in love with Li Ping, who had a family, and the love she won made her full of expectations for life, and fantasized that Li Pingqian could divorce and marry herself.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Ai Xia and Li Pingqian

But waiting and waiting is empty after all, Li Pingqian not only did not divorce, but had a new love and fell in love with a younger woman.

In February 1934, Ai Xia chose to swallow and commit suicide at the age of 22.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching


Ying Ruocheng's aunt, Yingda, Yingzhuang's aunt, a famous movie star during the Republic of China, she is tall and cheerful, she became famous at the age of 20, and became famous because of the movie "Cross Street".

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

During the Anti-Japanese War, Yingyin joined the propaganda team and participated in the Anti-Japanese War through drama performances, and in 1940, she became popular overnight on the streets and alleys of Shanghai with the movie "Sai Jinhua".

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

On January 19, 1942, Yingyin committed suicide by poisoning at the age of 26.

The sudden suicide of the female star caused a public outcry for a while, and there was a lot of speculation about the cause of her death, and the reason was mostly "martyrdom" and death, it is worth mentioning that Yingyin's husband Ping Zuren was an agent of our party's underground and was arrested and killed by the Japanese army in 1940.

It wasn't until many years later that Yingyin's cause of death was revealed, and she died generously for the sake of the overall situation and the national righteousness.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Ruan Lingyu

started filming at the age of 16, and initially took on some small roles, until a number of film and television companies merged to form United Pictures, Ruan Lingyu's fate began to take a turn.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

starred in the films "White Cloud Tower", "Xiangxue Sea", "National Style", "Love and Obligation", etc., which are deeply loved by fans, and he is already a household name before the age of 25.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Ruan Lingyu in the lens is dignified, sunny, and charming, and is the first goddess of countless audiences, but Ruan Lingyu under the lens is an ordinary woman who is hurt by love.

In order to save her reputation, Ruan Lingyu agreed to pay Zhang Damin a breakup fee of 100 yuan per month, and only broke up after two years of conditions.

Later, Ruan Lingyu met Tang Jishan, a wealthy businessman "tea king", who was also hurt and was abandoned after Tang Jishan had Xinhua.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

On March 8, 1935, Ruan Lingyu left two suicide notes accusing her two boyfriends of ruthlessness and sin, and committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills at the age of 25.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After her death, at the funeral on March 14, 12 celebrities in the film industry, including Jin Yan, Sun Yu, Fei Mu, Zheng Junli, and Wu Yonggang, helped him, and more than 300,000 fans spontaneously came to see her off.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching


He is the enemy commander in "Southern Expedition and Northern War", he is the captain in "Night Voyage on the Foggy Sea", and he is also the senior commander of our army in "Crossing the River Reconnaissance", and his face is often seen in old movies, he is Mu Hong.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Mu Hong, before entering the industry, was a car conductor and driver, changed his career to become a drama actor in the early 40s, started filming in the late 40s, starred in a lot of film and television works, good acting skills, good character, when filming in 1951, he met his lover Wang Yi, who was five years younger than him.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Wang Yi

In the film, the two play a father and daughter, who fell in love with each other in the process of contact, and gave birth to a daughter after getting married.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After getting married, the two supported each other, did not give up their careers, and everything was developing towards a better future, but a change of the times made everything come to naught.

When he was special in China, Mu Hong was beaten into an enemy, and then he was criticized, censored, and beaten, and his gloomy life made him unable to see a glimmer of dawn, and finally hanged himself in despair, at the age of 49, and was labeled as "suicide in fear of crime" after his death.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

It was not until 1978 that Mu Hong's identity was rehabilitated.

It is worth mentioning that Mu Hong's granddaughter Chen Baolian committed suicide by jumping off a building in 2002.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

Lin Dai

Petite and exquisite, with a temperament similar to Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn, she made her debut in filming in 1952, and won the Asian Film Festival four times with the films "Golden Lotus", "Diao Chan", "A Thousand Charms" and "No Love", with fans all over the world.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

However, after becoming famous, Lin Dai has anxiety about love.

Lin Dai's husband is Long Shenxun, the second generation of the military of a well-known big man in Hong Kong's military and political circles, in 1961, the two held a grand wedding in Hong Kong Kowloon Rose Tang, a talented woman, a good match, the wedding was a sensation, and the two had a son after marriage.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

After getting married, Lin Dai had a short withdrawal in order to take care of the family, and during her retirement, the company began to support the newcomers, and when Lin Dai returned to the entertainment industry, she obviously felt that the resources were tilted, and her popularity had declined greatly, and because she had just given birth, her figure had not yet recovered, which made him anxious.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

When she returned home in a bad mood, she quarreled with her husband over trivial matters, the pressure of work, and her husband's incomprehension, which made Lin Dai, who was usually spoiled in the palm of her hand, unable to think about it for a while, one day in July 1964, Lin Dai swallowed a large number of sleeping pills and committed suicide, and died at the age of 30, which is embarrassing.

A smash hit, the 10 famous actors who committed suicide, the youngest is only 22 years old, which one is the most heart-wrenching

At Lin Dai's funeral, tens of thousands of fans came to see her off for the last time, and decades later, her front of the screen is still full of flowers, and there are still many fans who come to mourn her.