
Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

I want to live in Chengdu

2024-07-02 14:59I want to live in Chengdu official account

Known as the "welfare gift package" placement type of affordable housing,

began to appear frequently in the property market news in major cities.

This also makes it clear what conditions are needed to apply for affordable housing and what the price is.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

Affordable housing has a good fragrance?! Highlight for everyone:

(1) Low price: low house price, generally 5-6% discount of the price of commercial housing;

(2) Small area: the average area is 70-90 square meters, mainly small apartments with rigid needs;

(3) Security groups: wage earners with housing difficulties and low incomes, as well as groups such as the introduction of talents needed by the city.

Chengdu has also announced the detailed rules for affordable housing, and all 7 projects have been announced.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

It means that the "welfare housing" of the wage earner group is coming soon!

Good location, low price, just so fragrant

At present, the 7 projects announced are from the 5+2 region, one for each district, which are located in Tianfu Qianwan, Zhonghe, Linjiaba, Qingyang New Town, Wuhou New Town, Phoenix Mountain, Longtan Temple and other sectors.

At first, everyone thought that the location and products of affordable housing would not be too good, and it was more marginal.

In fact, according to the published information, the location is not bad.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

The locations are in popular areas

For example, the affordable housing in Jinjiang District should be the best location in the first batch of affordable housing in Chengdu.

The project is located in the Linjiaba plate of the current fire, only about 600m away from the planned Linjiaba TOD, and the surrounding new projects are about 3w.

The high-tech affordable housing is close to Lu Xiao TOD, and the affordable housing in Tianfu New Area is considered to be in Tianfu Legal District, next to Qingdao Road of Metro Line 6.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

The product is practical and comfortable

In terms of products, all projects are mainly about 70 square meters of two single bathrooms and about 90 square meters of three and two bathrooms, and some projects have a small number of about 120 square meters of house supply.

The ladder household ratio is 2T4 and 3T6 households, which is higher than the configuration of many just-needed houses on the market! And the plot ratio of these projects is 2.5, which belongs to the index of improved housing.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

The quantity will exceed 5,000 sets

The current announcement of the placement of affordable housing is only a prelude to Chengdu's new housing reform, and there will be more affordable housing on the market in the future.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

The price is full of imagination

Although the specific price of the project has not been announced at present, it can be roughly judged according to the pricing mechanism and the situation in other cities.

The first placement type of affordable housing is in Fuzhou, with a unit price of 5,200-5,400 yuan/㎡, which is 3-4% off the price of commercial housing in the area.

According to official documents, the price of the first batch of affordable housing in Kunming is expected to be about 6,000 yuan-7,000 yuan/㎡.

The price of the placement type affordable housing in Dongguan, Guangdong Province is about 5% off the selling price of the product house.

The highest price is in Guiyang, which stipulates that the price of affordable housing is 65% of the average price of surrounding commercial housing.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

Why are the discounts so big?

Because according to the instructions of the "Document No. 14" deliberated and passed by the State Council in August last year, the pricing mechanism is to protect the capital and small profits.

In other words, the land for the placement of affordable housing is directly allocated by the local government, which has zero cost. The final pricing is based on construction costs, labor costs, tax costs, and the principle of low profits.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

According to public information, the land price of these plots of land in the 5+2 area is 4-6k, counting the construction and installation cost of 3-3.5k, superimposed with 5% of the profit, the final sales price should not exceed 10,000 yuan / square meter too much!

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

According to the pricing stipulated in the document, the total price of affordable housing can even be controlled below 150w, with a minimum of one million. Basically, it can beat most of the high-quality plates in the urban area.

You can read books, but you can't sell them

The "No. 14" document clearly mentions that affordable housing focuses on wage earners who have housing difficulties and low incomes, as well as groups such as the introduction of talents needed by the city.

At present, there are no detailed rules for Chengdu's placement of affordable housing, but it is certain that low-income groups and talents have greater opportunities.

For families with reading needs, they will also ask whether they can enjoy social resources such as school districts in the future after the purchase of affordable housing?

The document also stipulates that affordable housing projects should be included in the grid management of streets and communities, and buyers of affordable housing should enjoy the same basic public services as buyers of commercial housing communities.

So, it's perfectly fine to read!

But! There is a but!

Two points need to be noted, first, the implementation of affordable housing is closed management, not allowed to be sold to the outside world, second, with the family as a unit, the object of protection can only buy one set of affordable housing.

This means that the placement of affordable housing cannot be circulated normally like commercial housing.

is so comfortable, will the listing go crazy?

Take a look at feedback from other cities.

In March this year, the country's first placement type affordable housing - Fuzhou Shuanglong New Home Affordable Housing Project, which was opened for purchase.

There are a total of 701 units, including 45-75 square meters, with a simple price of only 5200-5400 yuan/㎡, which is about half of the price of surrounding commercial houses, which should be very attractive.

At present, the second round of subscription for their allotment affordable housing has been carried out for more than two months, which is much longer than the first phase of subscription, and it is estimated that the first round of subscription will not be too ideal.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

Why isn't it as sought-after as you might think?

The reason is that the current income is not too high, and the willingness to get on the car is not too strong, and the placement of affordable housing is closed management, basically bidding farewell to the return on investment.

It may also have something to do with the location of the project, the average price of new houses in many districts of Fuzhou is 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and the price of this project is about 12,000 yuan, which is much lower than the average price of 16,000 yuan of new houses in Fuzhou.

From this point of view, there are many differences with Chengdu's placement of affordable housing, and the upcoming projects in Chengdu are located in the area where Linjiaba, Wan'an, Chengfei, Zhonghe, etc., can be regarded as a hot new housing sector, and there should be better attention.

So here's the problem.

Will affordable housing impact commercial housing?

The first should bear the brunt of the second-hand just-needed housing in the same area and area.

The total price is 1 million, and I can't consider any investment attributes, for people with this kind of demand, compared with the subsequent circulation value, the price is lower and the house is updated, who to choose? Don't even think about it.

In addition, small-area apartment products with a poor environment and no supporting facilities will also lose tenants and receivers.

For the improvement of the new housing market, the impact of excessive product differentiation is limited.

However, there are also many replacement people in the improvement market, who must sell their existing (most likely a just-needed house) to have enough funds to buy and improve new houses.

Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

With the advent of allotment-type affordable housing, in the long run, the demand for commercial housing market will be more declining and improving will be more prosperous.

And some of the funds in hand are very limited, can only get on the car, old and small, relocation of the house, if there is no rigid needs such as schooling, marriage, etc., can really wait for a level of affordable housing, because once you blindly get on the car, the property you may hold, the decline will be greater than the cost of rent.

And those landlords who have excess commercial housing on hand are advised to sell it as soon as possible.

What would you choose? What do you think about this?

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  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?
  • Housing prices are cut in half! Placement type affordable housing is coming, who has the greatest impact?

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