
Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things and new season of life, build a beautiful habitat for Chinese

author:Home property headlines

In 2024, the Ministry of Commerce proposed to take the "Consumption Promotion Year" as the main line to promote the continuous expansion of consumption and enhance the recovery momentum of the consumer market. Under the trend of improving national living standards, the call for building high-quality consumption is increasing day by day. Based on policy-driven, we are committed to building a high-quality consumption environment, enhancing consumer trust with new and upgrading policies that benefit the people, and injecting new vitality into industrial development breakthroughs.

On June 27, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Huiwanjia Ceramic Tile and Xinhua Good Things and Life Rejuvenation Season was held in Foshan, and the two sides will carry out all-round in-depth cooperation around the vision of "Huimin Rejuvenate and Build a Better Future".

Pang Guoqing, general manager of Huiwanjia ceramic tile brand, said that this time he joined hands with Xinhua good things and life rejuvenation season to find the balance between brand culture and modern consumption value "break" and "stand", and through the influence and appeal of "Xinhua good things", continue to carry out and upgrade the "Huimin renewal" policy, resonate with the national policy at the same frequency, and actively undertake corporate social responsibility. At the same time, it effectively leverages the channel resource advantages and brand influence of both parties, and uses the concept of "good things" to promote the upgrading of product quality and consumption, and help Huiwanjia brand strength jump.

Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things and new season of life, build a beautiful habitat for Chinese
Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things and new season of life, build a beautiful habitat for Chinese
Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things and new season of life, build a beautiful habitat for Chinese

Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things, life renewal

Build a beautiful habitat with high quality

As a blockbuster column of Xinhuanet's client, "Xinhua Good Things, Life Renewal" joins hands with enterprises in the form of activities, aiming to help consumers choose good life products, display green, fashionable, mercurial, healthy and intelligent preferred products, and encourage more higher quality and more durable consumer goods to enter residents' lives.

Huiwanjia tile x Xinhua good things and new season of life, build a beautiful habitat for Chinese

As a powerful brand of the new Pearl Group, Huiwanjia Ceramic Tiles conforms to the overall deployment of the country, focuses on home consumption hotspots, and puts forward the brand marketing strategy of "Huimin Renewal, Building a Better Future" in 2024, and launches a number of national promotional activities with "Huimin Renewal" as the core, with high-quality products and high-quality services, so that Huimin will benefit the people, and become the first brand in the ceramic industry to respond to the trade-in, which is praised by the official media.

Huiwanjia ceramic tile and Xinhua good things vision is highly compatible, the cooperation aims to further strengthen the integration of brand culture and consumer culture, through the selection of good things for the people, Huimin renewal, build a quality of good life, promote the upgrading of quality consumption, and contribute to the healthy development of the building ceramics industry.

Xinhua is empowered by good things

Help Huimin rejuvenate

In the context of the continuous upgrading of the consumption era, in the ceramic industry for more than 20 years of Huiwanjia ceramic tiles have gone through the changes of the times, and now with Xinhua good things hand in hand, but also walk in the forefront of the times, the rise of quality consumption not only highlights the improvement of the national living standards, but also brings more inspiration and new business opportunities for the home market.

When it comes to the definition of "good things", it not only represents an item, but also a fashion, and the brand's confidence in product quality is the most essential gene of "good things".

Taking the strategic cooperation with Xinhua as a starting point, Huiwanjia Ceramic Tiles will deeply excavate and enhance the connotation of the brand's "quality home", carefully select materials, and make with ingenuity, and is committed to providing consumers with high-value, high-quality green products and professional home life solutions, improving the new experience of home environment, and helping people's quality life. At the same time, we will continue to carry out terminal marketing policies around the brand tonality of "quality life" and "Huimin Renewal", further deepen the brand IP of "Huimin Renewal, Build a Better Future", and open a new marketing format of Huiwanjia ceramic tiles in 2024.

With this strategic upgrade, Huiwanjia Ceramic Tiles will continue to seek innovation and change in the future, actively respond to the national policy of benefiting the people, assume the responsibility of setting an example of domestic brands, do a good job as a national ceramic tile brand trusted by Chinese, and help build a high-quality life for the people.

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