
is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

author:Beibei eats melons

With the advent of summer vacation, major platforms have shown their killer features. One wonderful drama after another has been launched one after another.

There is a dizzying feeling, there are really all kinds of themes.

Judging from the new dramas "Executive Judge" and "Lonely Lost City", which are currently on the air, they are really interesting.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

1. The reputation of acting skills is polarized

Luo Jin, the actor of "Executive Judge", is the husband of actress Tang Yan, who has attracted Magnolia's biggest attention in the past two days.

It's also magical, except for a few TV series starring Luo Jin and his wife Tang Yan over the years, other works don't seem to have made much splash.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

Especially in this drama, Luo Jin's performance is really unsatisfactory. It gives people a hard feeling, not handsome, but very unnatural.

His state is easy to make people play.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

On the contrary, Huang Jingyu, the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City", has been singing and declining in a large area before it was launched, but after only 4 episodes of the official broadcast, it has received rave reviews.

The plot is fast-paced and super interesting, and it doesn't drag on at all. The whole process is high-burning, and in a suspenseful way, it presents excitement, reversal and brain-burning, this kind of spy war drama is too attractive.

I'm even afraid that in the blink of an eye, I will miss important details and won't be able to keep up with the plot behind.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

The most important thing is that the acting skills of all the staff are online, and there are actresses like Dong Xuan and Xin Zhilei who are both beautiful and acting. And he himself has no idol baggage, and he is very open.

Everything is in the service of the character.,I don't deliberately keep it neat because I care about my image.。 As soon as he appeared, he was unrecognizable many times, and he really let it go.

Many netizens used "explosive acting skills" to describe Ou Xiaoan played by him.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

2. The emotional life is opposite

Although as actors, they are in their own careers, the audience's evaluation is polarized. But in life, the opposite is happening.

Luo Jin is a standard good man, especially when Tang Yan attends the event, as long as she shows up, the most in the comment area is to envy Luo Jin, and also praise him as the best husband.

Because a person's state can't deceive people, netizens can see that after Tang Yan marries him, she must be very happy.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

On the contrary, Huang Jingyu has always had a blogger who claims to be his ex-wife. And she once broke the news that Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend is suspected of being a 90-year-old flower Di Lieba.

Before the start of this new drama, his ex-wife publicly shouted many times.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

But no matter how rumors are rumored by the outside world, there are even framed photos of him and Reba. As a party, Huang Jingyu has not officially responded.

The attitude of neither admitting nor denying it makes Reba's fans unacceptable. If you are not together, you should refute the rumors and let your sister be beautiful.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

If two people really love each other, as a man, Huang Jingyu should stand up and protect his girl.

Therefore, Huang Jingyu has always had a bad impression in this regard. Many fans labeled him a "scumbag".

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

Summary: Huang Jingyu and Luo Jin are very similar from a certain point of view. They are all actors who take the powerful route, but those who like them are destined to not be low-key.

One is the top stream of 85 flowers, and the other is the top stream of 90 flowers. These two pairs are both strong women and weak men, but in terms of career and life, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu are just the opposite.

It can only be said: no one is perfect! There is no way to ask the other party to be perfect, and they are very good in life and career.

is also a strong woman and a weak man, Luo Jin and Huang Jingyu's lives and careers are reversed, and no one is perfect

Who do you think is better suited to get married?

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