
It's really hard to get old, and the final ending of the old man is basically the same

author:The daily life of autumn leaves

The two mothers around me often hear a sentence from their mouths, it is really difficult to get old. The two mothers often told me about the old people around them and what happened. I observed that the end of the old man was basically the same miserable.

It's really hard to get old, and the final ending of the old man is basically the same

Uncle Wang, who is downstairs from his mother, has four daughters, and his pension is more than 7,000 yuan a month, his wife died five years ago, and Uncle Wang found another wife, Uncle Wang has diabetes, and was amputated due to leg necrosis. Uncle Wang was crying downstairs in a wheelchair while telling the neighbors, and his mother said that he could make a five-foot man cry, how helpless and pitiful he felt.

It's really hard to get old, and the final ending of the old man is basically the same

Neighbor Aunt Zhang is 83 years old, has a daughter who is not very bright, Aunt Zhang handed over all the things at home to her niece, after Aunt Zhang was seriously ill, she couldn't leave people around her, and her niece arranged for her mother, that is, Aunt Zhang's stupid daughter, to take care of Aunt Zhang by her side. Aunt Zhang doesn't like her silly daughter by her side and hopes that her niece will take care of her. In order to keep her mother by Aunt Zhang's side, her niece scared her stupid mother and said, If you dare to leave my grandmother, I will not serve you in the future. At the same time, he also took away the key to his mother's house, and Aunt Zhang's stupid daughter couldn't go anywhere, so she could only stay with Aunt Zhang and take care of Aunt Zhang.

It's really hard to get old, and the final ending of the old man is basically the same

My mother-in-law's neighbor is an 87-year-old lady with two sons and a daughter. I often told my mother-in-law that my eldest son was coming home to pick me up, and I had to go back to prepare clothes, so the eldest son who came would help her make the meal, give the old lady medicine, let the old lady sleep, lock the gate, and go back to the city. The mother-in-law often heard the old lady in the yard, knocking on the door and shouting, open the door and open the door. The son of the same village has to go to work during the day, and only comes home at night to see his mother. The mother-in-law said that twice the old lady ran out in the middle of the night and could not find her home, and the sons went around looking for it, and now the children lock the old lady in the house day and night.

It's really hard to get old, and the final ending of the old man is basically the same

I have heard too many old people's last lives, they are very difficult, if the children don't care, or the children don't have time to care, it's really sad!

I advise the elderly who are about to enter the old age to be kind to themselves while they are young and can still take care of themselves!